
SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

The greatest Magic Scholar to ever live, Lewis Griffith, died without ever being able to use Magic thanks to being Inept. Strangely, he reincarnates centuries into the future, given a second chance at life. Now thrust into the world of Magic, will his new life as Jared Leonard be the same as it was in the past? Or… will he finally be able to use Magic and change the world? * * * CONSIDER JOINING OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/5HRA6ZUa7y Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter Enjoy the read!

Magecrafter · ファンタジー
1402 Chs

Jared Vs Aquarius [Pt 1]

Aquarius calmly stared at the young man before her, and she only had one thought.

'He's weak.'

As a Constellation who was boundless, and had access to the infinite branches of her realm, she knew what true power meant.

Of course, she knew that by mere mortal standards, Jared was among the 0.0000000000001 percent in existence—no, perhaps he was even in a smaller range than that.

However, there were still several entities that towered above him.

One of those entities happened to be her.

"I'm ready!" Aquarius heard him say definitively, and all she could do was respond with a sigh.

If she had a face, what she would be showing now was disinterest at the sheer pointlessness of this exchange.

Still, as a Constellation, she was bound to honour the deal.

"Very we—"


Before Aquarius could conclude her statement, she suddenly felt a strong coalition of energy gathering in a certain location.