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- Sorry I'm late! - Peter Parker thundered into the lab.

It was the perfect moment, and Gwen took advantage of it, snatching her hand out of Miles' palm and striding towards the guy, panting.

- Peter Parker, why the hell did you run off the bus?!

- Um, I told you, I had to go to the shops.

- Then where's the shopping?

- Well...halfway through I realised that getting to the lab and working with Dr Connors was more important, so I jumped on the next bus and voila, I'm here - Parker smiles nervously.

Gwen squints at the guy, but then nods satisfied.

- Believe.

- I'm sorry to interrupt, but I dare remind you that such irresponsible behaviour is unacceptable. You've relaxed your lab technicians, Connors," Warren said caustically.

- I'm sure if Dr Connors is unhappy about something he'll tell me himself, without any helpers," Peter replies glumly.

- You little prick.

- That's enough! - Kurt interrupts. - Miles, you have to go.

The scientist grumbled and moved towards the exit, trying to push Parker in the doorway. But he felt as if he'd hit a rock. Rubbing his bruised shoulder, Professor Warren left the lab.

- 'Jerk,' Pete said quietly.

- Mr Parker, of course Dr Warren isn't the nicest person, but he's a respected professor, so please be at least a little more polite," Curt Connors said menacingly.

- 'I understand, I'm sorry, Doc.

- It's all right, Pete, Curt's not mad, is he, dear? - Martha asked softly, trying to quell the conflict.

- 'Yes, of course,' replied the doctor of science in a noticeably softer tone.

- Well, that's fine. Come on, Gwen, let's continue your research, I'm sure you've solved the protein mass issue.

The ladies retired to an adjacent research room.

- So, Peter, are you with the data from our study?

- I am. I'd also like to discuss a development I've recently discovered.

The work of science luminaries and their protégés has begun.


Middle of the day.

Norman Osborne.

After taking Globulin again, it would have been a good idea to lock himself in his private chamber and destroy it properly. But right now he couldn't afford to give in to his passions.

Lately, Ozborn had been haunted by nothing but failure.

And now it was time to fix one of them.

Valuable resources were slipping through his fingers, but he could not let it slip away.

Norman has invested too much in the "Power of the Sun" project and even though the result is not the same, it can still be worked with.

Norman Osborne's limousine pulled into the police station car park.

After passing the obstructing police officers, the head of the multi-billion dollar corporation walked into the commissioner's office.

- Who the hell are you? Why the hell are you barging into my office without knocking?! - said the cigar-smoking, obese man with unkempt stubble.

- Commissioner Bowle? - Norman asked with a slight coldness.

- I suppose so. And you are?

- Norman Osborne. Director of Oscorp, aka Osborne Industries.

- Oh, I've heard of it. Still, Mr Osborne, don't they teach billionaires to knock? - the commissioner reclined in his chair.

- I'm afraid my case is urgent.

- I bet you're referring to the recent incident with... what's-his-name... oh, right, Dr Octopus?

- I beg you not to use that name. Dr Otto Octavius is a respected scientist and a member of my staff. He was injured during the experiment and this is just a big misunderstanding.

- So," the policeman rested his elbows on the table and folded his fingers in a little house, "then tell me, Mr Osborne, why was your employee in a clandestine medical centre instead of a proper medical facility, you mean you didn't know it was illegal?

The arrogant tone of the pig made me want to grab him by his fat face and squeeze his skull like a rotten melon, but the man held back his Goblin self in time.

- You see, I allowed that after the tragedy, Otto might have been a danger to others and made sure to place him in a place where proper medical care could be given without risk to outside patients.

Norman placed the briefcase on Bowl's desk.

- I'm sure this will be enough to show how ashamed I am of the incident.

The commissioner opened the briefcase incredulously and froze in astonishment.

- Yes...yes, I'm sure that's enough.

A million dollars. A paltry fee for a specialist of Octavius' level.

Though how would that troglodyte know.

- May I visit my employee?

