
Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger

In a wild twist of fate, I, a random person from another universe, find myself transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy's universe, Earth 65B. But there's a catch - this version of Peter Parker was destined to die, paving the way for Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider to fall in love with Miles Morales. Well, let me tell you, I'm not going down without a fight! First things first, death is not on my to-do list. Nope, not happening. Secondly, did I mention I refuse to die? Yeah, it's a firm no from me. Thirdly, you guessed it, I absolutely refuse to meet my untimely demise. P.S: Just to make things interesting, I am gonna put some dirt in everyone's eyes!! ~ I will be posting on RR as well.

_oinkchan · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Night of the Lizard

Gwen's voice carried a touch of dry humor as she muttered to herself,

"...well, that was anticlimactic."

Her eyes widened as she beheld the immense change that had befallen the Lizard. His once familiar form had undergone a radical and unsettling transformation, exemplified by his intense gaze and piercing red eyes.

His body had swelled to massive proportions, reminiscent of a gorilla, while his head resembled that of a fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex. Long, yellow claws extended from his fingers, gleaming ominously, and his entire body appeared slick with a slimy sheen.

Reacting swiftly to the Lizard's menacing leap, Gwen instinctively shot webs towards him in an attempt to restrain him. However, to her astonishment, the Lizard effortlessly shredded through the webs with his razor-sharp claws.

The realization of his enhanced strength sent a jolt of urgency through Gwen, she leaped down from the ceiling, her lithe figure landing atop the Lizard's massive shoulders.

Fueled by a mix of determination and resentment, she unleashed a powerful punch, channeling her strength into a single blow aimed squarely at his Tyrannosaurus-like head.

The impact resounded through the air, striking the Lizard with force and momentarily staggering him. However, his cunning nature came into play as his long, spike-covered tail swiftly coiled around Gwen, ensnaring her like thorns entangling a rose.

Rubbing his neck where a bit of smoke escaped, a wicked smile spread across the Lizard's face, a sinister expression of satisfaction.

"Spider-Woman.... have you decided on my offer yet?"

No matter how she wriggled or fought against his grip, the vice-like hold remained unyielding, leaving her temporarily at his mercy.

In a moment of apparent surrender, Gwen ceased her struggling and fixed her gaze upon the Lizard and spoke in an exaggerated tone.

"Yes. I have made my decision. I choose to join you. I desire nothing more than to grotesquely transform all of my friends into slimy Lizards."

A smile stretched across the Lizard's face, his repulsive yellow dinosaur-like teeth on full display. His elongated neck nodded in approval as he hissed.

"You have proven yourself worthy. Together, we shall embark on a campaign of conquest, ruling over the entire planet."

As the Lizard lowered Gwen, a wicked glint shimmered in his eyes. With a cunning smile, he began to loosen his grip, giving Gwen a false sense of relief before sneering.

"I was only jestin-

Seizing the opportune moment provided by the Lizard's slight loosening of his grip, Gwen swiftly took action. With the grace and agility befitting her acrobatic skills, she leaped into the air, delivering a powerful double kick to the Lizard's face.


She then smoothly slid between his legs, evading his reach. From her advantageous position, she delivered a forceful punch aimed at his tailbone, aiming to disrupt his balance and inflict pain.

The Lizard's enraged roar echoed through the air as he toppled onto his back, his attempts to regain his footing proving futile.

Before he could twist around to retaliate, Gwen unleashed a series of relentless punches to his stomach with an intensity fueled by her anger and determination.

Each blow landed with precision, unleashing a wave of pain upon the Lizard, temporarily incapacitating him.

"Grahhhhh!!!" The Lizard snarled, using his powerful tail, he struck her with a lethal blow, sending her hurtling through the air and crashing into the water with a resounding splash

The force of the impact left Gwen momentarily dazed and vulnerable, gasping for breath as she struggled to regain her bearings in the murky depths.

Rising to his full height, the Lizard towered over Gwen, his voice filled with fury and a sinister hunger.

"I shall take great pleasure in devouring you... Spider-Woman..."

Gwen fought against the pain and fatigue, drawing strength from the memories of her father that flooded her mind.

'No! I can't give up, I have to stand. I have to!'

Shutting her eyes, she recalled the countless moments of love, support, and guidance he had provided throughout her life, as well as the heart-wrenching sight of him lying motionless in a hospital bed, trapped in a deep coma.

Gwen's pain subsided as she opened her eyes. Without hesitation, she unleashed her webs, shooting them with precision and accuracy and with a powerful tug on the webs, she propelled herself towards the Lizard's face, using the web-slinging maneuver as a makeshift catapult.


