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Peter Parker's bedroom.


Yeah, it's been a rough night.

Turns out there's something wrong with my regeneration, too. Usually the damage heals quickly. This time, I felt a persistent, painful itch, like in my bones.

So this is what electricity damage feels like.

I'd better get over to Maria's right away.

Too bad I have to go to school.

There's May.

I'll have to be patient.

I stretch out on the bed.

Suddenly it's like a lilac spark between my fingers.

Now I'm hallucinating.

I look at the clock. It's 7:00. It's still two hours till school.

Okay, school can wait.

I get dressed, pull out my rucksack from under the bed, where I hastily stuffed my suit yesterday, and run out of the house.

I follow the usual route, and in a safe territorial nook, Peter Parker is lost and Spider-Man soars into the sky.

Doc Crawford's lab. I can get there in half an hour. I hope she's at her desk. Although, in my previous experience, I've never caught her NOT at her desk.

It's a bitterly cold morning, early October, and more on that later. A visit to my favourite fabric shop was necessary.

I remember Spidey in canon agonising over the fact that spandex doesn't do much to keep warm on cold autumn/winter nights. Well, there's an option to fix that.

No problem getting to Crawford's lab. As expected, she's inside, drinking coffee.

I knock. Funny, this time the woman doesn't even flinch, she's used to it.

- Good morning, Maria!" I say exaggeratedly cheerful as I climb inside.

- Hello, Spider, - the scientist answers with a yawn.

- Have you slept today?

- Long research, can't afford it? What brings you in so early, I was expecting you closer to evening.

- Maybe I was just saying hello?

- I'd like to believe it, but you're too nervous, even if you're trying to be funny.

- Do you have a second doctorate in psychology or something?

- Spider!

- I fought a criminal with powers yesterday, and he beat me up pretty bad. But it happened because my powers were acting weird.

- Explain," Maria leaned back in her chair, really becoming like a psychologist.

- I can, well, in addition to sticking to surfaces and other things like increased speed of force and reaction...anticipate danger.

- What's that?

- It's kind of like a heightened sixth sense, except unlike my normal sense, mine never fails to warn of potential danger. But last night it went crazy, it felt like even the air I was breathing could hurt me. And agility, I dodged the villain's attacks without too much trouble, but I felt like I was running out of steam. And regeneration, my wounds had healed...not healed, still hurt.

- Why don't you go to the hospital?

- Take some blood and tell me what's wrong with me," I roll up my sleeve.

- Okay," Crawford only sighed, unhappy with the unspoken but confident refusal.

While Maria studied the sample, I listened to how I felt. The pain in my ribs had receded. Perhaps I had been hasty in exaggerating the decline of my abilities?

- Amazing!

I was distracted from my thoughts by a surprised cry from the scientist.

- What is it, Doc?

- Look," Maria turned the microscope towards me.

I perplexed and looked.

There was some strange movement in the DNA cells. And they were glowing.

- What's that? - I asked fearfully.

- Remember we talked about your cells mutating?

I nod in affirmation.

- I don't know what happened, but now the changes in your body have...changed direction.

- What do you mean?

Maria frowned unhappily.

- Unfortunately, that's not my field. Pharmacology, serums affecting organisms, genetic mutations, yes. But in your case, it's like accelerated evolution.

- So I'm not mutating?

Is there anything good...

- Alas, no," Crawford becomes sadder, "the process has slowed down, but it's not over, rather it's gone into standby mode. At the moment, it's like your body is going through a shake-up. Tell me, have you recently been exposed to something powerful, anything?

- Do strong shocks of electricity count?

- That's it! - Maria even jumped up from her chair. - And afterwards, did you notice anything strange, apart from the malaise?

- A spark... - I am struck by a hunch - when I woke up this morning, there was a lilac spark between my fingers!

- So, - the doctor confidently starts writing something down in his notebook, - as I said, I'm not an expert, but here's the name and address of the laboratory of a scientist I know. He is a good man, believe me, your secret will be safe.

I'll take it.