- Of course, Mr Osborne, my boys are guarding him now, but I'll have a patrol take you to the hospital where he's being held.

- Thank you.

The men shook hands.

Norman left the Commissioner's office with contradictory emotions: on the one hand, corrupt elements in the higher echelons of power were undoubtedly useful, the story of Otto was an example of that; on the other hand, Osborne was uncomfortable that such a thing was possible in his country.

Change was needed.

Osborne's decision to run for mayor was only strengthened.

And then it would be a short walk to the presidency.

They got to the hospital quickly.

- Mr Osborne? - Norman was greeted by Otto's personal physician.

- Doctor," the man nodded in greeting, "how is Otto?

- Dr Octavius' condition is close to normal. We're keeping him heavily sedated. To prevent further...outbursts," the doctor replied nervously. - Thank you for providing a device to contain these....

- Manipulators," Osborne prompted.

- Correct.

They reached the ward. There were two policemen on duty at the entrance. They seemed to have received new orders, however, for the men went inside unhindered.

Otto was lying on the couch. Doc Ock's tentacles were locked into a large metal structure that was positioned behind his back, between the bed and the wall.

- We've lowered the dosage of the medication.

- Thank you, Doctor.

The doctor nodded and left. He seemed uncomfortable being in the same room as Octavius.

Norman walked over to the patient's bedside.

- Otto, can you hear me?

- Y-yes," came the scientist's lost voice after a while.

- How are you feeling?

- Better.

Osborne concentrated.

- Do you remember anything?

- The explosion. Oh, no, Rozzie-- Otto's voice reflected his confusion and pain. - I made a miscalculation.

- It's not your fault, - Norman put his hand on the scientist's shoulder.

- Who are you?

- Dr Norman Osborne. I'm the one who sponsored your project.

- You did? - Otto clarified in astonishment. - How... why?

- Because your research had tremendous potential and I'm sorry the envious spoilt it.

- What, spoilt," the structure holding back the manipulators rattled slightly, "by envious people?

- That's right. Herman Orn, I thought I could count on him to be my representative on the project, but Dr Orn's ego overrode reason. He ruined your calculations. So many dead. Poor Dr Davis.

With every word Norman said, the creaking of the containment device grew stronger.

But Osborne remained equally calm.

Firstly, he had designed the shackles for Octavius' tentacles himself and was confident in them. Secondly, after a dose of globulin, Octavius and his manipulators posed no threat to Norman. The darkest part of the man, even hoped they would break free, so that he could study the extent of their harm.

However, the squeaking stopped.

- Why are you here, Dr Osborne? - The scientist leaned back exhaustedly on the bed.

- What has happened is terrible. But I'm sure you'll want to finish what you started. I'm prepared to provide you with a private underwater laboratory at the bottom of the Hudson River. No one will dare disturb you there, and your device will aid in your research.

Octavius was silent for a long time.

And Norman hoped that he had not voiced too much, too soon.

- I have a condition," Otto said after a long silence.

- Of course, what is it?

- Orn. I want his head.

Osborn smirked.

- I'm sure we'll think of something," Norman put his hand on the shoulder of Octavius, who had turned away, and smiled.

Another puppet was caught in his bonds.


An apartment in the centre of New York.

Middle of the day.

Felicia Hardy.

- Yes, hello, the Hardy Foundation would like to discuss the terms of the fundraiser once again," the blonde woman said over the phone.

- 'Of course, Miss Hardy, but we discussed the terms with your mother.

- My mother is in Europe, and the Oscorp Medical Centres opening party is in a week's time. The responsibility is mine," she repeated tiredly, for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

- 'Of course, Miss Hardy, stand by.

The blonde tossed the phone on the bed and leaned back on the pillows.

Felicia plunged headlong into her work for one purpose only, but the thought stuck in her head didn't want to go away.

"He has a girlfriend."

Hardy thought brokenly.

Of course a guy like that would have a girlfriend, but it wasn't like she had imagined it, there really was a spark between them, wasn't there?

