
Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger

In a wild twist of fate, I, a random person from another universe, find myself transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy's universe, Earth 65B. But there's a catch - this version of Peter Parker was destined to die, paving the way for Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider to fall in love with Miles Morales. Well, let me tell you, I'm not going down without a fight! First things first, death is not on my to-do list. Nope, not happening. Secondly, did I mention I refuse to die? Yeah, it's a firm no from me. Thirdly, you guessed it, I absolutely refuse to meet my untimely demise. P.S: Just to make things interesting, I am gonna put some dirt in everyone's eyes!! ~ I will be posting on RR as well.

_oinkchan · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Creeping Hunger

Meanwhile, as Mr. Poopoo kept Electro distracted, something bizarre occurred to Peter. The seemingly normal skin on his palm suddenly came alive, transforming into a sleek black surface resembling a posh glove with two glowing red eyes and a voracious mouth.

As Peter lost consciousness, the glove remained awake, and its hunger grew insatiable. Although Peter was slowly healing, the process would take too long, and the glove couldn't wait that patiently to satisfy its ravenous appetite.

The glove underwent a grotesque transformation, it started to separate into an unsettling swarm of translucent maggots, squirming with an unnatural hunger.

These eerie creatures, worked in unison as they chewed their way upwards from the wrist towards the elbow.

The sight was horrifying, as the relentless horde of maggots continued their relentless feast, eating Peter in a cannibalistic manner.

Suddenly a surge of dark energy emanated from them. In a miraculous instant, Peter's entire body underwent a profound regeneration.

It was a freakish scene, as all the wounds, burnt tissues, and fried nerve endings came to life and regenerated at astonishing speed.

His body seemed to pulsate with newfound vitality, healing itself with almost extrasupernatural rapidity, leaving no trace of the previous damage.

From Peter's nose, mouth, eyes, and ears, wisps of black smoke escaped, mingling with the gray fog that billowed out. Alongside the smoke, little crimson balls emerged, floating in the air like bubbles in soda, expanding and spreading across the entire football field.

The transformation escalated further as tentacles and maggots emerged from Peter's skin, writhing with life as they spread across his entire body, forming an additional layer of skin.

It was as if a Lovecraftian or antichrist force had taken control, reshaping him into something utterly unimaginable.

In the final stage of the metamorphosis, Peter's entire body took on a metallic grey hue, rendering him almost unrecognizable.

His face appeared entirely faceless, devoid of any traditional features such as a mouth or nose, except for one striking detail—a single, large, crimson eye that stared unblinkingly from the center of his forehead.

Indeed, the large crimson eye that now adorned Peter's forehead bore a striking resemblance to the one that was once embedded in the gloved hand. The resemblance was uncanny, but this time, rather than residing in the palm, the eye had taken a new position on his forehead.

As Peter remained in a slumber, the creeping hunger that had remained awake had now seized control of his body, transforming him into something akin to a malevolent and ravenous entity.

Abruptly silver chains formed and coiled tightly around Peter's metallic body, suspending him in the air, upside down, akin to a crucified figure.

His form hovered in a stationary position, seemingly held by an unseen force as the chains locked him in an unsettling position.

The dark glow from the crimson eyes intensified, casting an ominous aura that billowed furiously around Peter's suspended form. The once intangible hunger had now taken on a tangible form, enveloping the skies with its presence, akin to a vast black hole that swallowed everything in its path.

The creature hovered toward a constant, dissipating blue source of light within the darkness, almost like the entire area was its belly.

It gazed down at Electro with hunger, and the football stadium seemed to be its mouth, with everything inside slowly being digested.

The electric man was in a trance, he twitched back and forth constantly as if under great mental anguish. At the moment, he was undergoing a battle between his alter egos, a prisoner to his brain.

Eerie black wisps extended from the hanged man, reaching towards Electro. These wisps materialized into tentacles that coiled around him, enveloping him in a deadly embrace. With a haunting gentleness, the tentacles suffocated him, draining away the both remaining organic, and the electric parts of him.

When that was over, a blue crystal appeared, but unlike Dr. Connors's crystal, this one emanated lingering darkness. Within the depths of the crystal, a black miasma seemed to swirl, suggesting that the soul stored within had become corrupted or tainted by some unknown force.


In a matter of minutes, dozens of police officers waltzed inside the stadium having been tipped off all the abnormalities occurring on the football field.

As they entered, their faces contorted with a mix of shock and confusion, for their surroundings were suddenly plunged into complete darkness.

One of them muttered softly,

"Holy Jesus, have we entered into the apocalypse?"

Another officer, holding his gun above, spoke sharply,

"Don't get distracted; this is nothing compared to all the weird shit that has happened in the past few years."

The captain nodded at the two, though he couldn't look at them properly in the darkness. He spoke into his radio,

"This is Captain Morales reporting in. We've encountered an abnormality on-site. The sky is pitch black, and the atmosphere feels icy. Requesting immediate backup. This might be an emergency and potentially a code-red situation. There's a suspicion of possible alien involvement again. Proceed with caution, over."

