
Second Breath

This chapter is dedicated to new patreon Alexander Spoor.

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Lots of stories there.


26 August.

Six months later.

Spider-Man flew over the high-rises of New York City and reflected on what had happened.

It's been a very hot summer. Both literally and figuratively.

After the story I called "The Warehouse Incident," I had to go underground.

And no, I didn't disappear off the radar. I've just become a lot more discreet. Firstly, now I mostly stick to the heights, and I try to patrol and study the heights of the Big Apple. Secondly, from now on, my prerogative is to rescue cats from trees and stop small-time crooks.

I was wrong from the start.

First mistake, only showing up at night. To maintain at least the appearance of being a "Friendly Neighbour", I should fly more often and help out in daylight, building up a reputation. Plus, this way I ensure a frequent stream of photos of Jonah.

It's not that I'm ass... really scared of serious rams. Quite the contrary. I'm well aware that the story is far from over and I need to be prepared.

That's why all serious activity had to be curtailed. Basically all the energy during those months went into training.

By the way, congratulations, I've had a breakthrough in Spider Sense. I can now not only sense danger, but also track its source.

I trained this enhancement because of the dramatic increase in the number of people hunting for my image to sell to various publications. And since I see them as a threat, it's even easier.

The development is certainly underway, even at a breakneck pace, but it still feels like I haven't experienced the tip of the iceberg called Spidey Sense.

There have also been changes in Peter Parker's life.

To start with the basics. Family.

With Ben and May, the relationship has gone through a definite change.

Over the course of six months, I made an effort to show them that from now on, Peter was not as domestic as they were used to seeing him. I guess the days started to follow a pattern of seeing each other in the morning and then in the evening for an hour or two. I tried to hide these changes by spending weekends with my family, but eventually they realised and started asking questions.

Ben was the first to go. He was worried about whether I'd fallen in with a bad crowd, or whether I'd become a drug addict, and other assumptions of my frightened parents.

I, of course, tried to blame it on my studies and work, because I was after the Spider and other scoops, and hanging out at home a lot wasn't exactly career-enhancing, plus my friends. But he didn't seem to believe me.

We've been in a bit of a neutral position ever since. Of course, the warmth of home hasn't gone away, but Ben's a little distant. Probably thinks my "growing up" is splitting the bond.

Oh, if only it were that easy.

Things with my friends are pretty quiet, too. The bond with Gwen, Miles and Harry has only grown stronger. Now we often hang out at someone stable a few times a week. So my excuses for leaving for family aren't always lies.

We usually holiday at Harry's as, the most space and more often than not, complete discretion. As I suspected, Norman was hardly ever at home, as for Harry's mother, according to Osborne Jr himself, she often travels around Europe and is involved with the Osbornes' charities.

Not sure, but there seems to be something brewing between Miles and Gwen.

Also met Mr Stacey himself.

Originally in the guise of Spidey.

It was one of the few "overnight" cases. I passed on bank robbers and spoke to a cop rep for the first time. In dialogue, not monologue. That representative turned out to be George. At that moment I realised that suddenly, to myself, I'd made a friend on the force and he wasn't the only one who appreciated my help. Of course, the fact that I wore a mask made me a little distrustful at first, but my silly jokes and cheerful disposition melted the icy cops.

Also celebrated my seventeenth birthday.

So it's all relative.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

Clinging to the building, I watch two very familiar young men climb out onto the roof. Yeah, that's an afro and that baldness is unmistakable.

- You idiot, why'd you set off the alarm?

- Shut up and run before the cops come.

Suddenly, something sharply bound the right and left legs of the partners, knocking them down.

- Well, well, well, if it isn't my favourite duo, Biba and Boba, I mean Trapster and Bonesaw. What are you guys doing here so late?

- None of your business, Flyboy. Get him! - Trapper's trying to hit me with a bag.

- Really? Where's your glue gun? Didn't the cops give it to me when they let me out?" I got nothing. - Really?

- Shut up! I need the money to get a new one.

- Yeah, that's right, they say a sucker is destiny," I put a tube of glue on his face and hit him on the roof slate.

- But unlike this idiot, I always have my knuckles with me, - the second opponent hit his fist against my fist, - let's dance, stenolaz!

- You know, I think I'll give up," I shot a thread at the knuckle-dragger and, after pressing the button, let the current discharge.

Electric spider web. It took me a long time to figure out how to make it work, but it never failed in training. And it still does.

The tricky part is preparation. It is necessary to load one plug into the web-shooter and carefully distribute the load, so as not to burn the throwers. That's a development we'll have to work on. But Bonesaw is knocked out, and I'm glad. 