Suddenly the girl was seized with anger.

"Oh, come on, it's not as if that arthropod's a big deal."

But as the flash of anger appeared, so quickly it disappeared.

With a weary sigh, Felicia rubbed her face with her palms.

"No, it won't work that easily. I know myself."

The girl's feelings for the hero flashed new colours after their unexpected teamwork.

The cat was a thief and, what's to say, a very good one. So she tried to honour the memory of her father, the greatest thief of all. Robbing the rich who had illegally gained their possessions, she felt a sense of unity with her missing parent.

But, contrary to her deeds, the girl was not evil. When she witnessed people being attacked, she couldn't stand by.

Not after what she herself had experienced.

Echoes of memories long buried deep inside caused a shudder.

No. It's in the past. It wouldn't happen again.

Still, the idea of working with Spider and fighting evil together. Real evil. had taken a firm hold on Cat's mind.

"Besides, no one's stopping me from trying to wrestle you away from that girl," the girl thought with a cheeky smile.

The blonde's musings were interrupted by a phone call.

Once again it was time to get to work.


Dr Connors' lab

Peter Parker.

6:00 P.M.

Working with the doc has been extremely fruitful. It's a pleasure to work with someone who understands your thinking and adds value to it.

After discussing my work and taking the notes of the research, vowing to deal with them, Connors retired to his office, "to work on additional research"

I, left alone, decided to make use of the lab's facilities and test some of my hunches. The samples of my own research were left in a conspicuous place, if at least one lab technician was present. It couldn't have been a more perfect opportunity.

Of course, I believe in Doc's abilities, but it wouldn't hurt to compare his research with my father's. Still, Richard Parker's notes on genetic modification struck me. It was like I was reading about what was happening to me. It was his main speciality, no doubt. Only the truly enlightened in the field could describe the material so well.

My father had his own ideas. And I have the necessary reagents. Why not try to develop the serum myself?

Of course, I'm not going to pretend to be an expert. I'd rather trust Maria and Kurt on this one.

Just an option.

I was distracted from my work by the sound of an incoming message.

"Tiger, hey, where are you?"

"Hey, Carrot-top, is something wrong in the lab?"

"No. Me and my aunt are visiting May."

Suddenly I feel fear sticking to my throat.

"Is she okay?"

"Yes. Much chipper than before. She wants to see you."

"I'll be right there.

The research will have to wait.

Saying goodbye to Doc Connors, I ask him to tell Gwen I had to leave urgently.

In the rush of trying to get somewhere else in time, Peter didn't notice Kurt carefully hiding the vial of bog-coloured liquid. 


Leaving the lab and running to the bus stop. Ever since Mary found out the secret of my identity, the only way I get to the hospital now is by bus.

The journey doesn't take long.

Thirty-five minutes later, I'm on the right floor. This hospital wing has become almost home, sadly enough.

Not far from my room, my girlfriend is waiting for me.

I greet MJ with a kiss. The redhead responds eagerly.

- How long have you been here?

- About ten minutes. You just left.

- That's not what I meant. How long have you and Anna been here?

- Oh. Since this morning.

I'm struck dumb.

What an idiot I am. Mary and Mrs Watson come to see May every day. They spend more time with her than I do.

There's a warm feeling inside.

On impulse, I take the girl's hand and leave a light kiss on it.

- What's got into you, Mr Parker? - asks the pink-haired girl.

- Did I tell you that you're amazing?

- You don't get to say 'amazing'," the girl leans in close to my ear, "Mr Spider.

- I'm allowed to.

- Let's go, chatterbox.

Watson's dragging me to my room.

I thought the atmosphere in hospital rooms didn't change. But it turns out the atmosphere changes with the patient. Inside, the sun was shining brightly, the air was fresh from the airing and everything seemed cleaner. Actually according to the patient herself.

Mei looked much better. And even laughed a little when talking to Anna.

Truly, time heals.

- Peter," my aunt looked at me with such joy that I just froze.