Dr Curt Connors.

- I received the sample today, I'll try to study it in detail, but since you have the evening free, I suggest you visit Kurt, I'm sure he'll help.

- Thank you," I replied tiredly. - Thank you, Maria, but I have to go," I crawl to the window frame and fly out of the room.

- Good luck, Spidey.


At this time.

"Main Tower."

- All right, now, in order," the King of the Underworld said with his fingers folded.

- Boss, as you ordered, me and my guys went to the info centre and copied all the data you ordered...

- I copied it," Electro said unhappily.

-It seemed that everything was going to go as smoothly as it should, - Grigov didn't pay attention to Dillan's teasing, - but Spider interfered.

- And Electro fought him?

- Y-yes," the man replied with his lips pressed together.

- Grigov-Grigov-Grigov-Grigov, why do you think I left you in charge of the force, after the turf war?

- Because I was the only one who could control the boys?

- That's right. There are no irreplaceable men, but you are a hard man to replace," said Ambal, squeezing whipped cream into a large mug of coffee. - But tell me why you prevented ELECTRO from killing Spider-Man! - The can of whipped cream in Kingpin's hands burst.

Maxwell smirked, looking at a pale Grigov.

- Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya, the cops were very close, and Sasha and Misha were tied up by Spider. I was following your direct order, sir!

- Sasha and Misha, that's your son and nephew, right?

- Y-yes, sir.

Kingpin waved his hand and a few men from his personal security squad escorted the said young thugs into the office.

- You see, the thing is, my dear Grigov, you did follow orders, BUT no job is worth doing if there's a chance of killing a hero! So...

At the snap of his fingers, the guards push the unsuspecting boys into the centre of the hall. Ambal signals Maxwell and Dillan fires a bolt of electricity at the young men.

After a few minutes, all that remains of their bodies are charred shards of meat.


- I hope you'll follow directions more carefully now.


With an unimaginable leap, Ambal cuts the distance and punches the man in the jaw.

- Careful, race has nothing to do with it," Kingpin pulled out his breastplate and wiped the bloody stain from the sleeve left by Grigov's smashed lip. - And, no, you will continue your duties, only under Electro's command. Or maybe Mr Dillon should visit your wife, sister and niece.

A depressed Grigov understood.

- No.

- No what?

- No, sir.

- That's fine. Maxwell, you may proceed to your new duties.

The electric assassin nodded and exited with the rest of those present, Grigov having to be dragged.

Only Fisk and his right hand man remained in the room.

- Was it compulsory? - James Wesley asks.

- He'll be alive, but he won't stop fearing retribution. It's a perfect match. 

- If you say so, sir.

- What about the meeting with Cornell?

- Mr Stokes is willing to talk about what's going on in Harlem. However, I'd recommend holding off until after the Medical Centre opening event.

- All right, Shieldbearer can wait.


Midtown High.

Peter Parker.

Dr Connors, I'm gonna have to risk involving him in what's going on in my body. I can only hope his research doesn't trigger the Lizard story.

- Hey, Pete, what are you hanging around for? - Miles waved his hand in front of my face.

- А? What?

- Didn't sleep well? - Harry suggested.

- Sort of. What did you say to Gwen?

- I said pull up your trousers and listen carefully," Stacey said conspiratorially. - 'Anyway, my dad is working with Spider-Man!


- WHAT! - Morales jumped up.

- Miles, shh! - I'm yelling at the kid.

- What do you mean, quiet, Pete, you didn't hear her?!

- Yes, I did, and that's exactly why you shouldn't yell.

- Oh, right," the guy sat down in shame.

- How did that happen? - Harry asked.

- You won't believe this. I decided to have a cup of tea before bed, I went downstairs, and there was my dad in the backyard talking to a fucking Spider.

- What's he like? - Miles asked dreamily.

I recoiled in disbelief.

- Sexy," Stacy said excitedly. - His body in the suit is so...

- Whoa-whoa, Gwendy, I'm not about that! - Morales blushed.

