
Date (2)

"This place looks like a good spot! What do you think, Seph?"

Before the duo was a restaurant, its mahogany wood doors engraved with figures of wildlife. Just from looking at the outside, they could see that it was a high-quality establishment- beyond the nice doors and well-maintained look, there was another thing that gave it away.


So far, the only clear, pure glass Edol had seen in this world was Seph's glasses, which she only wore occasionally. Here, though, massive panes of largely-unstained glass provided the diners with a nice view outside.

Most other places needed to close their open-air windows as the temperature fell, but here these could keep the outside visible year-round.

"If they've got money for those, they'll definitely have good food too!"

Edol reached over and grabbed Seph's hand, soliciting a small jump from the girl.

"Are you feeling ill?"