- Wait for the cops, boys," I webbed the bandits to the roof.

Sure, these guys are way out of my league, but I can handle the likes of these guys. Maybe the months of training paid off. Yeah, and I've been seeing a lot of them. They're annoying.


All right, as much as I'd like to fly a little more, it's time to go.

What is it?

There's a silhouette moving on the roof below me.

Well, well, well.

I'm coming down and landing behind one of the roofs behind me.

I'm not imagining it. Dark cat suit, white hair.

Black Cat, aka Felicia Hardy.

I don't know how to react.

- Meow, I thought this was going to be a casual evening affair, but it looks like fun is in store.

- I fly around New York a lot, but this is the first time I've seen a hottie like this. What am I saying?

- Oh, wow. I've recently returned to the Big Apple and heard about Spider, but I had no idea he was such a flatterer," Cat said, sharply bridging the distance between us and placing her palms on my chest.

The scent of her perfume hit my nose sharply.

- It's dangerous for a lady to wander alone at night these days, so why don't I walk you home?

- I'm sorry, darling, but I'm a cat that walks on its own. Really, if you want to keep me company," she brings our faces closer together, "then catch up!

Quickly breaking the distance, Felicia raced to the other end of the roof.

You signed up for this, Parker. Let's play.

I'm going after Kitty.

Jumping off the roof, the girl hooked her winch onto the nearest ledge, flying to another building.

A few seconds later, she was caught up by a completely unperturbed, flying headfirst into another building.

- What's up?

The cat only grinned and jumped off. The spider followed her.

It was like an aerial gymnast dancing or flirting. In every movement and acrobatic pirouette, one could feel the spark that flashed between the two. It seemed that you could feel the electricity in the air with your skin.

Simultaneously, Spider and Cat landed on the roof.

- It was funny, but it's really time for you to return what you stole," the tights-clad hero said in a slightly relaxed tone.

- How did you understand? - The girl's excitement and tension, gave away only a slightly changed posture.

- A small bag behind your back. It's usually used by thieves.

Honestly, I just made that up. But you have to disguise your "omniscience" somehow.

- Wow, not only sexy, but also smart," Cat began in a seductive tone.

Eroticly moving her hips, she began to approach Stenolaz.

- Tell me, my dear, why do we have to be enemies? If you want, I'll share the spoils.

- That's a tempting offer, but I don't honour stealing.

- Too bad," the girl said in a deceptively disappointed tone.

Abruptly opening her claws on her gloves, the cat tried to make a surprise attack on Spidey. To the spider's pre-warned instincts, this action came as no surprise.

- At least tell me what you stole. Or if it's the children's hospital bills, my conscience will be relieved at the thought of having to injure a lady.

Abruptly, the girl stopped attacking, twitching like a blow.

- Do you think I can steal from children? - Hardy said sadly, turning away.

Oh shit, I guess I really hurt her.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," I walked over to the girl, putting a hand on her shoulder.

The cat twisted round and clawed Spider's arm.

- Don't be naive, pretty boy. And for the record, there's no way I'm stealing from the innocent.

Pushing off the guy's body, the girl jumped off the roof and, catching herself with a winch, disappeared behind the building.

Yeah, Parker, that was a great first conversation. Accusing an innocent girl of stealing from kids.

Even though she's not that innocent. But that's no excuse.

All right, I'll knock myself out later, I gotta get home.

15 minutes of flying time later.

Ah, Queens. I'm flying into the window of my own room. I'm used to leaving it open when I go out. I don't know.

After I change, I go downstairs.

- Hey, everybody, I hope I'm not late for dinner.

- Peter, I'm glad you made it, but why are you wearing those clothes?

- Um, what do I wear to a normal dinner?

- Have you forgotten? We're going to Anna's birthday dinner. Her niece, Mary Jane, is arriving today.

- So hurry up, champ," my uncle said.

Without a second's hesitation, I ran upstairs.

MJ's here! She's already in New York.

And I met Black Cat today.


Okay, I'm not gonna bog my head down with deep meaning syndrome.

I quickly get my best (only) suit out of the wardrobe and quickly put it on. Before, it would have looked ridiculous on my chubbier body, but the mass I've gained is favourably outlined by the fabric.

I look cool.

I'm going downstairs.

- Looking good, Peter.

- I see you've made up your mind to get ready to meet young Miss Watson, haven't you? - Uncle's winking at me.

- You can tell by my hair?

- You've always been shaggy.

Joking together, we walk the few metres between our houses and knock on the neighbour's house.

