
Chapter 21: Time Twists

Chapter 21: Time Twists

Master. Two dragons rumbled within the constraints of his Inner World as the ice captain awoke, holding back a soft groan as teal orbs found themselves scanning the familiar Hospital Wing, the pale moonlight glowing into the otherwise dark wing. It's maddening to do this crap over and over again.

"It's about time you've awaken. Making me wait, you're such a meanie; Hitsu-chan."

Looking up, the ice captain found a playful pair of golden orbs, the female donned in her usual orange robes and grape purple hair in a high ponytail, spiked bangs framing her alluring face. Teal orbs narrowing, the ice captain sat up, snapping as he did, noting the curtains pulled over his bed, hiding the two of them from outsiders.

"That's Hitsugaya-taicho to you."

"Ara, ara. Sounds like you're all better already, my icy nephew." Yoruichi winked, her smile playful before she turned serious, straight to business. "The Head Captain expects a report of the results in the end of your tasks. I have healed the wounds on your back enough to stop the bleeding along with restoring your reiatsu."

Nodding, the ice captain addressed another. "And the hippogriff?"

"Reincarnated as planned." Yoruichi reported before voicing her own thoughts. "But I must ask, Hitsu-chan; why did you want the hippogriff to be reincarnated? Would it be easier to summon with the soul in Soul Society?"

"No." Toshiro replied, as elaborated after repeating his first sentence to her in their conversation. "The time-turner works only in The World of Living; therefore, if the hippogriff's soul was in Soul Society, it would not be able to convert 'time' to when the soul chain was not severed. But rather it would remain severed, the scale thrown out of balance."

"Therefore, causing the hippogriff to perish even with the efforts of the time-turners." The former Captain of the Second Division nodded. "But when the soul is reincarnated, and rejoined into the Realm of the Living, the soul chain can be deemed rejoined?"

"Yes." Toshiro replied with a glance, raising an eyebrow at the pointed look he was given. "What?"

"You should pretty sure of this, Hitsu-chan. — It's Hitsugaya-taicho. — How did you find out these things?" Yoruichi asked, ignoring the ice captain's interjection of his title, as the said captain rose an eyebrow.

"Did you really think that I was asleep this entire time?" Toshiro questioned back instead as he added an afterthought. "Or rather all these times?"

"Peter Pettigrew." The former captain widened her golden orbs as the ice captain merely shrugged. "You tested this with him…"

"He was the most convenient." Toshiro stated indifferently. "His Animagus form made his soul easy to move from Hell and back, to test my theories accordingly. And therefore, is why I am able to say with confidence the hippogriff must be reincarnated."

"But how have you replaced time to it's original play through?"

At that the ice captain smirked as he explained. "I have had an entire year to observe and practice the magic that the Western wizards have employed, I think taking precautions in knowing how to counter my time-turner would be a wise move."

"And of Black, my oh-so-clever nephew?"

"He's not dead yet." Toshiro spoke with icy indifference, irking slightly at the former Second Division captain's words. "The Ministry has found itself out of Dementors within the vicinity. And therefore, they would not be able to kill him until morning at the earliest."

"You have everything planned out, don't you; Hitsu-chan?"

"It's Hitsugaya-taicho." Toshiro merely snapped as he felt arms snake over his neck and shoulders, the purple-haired woman's voice soft and comforting. "You appear to be ice cold, but under that, you are soft and as delicate as the snow. But you know, Hitsu-chan? We don't mind if you just let go once in a while."

She's right, you know. Hyorinmaru whispered, his voice resonating softly as Sephiroth hummed in agreement. Even Soul Society is as unforgiving as it seems, you have a makeshift family there; Toshiro, even as a captain.

…I know. Toshiro replied as he whispered the same to the she-cat.

"Thank you…Yoruichi…"

Feeling a small grin spread over the woman's lips, the ice captain blinked as a soft peck nestled his cheek before she was gone.

Before he could react or do anything any further, the doors burst open with a bang; revealing a distraught Granger. Regaining his composure, the ice captain replaced his mask, opening the curtains with a swift pull, just as the Headmaster entered. Making no indication that ice captain saw any of the Trio, the white-haired shinigami merely replaced his zanpakuto and wand on his person, pulling out his golden time-turner, glinting in the moonlight.

Dumbledore. Harry thought. The Headmaster was reasonable, he would listen to reason to save Sirius. His godfather. The person who would take him away from that hell he was at every summer. He was all he had left.

"Headmaster, you've got to stop them!" Hermione cried as she took the Boy Who Lived from his thoughts as they neared the professor, glancing at a bedridden Ron and an unconscious Neville beside him, having fainted on the way back. "They've got the wrong man!"

"It's true, sir!" Harry insisted. "Sirius is innocent!"

"It's Scabbers who did it!" Ron cried from his bed as all eyes turned to him, his leg propped on a pillow, obviously broken.

"Scabbers?" The Headmaster questioned, with a knowing twinkle in his eyes.

"He's my rat, sir." Ron clarified dumbly as he began to ramble. "He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother, Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl…"

"The point is, we know the truth." Hermione cut in, turning to Dumbledore. "Please believe us."

"I do, Miss Granger." Dumbledore nodded immediately, as he placed a comforting hand on the girl. "But the word of four thirteen-year-old wizards will convince few others."

Walking towards Ronald, patting the boy's leg, oblivious to the boy's whimpers of pain, the Headmaster continued; trailing off towards the exit. "A child's voice, however, honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen. A mysterious thing. Time."

"Powerful, and when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the West Tower." Dumbledore spoke as he was swiftly cut off.

