
The Hive Mission Begins [Pt 2]


In the vastness of space which was supposed to be adorned by countless stars and blossoming planets, I and my allies appeared.

We were meant to witness the transcendental beauty of the world beyond our planet. A place brimming with life, wonder, and energy.

Stars would radiate in their distance, and the nebulae would stretch on for as long as the senses could perceive. We were meant to see orbiting planets, and perhaps the sun that held them together in a gravitational cycle.

However… all of that was missing.

Instead, what we witnessed was an empty void of darkness that seemed to stretch on forever.

The stars seemed to have dulled or completely vanished, and there seemed to be no planet in sight—just pure darkness and emptiness.

Other than the warbling blue light that accompanied us due to our teleportation, no brilliance of any sort existed in this world.

And all of this was thanks to one thing.