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- Peter, Peter!

I look up and see Mrs Watson standing in front of me.

- Oh dear, come on, we can't be here," the woman leads me out into the corridor and sits me down on a bench.

I just stare at the ward again, replaying the conversation with my uncle in my head.

The last conversation.

- Peter, I know it's hard for you right now, but the police were here before you arrived. They need to talk to you about the accident.

I feel a shadow looming and I look up. In front of me is a young guy in uniform who smiles sympathetically at me.

- Hello, Peter. I'm Officer Oliver Casey, Captain Stacey sent me, he wants to talk, do you understand me?

That voice sounds familiar. It's the sergeant from the roof.

-Yes, officer, I understand you. -Yes.

- It's just Oliver. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to talk to you like you're a stupid kid, but there's a protocol for the situation.

- By situation, you mean my uncle's death and my unconscious aunt? Nothing, it's protocol.

The sergeant averts his eyes in shame.

- Mrs Watson, I'll be right back. Let's go," I toss over my shoulder to the officer, heading for the exit.


Fifteen minutes later. In the car.

- Sergeant, I apologise, I shouldn't have been so harsh with you," I feel the need to apologise.

- It's okay, man, I know you're in a bad place right now. With this traffic we won't get there soon, if you want to take a nap.

I nod silently, pulling my tangled headphones out of my sweatshirt pocket and looking out the window at the music playing.


Oskorp's secret lab. Queens.

Norman Osborn took the lift down to the underground floor, along with his colleague's representative on the latest projects.

- The big boss needs results, I hope you don't disappoint," Hammerhead notes.

- Believe me, Mr Thompson needn't worry," Norman's hand is grabbed sharply.

- When it comes to operations like this, call him Bigman and no other way, understood.

- Ultimate," the businessman wrenched his hand away and adjusted his tie, "Doctor! - Norman shouted as he entered the complex.

- Mr Osborne!

- Is everything ready?

- One hundred per cent.

- Were there any delays?

The Doctor glanced anxiously at the few Chops guarding the facility.

- No, everything went perfectly.

- Excellent. Is the subject ready?

- Hey, I'm a volunteer, not a lab rat!

- Name: Alexei Sicevich. Height 190. Weight 107. Occupation: criminal.

Project Thick Skin. Starts in three minutes.

- Relax, Sicevich, in three minutes you'll be unstoppable," Molotoglav said belligerently.

- I hope so," Alexei muttered, slipping his hands into the special bindings.

- The solution is loaded.

- Are we ready?

- Yes, Mr Osborne.

- Let's get started.


Police station.

- We're here," Casey said as he closed the door, "let's go.

I follow the sergeant in silence. We pass the police officers who are working. Oliver knocks on the office door at the end of the room.

- Sir, your orders were to bring in Peter Parker.

- Yes, Casey, Thank you, come in, Peter," George invites me into the office.

- Hello, Mr Stacey.

- Hey, how are your aunt and uncle?

- May's not conscious, and Ben," I put my head down, unable to speak.

- I'm sorry, mate. I promise I'll do everything I can to find those responsible.

- Is there any evidence? - I ask as coldly as possible.

I'll find these scumbags myself.

- The other drivers couldn't give any useful information. The lorry was unmarked, plates are being checked. The description of the participants is as vague as possible, but we know for a fact there were two of them. But don't think I'm gonna give up. Crimes have been solved with less, believe me.

- Thank you, Mr Stacey.

George is a good man and a good copper, I trust him. He won't stop, that's for sure. Gwen's lucky to have a dad.

- I have a favour to ask of you,' I rubbed my neck uncertainly

- Sure, go ahead.

- You... could you not inform my school about what happened. I don't want any pitying looks or anything. I'm sick of it.

- Peter, there are rules.

- Captain, if you really care, don't call my school, please.

- All right. (chuckles) You're a good kid, Pete. I'm glad Gwen has a friend like you, so trust me, if the pain isn't shared, it'll eat you up inside.

Maybe that's what I need.

- I'll bear that in mind, thanks, Mr Stacey, I've got to get back to the hospital," we're getting up from our chairs.

- Sure, if you need any help, call me," George held out his card.

- I promise. You'll keep me updated on the progress of the investigation, won't you?

- I will.

- Goodbye, Mr Stacey.

- Keep up the good work, kid," the captain said to me.

I'm leaving the office. Oliver offers to drive me back, but I say I'll get there myself.