- May, Ben, Peter, good to see you.

- Hello, Anna.

- Good evening, Mrs Watson.

- Come in.

The Watson family home wasn't much different from ours. Decorated at the most.

I guess all the little houses in Queens are alike.

- Peter, MJ's in her room. Would you go up and get her?

- Parker, did you just stutter?

- Peter hadn't been embarrassed in a very long time.

Aunt May's comment was the last thing I heard before I went upstairs. It made my face red. I hope it's not too much.

If the layout of the houses is similar, Mary's room is the same as mine, so here it is.

I was tempted to barge into the girl's room, but I was a gentleman first and foremost, so I knocked.

- Come in," a soft voice invited me inside.

When I opened the door, I just froze. There was a real goddess in front of me.

The pretty face of a true model. Natural beauty, no plastic. Velvety, lightly tanned skin. A face studded with lovely freckles. Beautiful bright green eyes. And, of course, the thing that won me over immediately: rich, flaming red hair.

- I actually thought we'd meet a little differently, but it looks like you hit the jackpot, Tiger," a pearly smile completed the lively line.

- Looks like it," I can't help but smile back.

- Mary Jane. I hope you remember, we used to play a lot when we were kids. In fact, my friends call me MJ.

- Peter Parker. I remember. I don't know how you could forget such a beautiful girl," I said, trying to smile softly.

- Very nice, - nice laugh - They're probably waiting for us, let's not give grown-ups time to think wrong. Let's go, tiger - grabbing my hand, the redhead led us away from the room.

And I suddenly realised I'd kill for that smile.

- Ben, Mae, I'd like you to meet my niece, Mary Jane.

- It's a pleasure, Mr and Mrs Parker," the redhead said purely and sincerely.

- You've grown up to be a real beauty, darling. I haven't seen you since you were six years old," Mei said, coming up to the girl and hugging her warmly.

- You're all grown up now. Six months ago, I would have said that Peter was growing up.

- In another life I would have taken offence, but today I was in too good a mood.

Everyone laughed at my uncle and I's banter.

- We've already set the table, let's sit down.

Everyone began to take their seats: Anna Watson at the head, Ben and May at the far end, and Mary and I closer to the exit of the living room.

The meal began quite easily.

- So, Mary Jane, why did you decide to transfer to New York? - Uncle Ben wondered.

- Ben, Mary....

- Actually, I haven't decided exactly what I want to become, but in the big city there is a better choice of different circles and directions, so moving here is quite a logical option, - Mary answered her uncle's question cheerfully.

Just the fact that she interrupted Anna and got a little sad, just for a little while, made me think of something else. I don't know if my aunt and uncle noticed, but I did.

From there, the usual table talk continued quite calmly. As if there had never been any awkward hiccups.

- So you're applying to Midtown High?

- Yes. Trouble is, the paperwork won't get me in till the end of October. I'm gonna have a lot of class debt.

- If you need anything, I'd be happy to help. I'm more of a science major, but I'm willing to hold a fruit bowl for an art history project.

- Very nice, Pete, I'll keep that in mind," MJ winked at me with a little laugh.

- You were saying about classes?

- I've been dancing and singing since I was ten. I'm actually thinking of trying my hand at acting.

- Well, then you're in luck. Our school has the best theatre studio in all of New York.

- Really? That's great.

After I finished my meal, I kept the conversation going and just stared at the redhead.

I hope this doesn't look too weird.

- That was delicious, Aunt Anna. Can Pete and I go for a little walk?

- Sure, but come back before dessert.

- I promise," Mary grabbed my hand and led us away from the table.

Right there. Five minutes after the door closed behind the couple.

- What do you think?

- I think it's great. Anna, you have no idea how happy I am that our nephews are getting along so well.

- Peter is clearly showing an interest in Mary.

- Ladies, ladies, let's not get ahead of ourselves. The children have only just begun to socialise. Hold back on your devious plans," Ben Parker commented kindly.

- I don't know, Ben. Maybe you can't see it, but I feel something wonderful is brewing before our very eyes.

On the veranda of the Watson house.

Once outside, Mary let go of my hand and leaned against the fence to watch the sunset.

I just didn't want to disturb the fragile silence, so I stood to the side and stared at the girl in front of me, watching the sun play in her scarlet hair.

- Is there something on my face? - Mary interrupted the silence with a cheerful tone.

- Unless it's just beauty," I said, giving her a banal compliment.

- Huh. I've been here a long time, but I'd never have believed that shy, quiet Peter Parker could flirt with girls so dashingly. I'm surprised, Tiger.