- Ah. Well, medium height, about Pete's height. Stubby, but strong, again, like Pete.

- Nah, I'm sure Spider's a lot more muscular than me," I put in a panicked appraisal.

- Yeah, I think so too.

Thanks, Gar.

- Well, if you don't want to believe me, don't believe me. Anyway, I interrogated my dad, and he said that after the Rhino attack, in front of a bunch of journalists, he recognised Spider as a hero.

- Yeah, I remember that news story. Didn't your dad get in trouble for that?

- It's not that critical, Harry," Stacey grinned, "Anyway, it's clear now that Dad didn't just casually thank a superhero, they're working together!

- Dad told you that? - I wondered with a raised eyebrow.

- Well...no, but it's obvious, isn't it!

- That's cool, Gwen. I wish my old man hadn't crossed paths with Spider, - Miles said exaggeratedly upset.

- I think it's probably for the best. After all, Spider often deals with all sorts of dangers.

- Gar, I'll surprise you, but so do the cops.

- No, I mean the Rhinoceros kind of danger.

- Yeah, well, that's a bit of a stretch.

- Lesson's coming up, let's go.

I tried my best to finish the discussion.

In class, I mostly studied my father's scientific works. Since I'm in such an unpleasant situation that risks turning my life upside down, I think I should look for help in any available sources.

So far I've managed to study seven of Richard Parker's works, but I can safely say that he was a brilliant scientist in physics, biology and chemistry. And that's not even half of his writings. His research in genetics is worth a closer look, I'm sure he had plenty of it.

When class was over, I went out to the schoolyard with a group of friends.

- Okay, people, prom is in a fortnight, are you ready?

- Oh, don't remind me, Miles. I want to call Liz, but I'm afraid Flash will break my jaw.

- They broke up," Gwen reminds me tactfully.

- But that's hardly going to stop him from saying, "Piss off Osborne, she's mine."

- Don't be silly, Gar. By the way, I hear our Mr Thompson has a crush on Debra Whitmon, the queen of all nerds.

- Really?! - Miles asked in disbelief.

- It happens. But if Flash gets cocky, you can tell me," I nudge Harry in the side.

- Okay. What about you, Mr Parker?

- I'll get MJ.

- Ooh," Morales and Osborne chattered together.

- Hello, knock it off, you jerks.

I give them a good-natured slap, which the boys dodge.

- What's yours, Gwen?

- I don't know, I was called Kim, Michael, Eo, but I refused them so far, - Gwendy said, twisting a curl on her finger, shooting her eyes at me.

Is she trying to cause jealousy?

- Okay people, we have to go to the lab, see you tomorrow! - I take Gwen under the arm and run to the bus, which has just stopped at the stop.

We jump into the departing vehicle at the last moment.

- Wow, Pete, you said you weren't likely to go to the lab anytime soon.

- Yeah, but I've got some work I wanted to discuss with Doc Connors," I scratch the back of my head awkwardly. - Tell me, how's your work with Martha going?

- Marvellous. You see, genetic chains....

While Gwendy passionately talked about her project, I felt a sharp itch in the palm of my hand. Trying not to panic in front of the girl, I look down. My palm began to glow slightly.

That's not good.

When the bus stops again to board and disembark passengers, I decide to jump off.

- Gwen, I remembered, I need to go to the shop, urgently, I'll come next, tell the doc, - without making an attempt to hear the girl's answer I run as far as possible, trying to find a place from where I can run up to the roofs.

As luck would have it, it was a busy neighbourhood with shops, restaurants and the like. Which meant no back alleys.

Meanwhile, the burning in my palm began to intensify.

The solution came quite unexpectedly.

Opposite was a building being prepared for demolition, and in the spring they want to build a car park here.

I ran across the road and squeezed through the gap between the construction fence.

No one called me, it's already good.

I run up to the brickwork when my palm shakes uncontrollably.

I touch the wall "releasing" all the tension. Immediately, a pale lilac energy, similar to electricity, begins to spread across the wall with a slight crackle. When I feel that the "release" has occurred, I take my palm away and look at the wall.

