
Spider Gamer(MCU)

I have always like playing video games especially rpgs and I never in my wildest dreams thought that I will be living my life as a gamer in a whole other universe (marvel) and that too as my favorite marvel character Peter Parker aka Spider-Man Nothing too excessive in terms of romance.

CreativeBoye · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Training and New Quest

The warm rays of the sun gently pierced through my bedroom window, coaxing me awake from my peaceful slumber. As I opened my eyes, the first thing I instinctively did was check the time. The digital display on my alarm clock read 6:00 am, immediately followed by the familiar ding sound from my game.



HP restored after a good night's sleep.


Curious about my progress, I decided to check my stats, eager to see how much I had grown.



Name: Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

Age: 15

Race: Mutated Human

Potential: Infinite

Level: 1

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

Exp: (10/1000)

Strength: Middle Superhuman Level

Intelligence: Peak Universal Genius-Level

Occupation: Vigilante, Highschooler




Gamer's Mind:

Level: Maxed

Allows the gamer to remain calm in all situations and provides immunity to mental attacks.

Gamer's Body:

Level: Maxed

Restores all physical and mental damage done to the gamer after a period of rest.


Level: 60/100

Enables the gamer to view additional information about targets, including stats, feelings, and the target's opinion towards the gamer.

(Cannot observe someone 25 levels higher than the gamer).

Skilled Scientist:

Level: 75/100

You are a skilled scientist, young man.


Level: 70/100

Congratulations! You can create gadgets.

Martial Artist:

Level: 50/100

A vigilante needs some combat skills.

Heightened Athletic Abilities:

Level: 50/100

Well, you were bitten by a radioactive spider.


Level: 50/100

Well, you were bitten by a radioactive spider.

Webbing Ability:

Level: Maxed

Well, you were bitten by a radioactive spider.

Precognitive Spider-Sense:

Level: 50/100

Well, you were bitten by a radioactive spider.

Deadpool's Healing Ability:

Level: Maxed

No matter how severe your injury is, you heal within a matter of seconds or minutes.


Level: 0/100

Well, you're a true Buddha, my friend.


Level: 0/100

You're a lousy peeper, young lad. Train well.




Know About the World (50/100):

You are in the Marvel Universe, but which one? Find out.

Duration: None.


1. Rare knowledge on any subject.



1. Remain ignorant.

2. Death.

New quest:

Max out the following abilities:

Progress: 0%

1. Meditation

2. Skilled Scientist

3. Engineer

4. Martial Artist

5. Heightened Athletic Abilities

6. Wall-Crawling

7. Precognitive Spider-Sense


1. 1000 Experience Points

2. Professor Charles Xavier and Emma Frost's knowledge and experience on Telepathy.

3. Dungeon creation.

4. Dungeon escape.

5. New feature unlock.


1. Remaining weak.

2. Death.

Duration: 2 months.


Curious to see my schedule, I accessed my inventory and selected the timetable.



[Timetable], [] .... []


As if by magic, the timetable materialized in my hand, its mystical appearance never failing to fascinate me. Glancing at the schedule, I realized it was time for my first gym session. But before that, I needed to complete my morning ritual.

I headed to the bathroom, performing my customary morning routine and changing into a sleeveless top and shorts, ready for the physical exertion at the gym. Stepping through the Portal Door and into the gym, I was greeted by John, the trainer.

"Good morning, Master Parker. Did you have a restful night?" John asked.

"Good morning, John. Yes, I had a great night's sleep. I'm here to start my training, and I hope you'll go easy on me," I replied with a smile.

"Alright. Do you have any specific goals for your training?" John inquired.

I handed him my timetable, saying, "Here is my timetable. I aim to achieve proficiency in all these areas within two months."

After reviewing the timetable, John assumed control of my training and made it clear that I should follow his instructions diligently if I wanted to achieve my goals.

Two weeks had passed since I started my training with John. Each day followed a rigorous routine: training in the morning, breakfast, studying science subjects at the library, conducting experiments with Nexus, lunchtime chats with Aunt May, and then back to training with John. It was a demanding schedule, with the time dilation in the gym and laboratory making it feel like three weeks had gone by.

Checking the progress of my quests, I was pleased to see how far I had come.



New quest:

Max out the following abilities:

Progress: 99%

1. Meditation

2. Skilled Scientist

3. Engineer

4. Martial Artist

5. Heightened Athletic Abilities

6. Wall-Crawling

7. Precognitive Spider-Sense


1. 1000 Experience Points

2. Professor Charles Xavier and Emma Frost's knowledge and experience on Telepathy.

3. Dungeon creation.

4. Dungeon escape.

5. New feature unlock.


1. Remaining weak.

2. Death.

Duration: 2 months.


Despite my progress, I couldn't shake the feeling that I hadn't reached the full 100%. I wondered if there was something more I needed to do or if I simply needed to train harder.



New quest:

Stop 20 criminal activities.

Progress: 0/20


1 Completion of training quest.

2. 500 experience points.


1. No progress.

2. Death.


The notification provided an answer to my question. Tomorrow would mark my first foray into heroism as I embarked on my first mission to stop criminal activities.