- Things change, Miss Watson. Now that we're out for a walk, would you allow me to accompany you to the nearest park? - I extend my hand in a gentlemanly gesture.

- I'd be delighted, Mr Parker," Mary said, accepting my hand. - You look so pretty in that tailcoat.

- And that gorgeous dress for you," I continued to act out the scene.

So, strolling through evening Queens, we headed for the park, bantering and just chatting.

- I didn't think there was a park in the Queens neighbourhood. When I was a kid, I had to ride my bikes several kilometres to get to a place like this.

- The last mayor introduced a greening programme for the city, "A tree oasis in every corner of New York", that's the slogan," I tell the story, spreading my arms in an artistic gesture.

- Yeah, it wasn't like that in my city," the girl said in a saddened voice.

- Are you okay? - I put my other hand on top of hers in a gesture of support.

I felt MJ's mood sour at the memory of home.

- It's okay, Tiger, don't worry," Mary said as if nothing had happened.

We went into the park and sat down on a bench.

- By the way, why "Tiger"? - I asked perplexed.

- This? - redhead laughed, - and you do not remember?

- Honestly? Not at all.

- When we were about five years old, we were walking and, a block away from our neighbourhood, you stopped abruptly. I went over to see what was wrong and you silently pointed to a tree. There was a cat sitting on a branch, purring pitifully but very quietly.

- And then what happened?

- You decided to follow him up the tree. I told you to call someone, but you were hypnotised.

- It's funny, I remember being terrified of heights when I was a kid.

- I guess your heroic self didn't think about that at the time," MJ laughed lightly, punching me in the shoulder with her fist. - Anyway, you got there and tried to take the cat down.

- I feel the denouement coming on.

- Your instincts are right, Mr Parker. Suddenly, the cat freaks out and jumps out of the tree. You weren't expecting it and you slipped and fell off the branch," Mary's cheerfulness faltered.

- I was very frightened.

- Oh, so I haven't been a hero since I was a kid? - I continued in a cheerful tone, though I was a little hurt that such a story had happened and that Watson remembered it.

- Not at all," MJ suddenly looked at me with different eyes, "you were moving forward with purpose, not listening to anyone, with only the thought of helping a frightened innocent animal.

Suddenly the girl took my hand.

- I decided to call you Tiger because of the courage in your eyes," the redhead said cheerfully.

I, on the other hand, was embarrassed.

- That's really cute.

She was so close that a pungent citrus scent hit my nose.

- They must be waiting for us," I shamefully broke the cosy moment.

- Yes. Would you like some dessert, Mr Parker? - Mary Jane says, as if waking up from an obsession.

You. Just you at the moment.

- I'm suddenly hungry," I answer in a parched voice.

- Then let's go.

Coward. Just an idiot!

So what? To make out with her, a couple of hours after meeting her?

Of course, we knew each other before that day, but we haven't seen each other in, like, ten years.

- Peter! Peter! Pete! Pete!

- Mary, I'm sorry, I was just thinking, I'm embarrassed to realise I've been ignoring the girl all this way.

- I see we're here," the redhead headed for the door.

- MJ!

The girl turns round, raising an eyebrow in a questioning gesture.

- Um... I wanted to... well, anyway... if you need.... help with your studies, maybe give me your phone number or email there," God Parker, could you mumble more?

To my surprise Mary just smiled broadly.

- Here's my mail, and here's my phone number, you can text me anytime you want," she winked

I just have one question.

- Are you busy tomorrow?

- I have the whole day free.

- I know a nice cafe, why don't I pick you up at 5:00 and we'll go for a walk?

- I'd love to, Tiger.

Suddenly I'm brave enough to be back in town.

I like it better already.

So, probably with an idiotic grin on my face, I walk into the house.

- Kids, you're just in time for dessert.

- How was your walk, Peter?

- Yeah.

- Um. - Auntie and Uncle look at each other puzzled.

- We went to the park and had a great time," Mary saves the day.

- Then I'm sure you've worked up an appetite and would love some ice cream.


After saying goodbye to the Watson family, we headed home.

- You and Mary had a lot of fun, didn't you? - Ben says with a smirk.

- A lot. I've even invited her to go out tomorrow, you know... to show her the city, you know," I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, no excuses, champ. Glad you're taking the initiative.

- I'm so happy for you, sweetheart," May even squeezed me in a steel vise from the rush of emotion.

- Air, aunty, breathe....

- Don't pretend and let your old auntie be happy for you!

- Lady, don't you dare say "old" in front of me again. You and your uncle are in the prime of life!

- All right, let's go.