
Spider-Man : New Beginning

An ordinary teen gets an amazing chance that only a few have. Follow him as he leads a great adventure in his new life! ===== Note: Hi there, this is actually my first time ever posting a fanfic on the site so please bear with me. English is not my first language but I am using Grammarly so I hope it won't be too much of a problem. All criticism is appreciated so if you have any ideas on how I can improve or change please let me know! Please enjoy!

Apex21 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs


In the middle of the night while I was asleep black slimy liquid with shades or red started to envelop my body.

I felt ticklish, I tried to scratch the spot on my arm that was bothering me but I didn't touch my skin, my fingers dug into something, I was startled and immediately opened my eyes just before something black covered them.

I found myself somewhere dark, somewhere that was familiar but different. Everything around me was dark and as I turned my head around to see I saw it.

I saw something monstrous, large black eyes on a white face, the demonic smile, and a long tongue started me as I quickly backed away.

"Hehehe, what is wrong,? " It said in a demonic but kind of feminine voice if I can describe it that way. "What are you afraid of Host? Didn't you wish for me?" It asked.

Now that I am at some distance I can see it's full size, a nine feet tall giant of black and red, but you could see a female figure.

It's face white, as I described connected to a body that was black as the void itself it could almost camouflage itself with the space we are in, with white lines along its body and red veins, it or she looked really scary and totally badass.

"Woah...so you are the symbiote that I wished for?" I asked as I took in the entire form of the monstrosity called I know as a symbiote, she looks totally better than any symbiote ever. I thought.

"Yesss, and you, you are my host as I understand it?" She asked pointing at me.

"Well if you are what I think you are then yes, I am your host," I said. 'Finally, I can see one of my wishes and God this is so cool.'

"Well then host, I am currently fusing with your blood as we speak so we will officially be partners from tomorrow." It slurped in a demonic voice

"What, don't I have to subdue you? Are we just going to be friends, just like that?" I asked 'Don't I have to fight her to like use her powers or whatever?'

"Hahaha, I am created from your wish Host, there is no need to fight me I am created to help you as long as you live and we are kind of fusing to a genetic level so even if I wanted to I couldn't just reject you as my host as I would die." She explained.

"So, like we are together forever kind of thing? Well that's great to hear, oh, and by the way my name is Peter. What is yours?" I asked thinking that this was easier than I thought, but if I don't have to fight this symbiote then it's a win for me because even if I wanted to this is an alien with immense strength and I am just a four-year-old kid.

"My name is Havoc, pleased to meet you my host called Peter. I hope we do many things together." She said.

"I do too Havoc, so what are your powers?" I asked, this is the reason I wished for a symbiote, it's fused with my blood but it is also separate, it has separate abilities that come with it but also it can evolve and grow stronger while simultaneously making me stronger too.

"I have many, increase in overall physical attributes, regenerative ability, tracking ability, I can also absorb powers from other individuals if I can take their DNA, but it will start out on a basic level and you would need to train them yourself, I can also shape-shift and shape my body into weapons. I think I also have others but I don't really know what they are as I am just born, these abilities that I said are instinctive to me but I feel like I have more. It seems that we will have to learn partner." She said with her demonic smile.

"It seems that we will have to, and it's a pleasure Havoc, I hope we can be good friends."

"Me too, Peter, me too," She said.

As I was about to say something my vision got dark again and I opened my eyes.

I looked at my body and didn't find anything, I was wearing my normal pajamas, nothing seemed to change. But I felt my body brimming with strength, just pure strength but I have to calm down.

Now that I have the symbiote some things just got a little easier. I have to learn about some of my capabilities now that I have this power.

I have fused with Havoc so it seems that I am a part symbiote part human. And those shapeshifting abilities will come in handy when I need to steal some stuff, from bad people of course.

I got out of my bed and went into the bathroom, it was still early in the morning so Uncle Ben and Aunt May were still sleeping. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I went back to my room where I would test some of my powers. I can't just disappear from the house and say that I'm going out, or just jump out through the window as there might be people out there that would see me, so I have to test as much as I can in my room.

So as I saw in the movies and comics people usually can communicate with symbiote telepathically so I started talking in my mind [Havoc, you there?]

[Yes, I am Peter, what do you need?]

[Can you just show me what we are capable of now I want to test some of the things I can. do]

As I said that Havoc agreed and as soon as she did black and red liquid started to come out of my skin creating a thin, skin-tight layer all over my body.

Once it did I felt even stronger than when I woke up today, it seemed like I was able to throw an entire building like it's nothing 'Calm down Peter, deep breaths...you need to keep your calm in times like this.' I thought

I then came near my bed, now for a four-year-old child it would be impossible to pick up a bed as big as this one but I picked it up like it was nothing, I didn't even feel the strain.' This is so...COOL' I screamed in my mind from pure excitement.

I came near a mirror and asked Havoc to turn my arm into a blade and she did, my arm turned into a wide black and sharp as hell blade.

I then asked Havoc to turn me into Uncle Ben, and she did. I looked like the exact copy of my uncle. 'God I am so glad I wished for this' I thought with a smile. I couldn't wait to get my spider powers.