Once outside the police station, I run to the nearest alley and put on my suit.

The sky is getting calmer, more serene.

I still think I'm having a bad dream and will wake up soon.

But I don't wake up.

And, contrary to what Uncle Ben said, I start to blame myself.

Spidey Sense warned me. It beeped. But I didn't listen. Tried to understand when I should have just felt it. I wasn't patient, blamed it on fatigue.

In the process of flying, I let go of the thread and started to fall down.

Couldn't save them. I failed.

A sharply buzzing gut makes me come to my senses and instinctively release the web towards the nearest building.

Damn, that was close.

Pull yourself together, you slob! You've got to take care of your aunt. You can still kill yourself.


Queens. Oscorp's secret lab.

- What stage of the process, Doctor?

- Subject is stable, solution is 96% pumped.

- How long do I have to stand here? - Alexei yells impatiently.

- Be patient, it'll be over soon. Right? - Hammerhead clarifies.

- The process is complete," exclaims the computer voice.

- That's the answer," Ozborn remarks. - How are you feeling, Mr Sicevic?

- Strong," the criminal replied, examining the poly armour that enveloped his arms and all but his face.

- 'Fine, get ready, let's go to the shelter, we'll work out a plan there.

- NO! I had endured the condescension and humiliation for a long time. From now on, no one gives Rhino any orders!

After his fervent speech, the bandit in experimental armour begins to smash all the equipment in the building. Breaking the metal fastenings, with a wild roar Reno begins to break through to the exit of the laboratory.

With his newfound abilities, this is quite easy for yesterday's loser.

Eight minutes later, New York City's first public property is destroyed under Rhino's onslaught.

- That didn't come out well.

- I thought it was pretty good. That's what Bigman needed, to get Spider's attention, right?

- Let's see.


I got to the hospital pretty quickly. I changed into civilian clothes and went down to the right floor.

- Oh, Peter, that was fast.

- Answered all my questions and came straight back.

- Well done. May's unchanged, but Ben's been sent... to the pathologist.

- Right, I'm answering coldly. - Mrs Watson, thank you so much for your support, but you'd better go home and get some rest now.

- You're probably right. If you need anything, be sure to call me. And don't beat yourself up, there's always hope.

- Thank you. And, Mrs Watson, please don't tell Mary Jane what happened.

- Peter.

- I'll tell her myself when I'm ready.

- I'll-- okay, Peter

I walk Anna to the lift and she hugs me goodbye. Looks like MJ and I got the best aunts in the world.

Even thinking about it makes me feel bad, because May can.....

I chase those thoughts away.

I'm going to the coffee machine. I'm here for the long haul.


Police station. Captain George Stacy.

George was sitting at his desk trying to piece together the evidence in the Parker case.

He's missing something.

Suddenly, his radio beeps.

- Over

- Captain Stacy, there's a robbery in progress at a bank in the Astoria area, suspect is a man in a rhinoceros suit, over.

- Patrolman, I don't understand you, repeat the information, over.

- A man in a rhinoceros suit ripped the door off a bank vault. With his bare hands. A nearby sixth patrol opened fire on the perpetrator. But that only served to incite him. The suspect threw the four-ton door like an axe! Miraculously, no police or civilians were injured. The thug then ran out of the building, tearing down everything in his path, including several patrol cars. Crews 8 and 9 are now in pursuit. Requesting all helicopters and SWAT to assist! Over.

- Roger that.

The man in the Rhino suit? Another crazy day in New York.

George is out of his office.

- All units, we have a code red. We have a dangerous criminal on the streets. According to the patrol report, he's bulletproof, strong and dressed--

- A Rhinoceros suit? - said Jim Orton, pointing to the television set behind him.

- Turn it up," the captain ordered.

- We're broadcasting live from the Channel 7 helicopter. As you can see, a criminal that looks like a hybrid of a human and a Rhino is trashing the entire city. We'll keep you updated on further developments," instructed a pretty looking Asian reporter.

- Everyone in the cars, now!

I hope Spider's seen this report. We're gonna need some heavy artillery. 


Central Hospital.


I've been sitting outside my room for hours and nothing's changed. Not even the crappy coffee is as irritating as it used to be.

- Mr Parker," my aunt's doctor came out of the room.

- Yes, Doctor. Any change?

- We've managed to stabilise your aunt's condition, but in order to accurately diagnose a positive trend, we'll need to operate.

- Well, that's good news, isn't it? - the doctor's a little hesitant.