"Well, it's dissipated, looks like it's no big deal..."

Before I can finish my thought, I see that cracks are starting to show through the wall and the brickwork is crumbling.

A minute later, half of the ground floor wall is gone.




Gwen Stacy.

"I just can't believe it."

The police captain's daughter paced the campus towards the research lab.

"Sure, I've come to expect a lot from a guy named Peter Parker, ever since his punch-up with that fight, but he's never run away so abruptly.

And he'd dragged me onto the bus by the hand.

Remembering the warmth of Peter's palm against her own hand, Stacy blushed and all angry thoughts at the guy faded away.

How Gwen wanted to tell Parker how she felt, but she couldn't.

"It's not like he feels anything. He has a girlfriend, a friend of mine by the way. Pull yourself together Stacey and move on."

With those thoughts, the girl walked into the lab.

To her surprise neither Dr Connors nor her mentor Martha Connors was inside. The only person in the room was the one who made the blonde girl feel cold inside.

Professor Miles Warren.

The man had made a negative impression on Gwen from their first meeting. He was intemperate, arrogant and angry. Disrespectful to Dr Connors and arrogant to Peter. But it got worse when his gaze shifted from Martha Connors to Gwen herself. In him she saw the emotion that planted a deep fear inside the girl - unconcealed lust.

At first Stacy tried to convince herself that she was just imagining it. But she came to the lab almost every day (and thankfully Warren was never around), and chatted with some of the female students. Turns out there were some very nasty rumours about the professor. Each girl was eager to share with Gwen, of course, in confidence, that Miles Warren was not afraid of intimate relations with his students, even underage*, if any of them tried to refuse, Warren promised that he would use his authority and the girls would leave the university immediately. None of them refused him.

As soon as Gwen heard about it, fear turned to disgust. The professor had managed to wriggle out of all the incriminating evidence. The fake girls who wanted to expose him, Warren seemed to sense and keep at a distance. His victims were the weaker girls who were truly afraid of Miles.

With his shouting, cunning, behaviour and fear of the stronger, Professor Warren was more like a Jackal** than a man.

And even though Gwen was not weak, she could not shake off her irrational fear of the man.

Every time they saw each other, there was a strange glint in Miles' eyes that made the blonde shrink in fear.

- Oh, Miss Stacey, what a pleasant surprise," the scientist said, smiling broadly.

- Professor Warren," the girl said nervously, trying with all her might not to snatch her hand from the man's grasp.

- Please, call me Miles," the professor left a kiss on the back of the girl's hand, "at least when we are alone.

Mr and Mrs Connors entered the lab at that moment.

The blonde exhaled a sigh of relief.

- Gwen, hello," Martha Connors greeted the girl with a smile, but when her gaze shifted to Miles Warren, standing next to her, her eyes turned ice-cold, "Professor Warren," the scientist finished dryly.

- Martha and you too, you can just be Miles.

- That's not professional, Warren," Kurt replied this time. - What are you doing in my lab?

Normally Doc Connors was more affable, but Miles Warren had long since exhausted his limit of patience.

- Bah, Connors. Why are you being so aggressive? I just came to borrow some reagents.

- In your mind, Dr Warren, borrowing means taking without asking and not returning.

Martha spoke with authority, because that's what Miles used to do.

The scientist turned red.

- All right! Enjoy the benefits of the council while the scientific community is on your side! - Warren exploded.

This was a sore subject.

Kurt had earned an additional grant after developing the Transfiguration serum. The drug was able to stimulate regeneration in rodent test subjects and regrow their lost limbs. Alas, it was still far from being able to do the same with humans. But the achieved result was enough for the University's scientific council to give Dr Connors an additional budget.

In turn, Miles' cloning endeavours had long been stalled. Another year, and the board would seriously consider cutting off funding for his experiments.

- Well, I'm not welcome here, it's good to see you, Miss Stacey.

Just as Warren was about to kiss the girl's palm again, there was the rumble of the door swinging open.