
Spending money to become god ,system online

What if suddenly you become the worlds richest and powerful man in the univers by spending money.... this story is about that lucky gay who got this chance

Tellerbee · ファンタジー
49 Chs

15=Talking with Rose

The two of them drove to Coast International Residence. After they parked the cars, they walked to Block 1.

Of course, Rose had heard about Coast International Residence. Plus, it was near to her work, so whenever she walked past this place, she would look at this place with envy. She could only dream about owning a house here.

Even though this dream was very far away, it would be good enough to come in to have a look.

When they got into the elevator of Block 1, they went straight to the 27th floor.

Even though Rose was mentally prepared before she walked in, she was still stunned by the extravagance in front of her.

There was a brilliant chandelier above her and one of the walls of the lobby had been into into a huge french window facing River Leeds. Furthermore, the sofa, the television, and the painting were all incredibly luxurious.

Rose would be willing to lose ten years of her life just to live in such an extravagant house.

"Please sit," Sidd asked Rose to sit before pouring her a glass of water.

"Sidd , darling, your house is so beautiful. River Leeds at night must be very beautiful from this angle, right?" Rose asked while pointing at the french window.

"It's fine. You can come anytime you want if you want to look at it."

"Really?" Rose asked in disbelief.

"Of course! Right, where are you from, Darling Rose ?"

"I'm from Rain sound . I've been working in River City for three to four years."

"Have you bought a house here yet?"

Not yet. The housing prices here are so expensive. I don't even know when I can afford it," Rose sighed ruefully.

"I think you should be able to get a mortgage on a house in River City with your salary, right, Darling Rose ?" Sidd asked curiously.

"Actually, my salary is not that high, and I still need to take care of my parents and little brother. I need to pay rent, and my clothes and makeup are not cheap, so that's why I can't save much money," Rose said in a sad voice.