- Mr Parker, I'm not a bloodsucker, but the system has its intricacies. There's a fee for the surgery.

- How much? - I'm getting focused.

- Your family's insurance can't cover the entire cost...

- How much, Doctor?

- Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The operation must be performed within two weeks or--

Two hundred and fifty.

- I may--....

- You've got time, Mr Parker, I'm sure you'll find a way. Excuse me, I'm being called to the emergency room, the doctor's gone.

Where am I gonna find that kind of money?

- Oh, my God, Juan, turn it up!

Peter is involuntarily distracted and looks at the TV.

- The criminal, calling himself Rhino, continues his rampage through the city. The police are using all their forces, but it is still not certain that they will be able to stop the bandit. If the criminal does not change his current route, the following may be affected: the Sales Shopping Centre, the P.I.R. Shelter and the Central City Hospital.


The teenager, who was currently being ignored by the medical staff distracted by the news, jumped up and rushed towards the stairs.

"I don't know what made you crawl out of whatever Burrow you were in, but you'd better stay there."

Climbing up to the roof, I donned my suit and flew towards where the thick smoke was coming from, a trail of destruction.


With a wild roar, Reno continued to run through the streets and scatter cars. First the cops stopped him from taking the money, and now the pigs are chasing him.

Alexei pulled out a manhole cover and launched it at a nearby cop car, knocking it off the road.

Suddenly, the thug tripped over something, falling to the pavement. When he lifted his face, he saw a guy in a spider suit sitting on a pole.

- I'm in a lousy mood today and I have absolutely no intention of joking that you look more like an elephant in a china shop than Rhino... oops, still joking. Anyway, horny, how about we surrender to the police and part ways peacefully?

- Not this time, bug. When we fought before, you were the only one with the power. Now the rules have changed!

- Before... Sicevic, you?

- From now on, I'm Raino, and you're dead! - proclaimed the villain, knocking down a lamppost.

The spider jumped back and landed in a somersault on the wall of the nearest building.

And why do they always appear at the wrong time.

Unexpectedly for Spider, Rhinoceros snatched up a fire hydrant and stood in the centre of the rushing water.

What's he doing? What if...

Snagging a web from a damaged mailbox lying on the ground, Spidey launched it at the villain's back.

- Don't get distracted, break's over, follow me, torro torro

The angry Rhino is after Spidey.

We've got to try and wear him down. - Peter ponders, in the process of chasing and keeping random passers-by out of harm's way.

Just a few seconds ago, he'd just saved a bloke with glasses and a burly brunette by taping them to each other. I'm sure the guy will thank him later.

Abruptly Reno catches up to Spider hanging from a pole and launches him into a sporting goods shop.

Ow, that hurt.

Upon entering the premises, Rhino's first move was not towards the hero to finish what he started, but towards the soft drink machine.

With a heavy breath, Reno was crushing the fourth plastic bottle of cooling water when a 120kg barbell flew into his back.

- The timeout is over and the guests are back on the attack," Spider said as he approached his enemy with a baseball bat and delivered a swinging blow to the face, "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMRAN!

In response, Rhino only hits Spider's torso, sending him into the opposite wall.

- Au.... - moaned the hero with his head down.

Without thinking long, Rhino approached the hero and grabbed his leg and slammed it to the floor several times.

The spider tried to get up, but Rhino only stepped on his back.

- Looks like it's time to call it a day, spider boy.

In a desperate attempt, an exhausted Peter punched his enemy flat on his back

- AAH! - Cicewicz cries out. - How did you do that, I was told the suit was invulnerable!


I look at my hand in shock. On each of the fingers was clearly distinguished something like a claw. At the junction between the nail and the finger, there was a sharp protuberance.

With awakened scientific interest, I began to examine the limb that had become unrecognisable and slightly alien in an instant.

The claw looked very natural, like thick, dark-coloured fingernails. Unfortunately, I was prevented from further examination by the rampaging Rhinoceros.

- Even the bullets didn't leave a scratch like yours did!

At first I didn't know what he was talking about, but then I noticed a streaked mark on my opponent's monochrome shin.

Did I do that?

I dodge the attack and fly into the city.

Reno moves after me, trying to punch me with his horn.

Flying between buildings, I try to draw conclusions from the events that have transpired.

I'll leave the analysis of the sudden evolutionary leaps until better times, now I need to deal with one raging beast.

What do I know?