Sensing the atmosphere of the moment, Mary grabbed Mrs Watson and said we should be allowed to talk in private.

When the door closed. I was still hesitant to do anything for a long time.

- Honey, sit down," May was the first to point to the chair next to her bed.

I sit down on the indicated place and take the woman's hand.

- How are you?

- Better," the woman replies sadly. - Peter, - May presses her lips together, - I'm sorry, darling.

- For what? - I ask shocked.

- For being so selfish. When I realised Ben was dead, I shut everyone out. Memories of being with your uncle, the happiest moments. It was so bittersweet.

The woman trembled slightly, but I only clenched her palm tighter, trying to calm my own emotions.

After calming down, Auntie continued.

- But I had no right to do that. I lost Ben, but you didn't just lose your uncle, you thought I might die after the accident. Forgive your stupid aunt for the way she acted.

I can't bear to hug May.

- You don't have to apologise for the way you acted, Auntie. The most important thing is that we have each other," I pull away and look at the woman with a smile, "remember what Ben said, 'as long as the family is with us, everything's okay'.

May laughs lightly.

- Yes, Ben was like that.

Once again we hug.


Daily Bugle.

It's close to evening.

The door to Jonah Jameson's office slammed loudly.

- What's that supposed to mean?! - Bogle's chief reporter growled menacingly at his boss.

- Be more specific, Urich, I can't read minds," Jamieson replied just as angrily, going over the options for the front page.

- In a week I'm going to have an event I've been preparing for for months, and suddenly I find out that instead of one of the best photographers I've worked with in my career, and believe me, that's high praise, you're sending me a hastily hired kid who's only been here three days!

- Marty's a capable guy.

- He's Marvin. It doesn't matter. Why did you fire Peter?!

- That ungrateful bastard missed the big event that made the competition whitewash the Spider Bandit's reputation by making him a neutral figure and a hero in the eyes of some idiots.

- So this is all about your obsession?

- There is no obsession! The Spider is a threat, full stop. And Parker didn't apologise or even dare to open his mouth when I sacked him and that's after what I did for him! - Jonah stormed off, throwing the newspaper sheets up in the air.

The situation with the boy had hurt him, even if he tried to hide it behind his usual rage.

Ben, on the other hand, was more cold-blooded.

- You certainly didn't try to find out what his reasons were," the reporter said, not asking.

- No reason at all, he was probably out with a girl, teenagers, we've seen it all.

Instead of answering, Uhrich just put the newspaper in front of Jonah.

- What's this?

- You've refocused the team on bigger news, but an old friend of mine works at the Plains, open page six.

Jamieson grudgingly opened the edition to the correct page and the further he read, the paler he became.

Bridge. Accident. The victims are Ben and May Parker.

- Is that accurate? - After a five-minute silence, he asked John in a whisper.

- Did I ever come in with unverified information? 'That's right, not namesakes,' Uhrich sat down tiredly in his chair, 'Ben Parker died the next day.

- What do we do? - Jonah asked lost in the void.

The reporter took the question personally.

- I'll tell you what," said Uhrich, "find the guy's address and crawl back to him on your knees!

Ben jumped up, but left before the door:

- You made a mistake, JJ, so have the courage to fix it.

The closing door left Jonah alone with a realisation.


Peter Parker.

For the first time in a very long time, I was happy.

After Mary and Anna came back, we spent many hours together, just, talking. I hadn't felt a family atmosphere since Uncle Ben's death. Now there was something like it.

Reception time was over. I was going to stay with my aunt, but May sent me home, telling me to get a good night's sleep, "because I'm pale."

As I left the room, I pulled MJ slightly towards me, signalling that we needed to talk in private.

- 'Aunt Anna, can you wait a minute?

The woman nodded and sat down on the sofa. We stepped back to the window.

- What's wrong?

- Go home by yourself. I have a case I've been avoiding for a long time, - I said seriously.

- Is everything all right? - The girl said, squeezing my palm.

- Better than ever," I kiss Mary on the forehead.

