
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · アニメ·コミックス
191 Chs

Chapter 53

There isn't a single person fond of quantum physics who wouldn't be interested in the existence of parallel universes.

And no one can resist the allure of personally traversing through parallel universes!

Especially someone like Doctor Octopus, who loves climbing the technological ladder.

This is Mark's bargaining chip!

However, Doctor Octopus was cautious.

He didn't immediately believe what Mark said just because he said it.

"Do you have any evidence?" Doctor Octopus looked at Mark and inquired.

Mark shrugged, "I don't have evidence, but you might consider taking a gamble: either believe me or continue struggling with your research, which has a failure rate as high as 99%."

Doctor Octopus fell into silence.

Mark's words had struck a chord with him.

In his manic state, you could preach all the wisdom of the world to Doctor Octopus, and he would only give you two big slaps.

But now that his research problems were directly brought up, he had no way to argue back.

He couldn't even muster up any anger.

Because whether it was his original self or the crazed version under the influence of mechanical tentacles, at the core, he was a scientist driven to madness by his research.

While Doctor Octopus was silently contemplating, Toby Spider walked in from outside.

Mark looked at him and didn't see the figure of Green Goblin Junior.

Toby Spider explained, "Harry has already gone back."

Mark nodded; he wasn't concerned about Harry Osborn's whereabouts.

His actions were just meant to help Toby Spider and his good brother reconcile in a more peaceful manner, resolving the animosity born from a mistake.

After all, Toby Spider was that guy's best friend.

He looked at Doctor Octopus, "Doctor Octavius, what's your decision?"

Doctor Octopus also gazed at him, "What do you want me to do? And what can I gain from it?"

Mark's body trembled; he had been waiting for this question!

"Then let's start by discussing what you can gain," he responded.

"Sure," Doctor Octopus agreed readily.

"I can traverse different parallel universes. What do you think I can bring to you? Or rather, what is it that you desire the most?" Mark flipped the question back to Doctor Octopus. (A/N: Insert TV show Lucifer, lol)

Doctor Octopus fell into silence once again.

What did he want?

If parallel universes existed, what he wanted the most was...

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Finally, he spoke with a rare soft look in his eyes, "I want Rosie."

Rosie was his wife's name.

In the first experiment, due to Doctor Octopus's failure to consider the enormous gravitational issues caused by inertia constraints, a massive gravitational field formed during the experiment, attracting the glass at the experiment site and tragically killing his beloved wife, Rosie.

Her death dealt a heavy blow to Doctor Octopus and was one of the main reasons he transitioned from a renowned scientist to a criminal.

Mark nodded slightly.

The fact that Doctor Octopus could prioritize his deceased wife over caring about other-worldly technology or anything else spoke volumes.

"This wish can be granted," Mark said, his tone a bit odd, as if he had become the Shenron summoned from the Dragon Balls.

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Among the countless universes in the multiverse, there's surely a world where Otto lost Rose, and another where Rose lost Otto. If the opportunity arises, you'll be able to see her again."

Such a situation was not implausible.

According to the theories of quantum universes and the multiverse, parallel universes are born due to the irregular activities of quantum particles.

For example, consider crossing a road.

In the normal world, you walk directly from one side of the road to the other.

But now, a footbridge has appeared on the road, allowing people to walk across from above.

The footbridge represents Parallel Universe A of the "road."

Similarly, if you dig an underground tunnel beneath the road.

That "underground tunnel" could be considered Parallel Universe B.

For the same pedestrian—quantum particle—standing on one side of the road, there are now three different paths.

If you extend the road infinitely, the plot of the parallel universes will fork here, creating different worlds.

However, some might, for various reasons, return to the correct path.

Perhaps in one parallel universe, it's Doctor Octopus who died in the first experiment, not Rosie

And in that same universe, Doctor Octopus would die in the second experiment, making the only difference between these two parallel universes the interval between Doctor Octopus's two experiments; everything else would be exactly the same.

For such highly similar twin parallel universes, isn't the Rosie of that universe essentially the Rosie of this universe?

Of course, actually, if possible, there's a simpler method he could pursue.

That would be to travel back to a timeline earlier than this one, and save Rose before her death.

However, if he did that, it would create a time paradox or even give rise to a new parallel universe.

Manipulating timelines and creating new branches within them is the prerogative of "Eternity."

That literal God being typically don't concern themselves with the multiverse, but if too many new parallel universes suddenly sprout forth, who's to say they won't take notice?

Adhering to the principle of caution and restraint, Mark felt it would be best not to overreach before his strength was sufficient.

Doctor Octopus also recognized the urgency of the matter but could only nod in silent agreement.

Mark observed his reaction and finally released the last bit of tension he had felt.

This was his first time genuinely building influence in a parallel universe.

Beginnings are always difficult.

He didn't expect this kind of promise would make Doctor Octopus, such a brilliant scientist, work for him wholeheartedly.

At most, it was just giving him a direction to strive towards.

Desire is what fuels ambition and prevents wavering.

Mark said, "In addition to that, I'll help you access mature theoretical knowledge and more advanced research materials from other worlds."

Upon hearing this, Doctor Octopus was immediately intrigued.

Advanced knowledge from parallel universes!

This could save him from taking many detours!

"What can I do for you?" Doctor Octopus's tone had become much more earnest.

Mark replied, "Be my scientific advisor. First and foremost, let's start by improving the nanometal battle suit."

Doctor Octopus became interested when Mark mentioned this new term.

Nanotechnology, another new subject!

Subsequently, Mark stored away his battle suit and handed over the pendant-shaped control switch worn on his chest to Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octopus willingly accepted the job.

He saw this as Mark's initiation test for him.

Regardless of whether what Mark said was true or not, researching this nanometal battle suit wouldn't be a loss.

After all, he was also deeply interested in nanotechnology himself.

One immediate advantage was that if he mastered this technology, he wouldn't need to carry those four mechanical tentacles behind him wherever he went!

A scientist is a scientist.

Doctor Octopus quickly immersed himself in his work.


A/N: Give stones, please?

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