However, the radio never chattered back; the device Officer Morales had been speaking into had already melted into thin air.

Even their torches and flashlights were slowly melting into thin air as the light escaped from the glass rims and faded ultimately.

Fear was etched upon the visages of each police officer that had entered inside the stadium. In front of them was true darkness, something humans had never witnessed before and in that darkness, all of them felt fear.

Each of them fell onto the ground, entering into a trance-like state as if they had taken a shit amount of drugs and were experiencing a bad trip.

They were engulfed in a battle with their alter egos, the lies they told themselves, the masks they wore, the sins they committed—their secrets devouring their very beings.

As their consciousness broke bit by bit, tentacles materialized around them, absorbing their blood, flesh, and emotions until nothing remained.

Slowly, the black wisps and gray fog began to fade away, along with the crimson plasma balls, converging with the enormous shadow in the sky. The shadow seeped inside the floating hanged man until the moon and the stars could once again cast their gaze upon the human plane.

When all of the darkness seeped inside the hanged man, the metallic skin began to crack and crumble, turning into dust, and Peter's levitating body fell onto the ground.

Without a scratch and looking perfect, as if it had not sustained any damage, Peter's eyes slowly fluttered open. A barrage of memories and knowledge flooded his brain.

He looked around the surrounding area, utterly astonished, as he walked toward the blue crystal. Picking it up, he glanced around to find Mr. Poopoo, the raven from before, a half-broken Stark Fabricator, a broken arc reactor, and Dr. Connors, all of these organic and inorganic things had not been devoured surprisingly.

Peter glanced down at his palm, where a sleek black glove remained. The eyes on it were wide open, and the mouth had a satisfied smile as it burped loudly.

'Did my protective feelings toward them influence my hunger enough to not devour them? Or did it sense that all of these materials are important to me?'

Unlike before, the black glove was extending until his elbow. Peter looked at it with horror as he did not know what to make of it.

'Why is my golden finger so weird? Also... what the fuck? Did it eat me for all of this to happen?'

He tilted his head to survey the entire area, Peter beheld a shocking sight. The entire stadium had been devoured by his golden finger.

Not a single trace remained of the once vibrant grass, the blazing flames burning that grass, the settled dust, the rows of chairs, or even the sturdy walls - everything had been completely consumed. The entire fucking stadium.

He looked down at his glove, the red eyes were starting to get droopy as they drifted into sleep, the mouth still curled up in a satiated smile.

Unlike before, Peter did not even feel hungry, it was a feeling he had constantly felt since the glove attached to him and gave him an extra sense and set of emotions. Peter felt an unexpected calmness as the hungry whispers completely died down.

'Is it finally satiated? Am I finally satiated? Are those maggots finally not fucking hungry?'

Peter shook his head, deciding to ponder the matter later. The glove represented the most significant mystery of his transmigration, being the only other anomaly besides himself.

He couldn't help but wonder if it might even be the reason why he had been transmigrated in the first place.

'After all this glove stores souls and devours every fucking thing out there. It's the main suspect to my transmigration.'

Peter softly sighed as he muttered aloud.

"There is a lot to think about, the glove, the newfound information, I will process all of it later... for now? I need some pants. I am completely naked."

With the stadium completely devoured, all that remained was an empty piece of land with passing cars on the road. In the distance, Peter could hear the sound of sirens approaching, indicating that the police were getting closer.

He lampooned to himself, laughing self-depreciatingly.

'I can't believe I am to be a wanted man in another universe.'

Using his partial super speed, Peter swiftly grabbed the raven, the tanning bed fabricator, arc reactor and Dr. Connors, dumping each of them inside a parked police car that was stationed outside where the stadium used to be.

With Mr. Poopoo in hand, Peter hurriedly jumped inside the car. As he searched for the key, the radio inside the car suddenly came to life.

"All units, we have a situation at Yankee Stadium. It's been obliterated according to camera footage. The initial dispatched officers are unresponsive. Check on their status and send backup immediately."

'Fuck! Where is the damned key???'

Peter furiously began to rummage for the key inside the car as he heard the police radio. His irritation grew only grew more upon not being able to find it.

Impatiently, he decided to secure the blue gem containing Electro's corrupted soul by placing it into a newly formed pit inside the glove. With a small crackle of electricity, the car roared to life.

Peter backed the car up before quickly shifting gears and driving straight ahead, with a destination unknown to man but a highway that lead to either heaven or hell.


A/N: If you are still confused then the next chapter will remove all the lingering confusion.

A river is flowing about to drown all of you, each of you has three stones. Give them all to Bob the Builder(_oinkchan) so he can build a dam to protect everyone.

No longer redundant eh? The glove. Patience is a virtue.

_oinkchancreators' thoughts