Calling a taxi for the ladies, I send them home.

After saying goodbye, I look after the car.

It's time.

I walk through the crowded city streets until I manage to duck into a dark alleyway.

Putting on my mask, I change my clothes as I run along the wall to the roof.

It's a good workout.

Shooting out a web, I start to fly towards one of my hiding places.

Interspersed with that, I monitor the event on the streets a bit. It's all quiet today. Though maybe it's just too early.

I get to the location.

Landing on the roof, I approach the water tower.

I climb up the tower and jump inside.

The stuff is in place. I scrutinise the wooden surface just in case.

It's clean.

I take off the Spider suit and put on Rukt's uniform.

As much as I'd like to leave them behind, the throwers join the suit.

It's going to be a long run.

I jump out of the water tower and run towards the bay.

Still, it's a good thing, an excuse to stretch my legs.

I jump over the rooftops.

I cling to the wall and, jumping away from the canopy, I grab the crane sash. Climbing to the top, I jump to the nearest new building.

Forty minutes later, I find myself in front of the outermost block of flats on South Force Street.

I jump over and crawl to the top.

Once on the roof, I look around.

A small black suitcase immediately grabs my attention, but I don't go near it until I've fully explored the roof and meditated for ten minutes, listening to my gut.

Okay, there's no more avoiding responsibility.

I take a deep breath and bring my hand to the object. No response. I open the lid.

The tape starts playing.

- Hello, Spinner," Tombstone's voice, altered by the programme, "You're a busy man, so let's get right to it.

Lines of names and dates start running across the monitor. There's something in the region of seventeen items in total.

- This is a list of all major operations for the next two months. I strongly recommend not to interrupt them, if possible you can help.

I'm out of here now.

I'm scrutinising the list. For good or bad, I missed half of these operations while I was busy with personal problems. To my own shame, I realise that if I hadn't been attentive enough on patrols, I would have missed them. Need to brush up on my detection skills.

- One last thing. There's a charity event on the ninth of October, and I'm playing a part in it, I'd feel more comfortable if, in addition to the event security and my men, there was a superhero nearby. It'll have a positive impact on your final reward. And as for our fat friend, here are three locations where he's storing the drugs. It's up to you what you do with it. Good luck.

I study the addresses and, five minutes later, the suitcase starts to ripple and the briefcase catches fire.

Self-destruct system. Neat. 

Well, this is what happened.

Honestly, it's not that bad. Or is that because I'm in a Rukt suit?

Either way, I have the advantage now that my enemies don't know about multiple disguises. And Tombstone is an enemy, don't forget that.

I realise I have nothing more to do here, and resume my nightly jog back to my original costume; I still have to visit Doc Connors tonight.


NYU lab.

Dr Curt Connors.

After saying goodbye to the students and sending his wife home, asking her to give Billy a kiss before bed, Kurt returned to his lab.

Walking over to the safe, Connors dialled the combination. From an open container he withdrew several dark green flasks. They contained a substance known as the Transfiguration Serum.

The very development for which Kurt had been awarded an additional research grant by the university council. The substance was based on lizard DNA.

Funny, because it was for his contributions to reptilian studies that he'd been invited to take a chair at the University of Arizona.

Connors squeezed the vial. In his hand, he had a development that could give him back a second limb long lost in a hot spot. So why is he procrastinating...

The risks.

Just the thought that an unforeseen serum reaction could rob him of his wife and son.

Kurt returns the vials to the safe.

It's not worth it.

It's better to improve the formula and then we can try it. Perhaps Peter can help me with that?

Yes, Mr Parker impressed the scientist as a rather gifted lad. Not many of his peers, even among the other applicants, can talk science on Kurt's level. Alas, the genetics specialist was not spared the scourge of most scientists - a certain arrogance. But in Kurt's case, it was minimal.

The scientist was about to close the laboratory and go home when he was distracted by the sound of knocking at the window. It would have been nothing, but the source of the noise came from above.