Apparently, the material used in Rhino's suit envelops his entire body. What else does that mean? Total isolation. Nothing can get in (except my suddenly grown claws, as it turns out), but more importantly, nothing can get out.

That's why Sickiewicz is so hungry for life-giving moisture. Excess heat from exercise and heat doesn't go anywhere. So he needs to heat it up.

But where in the centre of New York can you find a stuffy, cramped room in which you can organise a sharp hot shower?

A metal manhole flying overhead gave me an idea.

A sewer, of course!

- Hey, horny, how about we go to Super Mario's secret level?

While Reno stared at me with a confused look, I searched for the nearest sewer that Rhino could squeeze through. Luckily, there was a shaft nearby, through which a few workers with all the necessary equipment usually travelled underground.

- Catch up! - I shouted, jumping into the hatch and climbing down.

Yeah, I thought I'd only be brought to this great-smelling place by a battle with some Lizard.

A rumble behind me confirms that Rhino has followed me.

So while he's not here yet, I need to check out the pipes.

I jump on the ceiling and start crawling forward.

Okay, diameter.... Distance.

- Where are you insect?! - the sewers are filled with the roar of a supervillain.

- I repeat, the spiders are arachnids, and I'm right here, big guy - I'm waving a hundred metres from the entrance.

The rhino starts running at me, horn out.

I jump onto a side pipe and force the enemy to headbutt it. A jet of hot steam begins to hit Reno's face. With a loud scream, Sicevich starts shaking his head and wiping his eyes.

- Come on, will a little heated air really knock you out, you "unstoppable Rhino"? - I tease my opponent.

It seems to be working, because now I'm using my fists and more holes are appearing in the pipes. It's getting so stuffy that even I'm starting to sweat.

- What's...pro-pro...coming out? - Rhinoceros said, holding his throat.

- I don't know what kind of substance you're wearing, but apparently your unstoppability extends to biological processes as well. You see, my friend, our skin provides the body with a cooling effect, as it releases excess heat. Your entire body, except for your face, is covered with material that prevents this process. That's why you're exhausted even on the street, and even here.

- I've got to...I've got to get out.... - Reno's heavy footsteps try to move towards the stairs.

With a light movement I shoot the gas pipes above Rhino and pull them down. With a loud rattle, the metal sags and heavy hot steam envelopes Reno.

The villain moves even slower.

I shoot several threads into the enemy's back and chain them to the concrete ceiling. I repeat this action until there are forty threads and Reno turns into an albino Rhino.

Next, I bind Rino's legs and he falls down breathing heavily.

- This is how you should have learnt Physics, Alexei," I say, jumping onto my opponent's chest.

- Only my mum called me Alexei..... mum

- Yeah, yeah - I'm about to get out.

- Ma-aaa-mmmm...Hammerhead....

- What? - I turn round - What did you say?

- Big Boss-ss-ss - says Rhino in a delirious voice.

- Big Boss? Stay with me! - I'm punching Rhino in the face. - Name, I need a name!

- Lincoln, Thompson, Lin. - Rhino's finally passing out.

Lincoln Thompson... really.

I'm clenching my hand into a fist.

After all this time, I recognised the name of the Big Boss. All those attacks. The day I almost died.

And now I know who it was.

I get out of the sewer and see the police blocking the street.

- Here comes the cavalry," I say, whistling slightly, as it looks like there are several SWAT teams here.

As I appear, a few of the special forces raise their weapons.

- Stand down! - George Stacy commands over the loudspeaker. - What's the situation? - asks the captain as he approaches me.

- Our horny friend is fast asleep. I suggest we get him to RAFT before he wakes up," I say, lightly holding his shoulder. - We're gonna need a crane.

- Got it.

I nod at Stacy's reply and get ready to leave. I've still got a big job to do.

- Wait! - George shouts at me.

I turn round.

- Thanks, Spider," the policeman holds out his hand to me.

I look around and see several dozen reporters taking pictures.

- Are you sure about this?

I ask, because I imagine what the brass might do to George if he openly supports a masked costumed hero/lynchman.

All I see in response is a confident look from Stacey. So I shake his hand under the camera flashes.

He nods, and I cling to the nearest rooftop.

Hang on, Mr Lincoln. The end is near.


At this time, a myriad of stars away from Earth.

He didn't remember how he ended up on that asteroid.

In the void.

Still travelling in the middle of nowhere.

And as he gets further away from familiar places, he feels more and more empty.
