
Emperor Versus Magic Scholar [Pt 2]


Why in the world was this idiot putting 'Emperor' as part of the title? Wasn't this just plain old Mage Mode?

'Was this how his predecessors had dubbed it? How narcissistic could they have possibly been?'

This stuff could be used and learned by anyone with enough talent and skill in Magic. Yet, it seemed like Kuzon thought he was something extremely unique for having it.

'This is… troubling.'

The art of Mage Mode being passed down, like some sort of special secret, must have been one of the causes behind Magic's slow progression in this world.

Everyone hoarded too much information and the few who could use strong Magic—like Mage Mode and Original Magic—began to act as if it was exclusive and special to them.

As a Scholar and a Mage who had dedicated himself to the art, I could only say I was utterly disgusted by this.

'I only kept Spellcraft, as well as a few theories and designs—like multiple Mana Cores—because the world simply wasn't ready for it.'