A loud noise reverbreated in the air as she punched the monster with all she had. The Lizard began to writhe on the ground in shock and agony.

He was unable to rise, overwhelmed by the sheer power packed into Gwen's blow. A wave of indescribable pain surged through his body as bones shattered and regenerated, caught in an unending cycle of torment.

As Gwen approached the cornered Lizard, his broken, sinister laughter reverberated in the air, a chilling echo of his former self.

"Well done Spider-Woman. Well done. Now what? Are you going to kill me?"

His words hung in the air, presenting Gwen with a moral dilemma. The opportunity right in front, revenge was within her grasp. A choice that would determine her entire future.

The Lizard's smirk widened, his reptilian features contorting into a menacing grin.

"Time is ticking, Spider-Woman,"

The words of Uncle Ben, Peter's uncle, echoed into Gwen's mind as if a psychological cue. The teachings her father had shared with her came rushing back:

"With great power... comes great responsibility."

Growing up in a household with a single parent, working in the police force, Gwen had been instilled with a strong sense of discipline and the importance of adhering to rules.

Her father's demanding schedule meant that he was often absent, leaving Gwen to spend time at Peter's place.

In Peter's home, Gwen witnessed the nurturing environment fostered by Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Their values of kindness, compassion, and standing up for what is right resonated deeply with her.

The bond between Gwen's family and Peter's family ran deep, extending beyond mere friendship. George, Gwen's father, would frequently join Peter's family for dinner, treating Uncle Ben as a father figure.

With determination in her eyes, Gwen spoke with unwavering resolve.

"No, I won't stoop to your level. I choose not to let hatred consume me."

The Lizard laughed in a sinister manner, a smirk forming on his face.

"Too bad... because the nail that sticks ups... gets hammered down."

Suddenly a sharp, dark blob of blood shot out from the Lizard's eyes. Gwen's heightened spider-sense alerted her to the imminent danger, jolting her into action.

Reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, she leaped into the air, narrowly evading one of the blood bullets that flew past her. However, the other projectile managed to find its mark, grazing her chest as she narrowly missed a direct hit.

Gwen reeled backward, momentarily stunned by the force of the attack as pain seared through her body.

Gwen felt her body beginning to shut down, a chilling realization dawned upon her.


The dark blood that had grazed her chest carried a potent venom, seeping into her system and wreaking havoc on her body. The Lizard's attack had been laced with a light poison, designed to weaken his enemies.

The echoes of his sinister laughter reverberated through the sewers as he weakly crawled toward Gwen in an attempt to either kill or eat her.

A surge of panic coursed through Gwen as she fought against the paralysis creeping through her limbs. Her body trembled with the effort to crawl backward as tears began to stream down her cheeks unknowingly.

As the Lizard's jaws opened wide, revealing rows of yellow disgusting fangs, Gwen's heart pounded in her chest. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, bracing herself for what seemed like an inevitable fate.

In the darkness behind her closed eyelids, Gwen's mind raced with fleeting thoughts. Memories of her loved ones, her father, Aunt May, Uncle Ben... Peter flashed before her.

Biting her lips, she thought more about Peter at her final moments than anyone else. Him making her breakfast, his arms that radiated comfort, his weird cringe self and the way he would wink... and sometimes stare at her ass.

Gwen at that moment was heavily missing Peter. She thought aloud to herself at that moment.

'Maybe in another life... we could...'

In front of Gwen, the sound of rushing water and the ominous echo of the Lizard's approach gradually faded away into silence.

Gwen struggled to open her eyes as thoughts raced through her mind,

'Why hasn't this guy devoured me yet? Isn't death supposed to be quicker.'

Peeking open one eye, Gwen's shock intensified as she felt warm blood trickling down her forehead. However, it wasn't the blood that stunned her; it was the sight of a man standing in the place where the Lizard should have been.

Stuttering slightly, Gwen pointed at the man and spoke, her voice filled with surprise.

"Mr Ouboros!! You... you're alive."

The man in question stretched his arms, causing Gwen to notice the damage inflicted upon him. His attire had mostly melted away, revealing patches of his hat and his skin bore numerous burns, exposing the flesh beneath. He murmured softly.

"I wish I were dead."

Having warmed up slightly, he turned his gaze towards Gwen, a somewhat disgruntled expression adorning his face.

"My dear, you should consider pulling your punches. Seriously, it's really painful. Half of the time you were punching me more than the Lizard... and it still fucking hurts."