
Spider-Man into the SpiderVerse

What If? Miles Morales dies on the day he was bitten by the radioactive spider and someone else overtook his body. Will Miles Morales be able to change the Canon Events? And manage to beat his destiny or all his actions will just be for naught! - - - - {Give me POWER STONES} {If you like the book, then add it to your LIBRARY!} - - - - DISCLAIMER: I don't own spiderman character, it belongs to Sony.

rajpootX · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Night Walk

As the sun slowly set, Miles was laying down on his bunk bed and playing Minecraft on the phone, the front door was unlocked and a chubby Asian-American male walked in.

"Hey man," Ganke Lee said as he noticed Miles on the bed playing Minecraft on the phone.

"What's up dude" Miles replied.

"Nothing much, I'm about to do some work right now" Ganke Lee replied before pulling out his laptop and spending a couple of hours on it, doing who knows what, and then heading to bed.

Miles tried everything he could to fall asleep, but he just had too much energy. So, he was unable to take a nap.

Seeing as Ganke Lee was fast asleep and even snoring, Miles wore an all-black outfit before jumping off the window and carefully sticking to wall and crawled up to the roof of the dormitory.

He had to carefully crawl because it was his first time doing this kind of dangerous thing.

Tonight he was going to train himself to check the gain of EXP points.

With that being said he started stretching himself to warm up.

"ok, let's do it" the he started doing pushups.

He didn't stop until he reached 100 count. He had started to feel fatigued, and sweat started to drip from his face.

"Hooo" he exhaled lightly, "how can I feel fatigue just from this little exercise?"

He thought hard then it clicked him, "wait my main body died because it was not able to withstand the process of Genetic Enhancing after being bitten by spider."

"Looks like my body hasn't fully adapted to spider powers"

"Did the spider-venom leave some kind of hidden injury in my body?, anyways, I think system would be able to heal me after I Level-up."

After that he unfolded his status screen ...


[ God-Level Upgrade System

Host: Miles Morales

Age: 14


Spiderman [Lvl: 1 (15/100)]

-Strength, Defence, Reflexes, Agility, Senses, etc.

Bio-Electricity [Lvl:1 (0/100)]

Camouflage/Invisibility [Lvl:1(7/50)]

He noticed a change in his exp points.

"it seems I can indeed become stronger by exercising."

"Hehehehahahahahahah", then he started laughing like a madman.

- - - -

After exercising he crawled down from the roof and directed his gaze towards system pop-up, his stats had become something like this..


Spider-man [Lvl: 1 (45/100)]

-Strength, Defence, Reflexes, Agility, Senses, etc.]

"From the looks of it, I'll be able to level-up tomorrow" he said in anticipation....

- - - -

Walking through the city with his hood down, Miles walked towards the old train station, where he went yesterday do Graffiti with his 'Uncle Aaron'.

It was at that time that Spider bit him on hand and the original Miles Morales went R.I.P.

Even at this time of the night, the city of New York was surprisingly still wide awake, and many people could be seen walking around the streets.

He couldn't help but think of his previous life, it was just yesterday that he chocked on water.

"No need to think about it, now, I have a new life", he sighed and hurriedly made his way through the streets of Brooklyn.

After sometime he reached the old train station, there he also saw the Graffiti drawn by Miles.

Then, he got down to his 'business' to find the spider.

He was able to find the spider after some time.

"Sure enough, it is this spider that bit me yesterday."

He observed as he poked the spider with a stick, the dead spider kept flickering like being invisible and visible.

"Looks like it is because of this spider that Miles was able to get 'Bio-Electricity' and 'Camouflage."

He said as he flipped the spider upside down.

There was something written on its belly, It read 'ALCHEMAX' in bold capital letters.

"Heh! Sure enough, it is them doing experiments", he sneered, "but I am benefitting from all of this, so, it ain't that bad."

"Hehe" he chuckled to himself.

After that he crushed the spider completely and buried it's remains in the ground, so, that no one will be find out about it ever.

With that being done he started walking off from the place....

- - - -

Miles was back on the streets, he was making his way towards the academy.


As he walked past a certain dark alley, his ears couldn't help but pick up sounds of continuous crashing and assault.

"People are fighting here?" Miles thought as he stealthily moved to the side to observe the situation, he was cautious enough to not get too close.

Because there are no shortage of firearms in America, if you are not careful enough, then Spider-man or not you may capsize in gutter.

"Whattt?? I asked you to bring 4 of these and this is the shit you got me?" a vicious voice was heard as the sound of thrashing rang again.

Miles watched as a group of burly men viciously thrashed the young man on the ground.

"Ouch", Miles exclaimed softly as he watched the group of men beating the young man.

After listening for a while, he was able to understand that this was just a 'internal strife' in the gang, they had paid for some 'products' and the guy being beaten failed to deliver the package even lost some of it.

Even so, He wouldn't just watch all of this happen, at least he should knock them unconscious by beating.

Miles didn't rush into the scene as he was not sure if the people in that group have some guns, it would be hilarious if he took a shot and would probably have to transmigrate again.

With a light jump Miles clinged to the wall on his side steathly and started crawling until he reached the rooftop.

"I just need to beat the shit out every one of them, that simple" Miles said with a smile, although he appeared calm but, it was his first time being a Superhero, he didn't know what to do to do at all.

Tightening the hoodie around his head, Miles looked at the group of Gangsters brutally beating the guy before jumping down.


With a light kick, Miles sent a Gangster flying off the distance, he didn't used his full force otherwise that Gangster would have squashed to death.

A series of punches rang out once again, and all the Gangsters had been sent flying.

"that easy?" Miles looked at his hands then the miserable appearance of Gangsters.


Host Defeated 5 Gangsters, Gained 25 EXP Points]

A cold mechanical voice sounded in Miles's head before he could take a step.

"What?" A look of surprise appeared on Miles's face after seeing the pop-up appearing before his eyes.

Looking at the Gangsters, Miles felt that he is looking at the fat sheeps.

His gaze then was directed towards the the guy that was being beaten some time ago, his light kick made the guy unconscious.


Host defeated 1 Gangster, Gained 5 EXP Points]

"sure enough", seeing this pop-up, on his face grew a crazy smile that even he was not aware of.

After defeating the gangsters he was able to gain EXP that he could freely allocate in his stats and upgrade his Spider-Man powers.

Miles calmed down his breathing and didn't dare think about it too much, he looked at the gangsters, including the young man who had been beaten till he couldn't move anymore, and decided to leave the area.

It would be bad if anyone saw him here!

Miles immediately searched the bodies of Gangsters, and as expected they had a lot of money on them, nearly around 500 in total from all of them.

Miles deliberately avoided touching any of the packaged 'substances', they had on them.

Miles calmed down and made his way towards the academy, he needed to digest the gained EXP, it was too much for the first day.

After a few minutes of jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Miles immediately made his way back up the academy walls, and opened the window slowly.

Ganke Lee was still snoring and sleeping soundly.

He entered the room started taking off his clothes and made his way toward the bathroom, after cleaning himself, he propped himself on the bed and fell asleep.

- - - -

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