When Kurt looked up, he was surprised to see New York's hero, Spider-Man, waving at him from the glass roof.

Opening the glass casement, a man, or was it a guy after all, in a red and blue suit began to descend on his web. Head down.

- Pardon the intrusion, Doc, but I've got business for you," the hero spoke up, jumping up and finding himself on the same plane as Kurt.

- What can I do for you?

- Do you know the name, Maria Crawford?

- Is she all right? - Connors asked worriedly.

- She's fine, but she recommended you as a specialist.

- You need a geneticist? - raised an eyebrow at the scientist.

- That's right. You see, there's something going on with my abilities. As Dr Crawford and I found out, I'm mutating, but, due to recent events, my body has been given a...boost.

"A kick," thought Spider.

- Hmm, well, let's check what's wrong with you, - Kurt invited the newfound patient and began to prepare the equipment.

The hero himself expertly rolled up his sleeve and prepared to wait.

- Looks like Maria's got you in a routine, huh?

- That's right, doc. No "you," by the way. Just Spider or Spidey.

- I'll keep that in mind," Kurt walked up to the hero and took a sample of his blood.

The room was silent for ten minutes.

- Amazing! - Kurt exclaimed.

- Yes, Maria said the same thing.

- Something incredible is really happening to your body at this moment. Biomes...tell me exactly what kind of 'jolt' your body has experienced.

- A jolt of electricity.

- Unbelievable! - Connors leaned back in his chair and ruffled his hair. - Did you notice anything strange after that?

- This morning a spark passed between my fingers, and in the afternoon I felt my palm heat up, releasing the energy in a safe place and cracking a brick wall.

The silence dragged on.

- Jesus! Do you realise what's happening to you!!!? - unable to contain himself, the doctor jumped up to the hero and grabbed him by the shoulders, grinning broadly as he did so. Only when he realised what he was doing did Kurt move a respectful distance away.

- Honestly, not so much.

- Somehow, your body has found a way to expel excess energy, in this case electricity. A similar ability to manage biological electricity is seen in stingrays and electric eels. In fact, you're the first mammal to be able to do that!

- Um...cool...I guess. Is this a one-off?

- Excuse me? - Kurt was in his own thoughts and didn't hear the masked hero's question.

- My body just got rid of the excess energy, right, the spontaneous explosion won't happen again?

- And here's where it gets interesting," Connors moved away from the microscope, "look.

The spider studied the sample and discovered nothing new, the same state of molecules as in the morning sample from Dr Crawford.

- Your body is...learning to process the biological electricity of your body," the scientist whispered conspiratorially, as if hiding the greatest secret of the universe.

- Is it dangerous?

- Hardly. Unless you intend to re-absorb a prohibitive amount of current, powerful explosions should not be repeated. Though I'm not sure how things will turn out when your body's reconstruction is complete. I can only offer advice based on the behaviour of stingrays or eels. Avoid fear or extreme stress.

- Yeah, with my job," chuckled the hero, "So I'm to be congratulated on my new ability?

- Yes. Congratulations.

- Thank you," the hero looked noticeably fresher, "thank you so much Dr Connors, you've been a great help.

- You're welcome, and while you're at it, you can call me Kurt. Doc was good too.

- Roger.

The men shook hands.

- Have a good evening, Doc.

- Bye, Spider-Man.

Spidey was about to leave, but turned around at the end.

- One more thing," he began a little awkwardly.

- Yes?

- 'Don't take this as a vote of no confidence, Doc, but would you mind destroying my blood sample?

Again, not to be rude, it's just that Doc Crawford has a private lab, and you have students here...

- I got it, Spidey," Kurt said without further ado, taking the sample in his tongs and holding it up to the octane torch to burn out all traces of DNA.

- Thank you," Spider-Man shot up to the ceiling and climbed onto the roof and left the lab.

Dr Connors sat in his chair for a while, but after a few minutes, he resolutely headed into the office. He needed to get in touch with Maria.

And neither the scientist nor the departing hero knew that their conversation had an unexpected witness.