"I am well aware of the rules, Headmaster."

Turning to the ice captain, who tied a bloody bandage over his sword arm; the Trio flinched at the sight of the white-haired transfer's bloody appearance, the Headmaster sending a concerned glance. "Granger is just as conversed with it. We will make sure we are not to seen, along with Potter."

"Very well, Miss Granger and Mr. Hitsugaya." Dumbledore nodded. "And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you both succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared."

"Agreed, Headmaster." Toshiro snapped annoyedly as he neared Granger and Potter, the former and the captain exchanging glances as they turned to the Headmaster with a nod. "Three turns will suffice, Headmaster."

"Good luck." And the Headmaster was gone behind wooden doors.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?"

"The thickness of your insolence continues to confound me, Weasley." Toshiro deadpanned as he pulled off his time-turner, ignoring the boy and Potter's confusion as he handed the necklace over the three of them. Lifting the golden hourglass, the ice captain turned it as needed, before allowing it to flip. Ignoring Potter's fascinated looks at what he and Granger saw on a basis, the ice captain replaced the timer, noting the soft twilight.

"What just happened, Hermione? Hitsugaya?" Harry questioned immediately. "Where's Ron? And Neville?"

"Seven thirty." Hermione read as she turned to Harry, the girl and the ice captain ignoring the question shot at them. "Where were we at seven-thirty?"

"I don't know." Harry offered helpfully.

"You both heading over Hagrid's Hut." The ice captain supplied bluntly as he made for the doors, the two following as the ice captain turned to Granger. "Granger. Explain the laws of Time and the time-turner to Potter. I have other things to take care of. I will rejoin you soon."

Before any of the children could answer, the ice captain disappeared.

Reappearing in the outskirts of Hagrid's Hut, the ice captain stood hidden in the treetops as a familiar white-haired figure appeared beside him. "This isn't the first time that this has happened."

"Of course not." Toshiro replied to his a few hours younger self; donned in his shinigami robes and haori. "And as you can see, I have returned with Granger and Potter to resurrect the hippogriff."

"I had a theory that it was possible." Hitsugaya replied to his older self. "But you already knew that. It was possible, then?"

"Yes." Toshiro nodded as they watched Potter and Granger throw rocks at their past selves, invisible as they had erected a Kido barrier for invisibility over the two versions of the ice captains. "There is no need to allow the hippogriff to be sent to Soul Society; I will lure it elsewhere with Potter and Granger. The plan shall be followed with minor complications."

"Very well." Hitsugaya nodded, pausing before he exited the barrier. "And the fate of my presence here?"

Toshiro was silent before he responded. "…That remains to be seen."

"…I see." And with that, his counterpart was gone.

You know, you're pretty cold even to yourself. Sephiroth commented off-handedly. It wasn't as surreal as I thought it would be.

You can't deny perfection when you see it. Hyorinmaru said playfully as the younger dragon nodded in agreement. It's not often that you can see it, right before you.

Your words ring true, elder. Sephiroth nodded as Toshiro rolled his eyes.

And I thought I was free of arrogance, it appears I was far from it.

Ignoring the laughter from the two dragons, the ice captain turned back to Potter and Granger, who had regained their prior position behind the pumpkins. Remaining unmoved, the captain glanced at his clothing. His leather jacket and hoodie were splayed open in the back due to the hollow's mad grab for him, as bloodied bandages were wrapped neatly under the ripped clothing. Making a note to change, the captain was pleased to find the rest of his appearance well enough other than the occasional bandage here and there.

Leaping from treetop from treetop, the ice captain watched with teal orbs as Granger and Potter struggled slightly to pull the hippogriff into the woods, the captain following with silence. Deciding to make his appearance, the ice captain lifted the barrier, landing beside Buckbeak, who bowed at the icy transfer's appearance.

Smiling softly in mirth at hippogriff who licked his hand, the ice captain petted his feathers with a soft rustle as the children flinched at the captain's sudden appearance. Sighing that it was only the white-haired transfer, the girl tied the hippogriff's leash to a tree, decidedly far enough into the forest.

"Hitsugaya, you surprised us." Hermione remarked as she joined the captain, feeding the hippogriff a dead squirrel.

"What do we do now?" Harry questioned as he neared the two.

"Now, we save your godfather." Toshiro answered as he led the way to the Whomping Willow, the three barely glancing their past selves entering the underground passage into the Shrieking Shack, and for the captain's case; to see himself speaking via bluetooth to his lieutenant, all the while sneaking a glance to his older self.

"And now we wait." Toshiro whispered, as he seated himself at the edge of the forest, hidden in the darkness as Potter and Granger followed in suit, seated in the moonlight as they nodded. Silence enveloped as they waited, the ice captain nestled in the dark roots as he resided into his Inner World, leaving Potter and Granger to converse amongst themselves until a tentative voice spoke the captain's name.


Opening a teal orb, the ice captain found it to be Potter. "Yes, Potter?"

"Before, down by the lake, when I was down there with Sirius; I saw someone." Harry said as Granger neared curiously. "And…that someone made the Dementors go away."

"With a Patronus?" Hermione inquired as Toshiro merely displayed his interest with a risen eyebrow, hiding the tension underneath his cold and indifferent mask. Turning to Granger, the Boy Who Lived gave his friend a curious look.

"I heard Snape telling Dumbledore." Hermione explained. "According to him, only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it."

"It was my dad." Potter declared proudly as Toshiro sent a look, exchanging glances with Granger. "It was my dad who conjured the Patronus."

So that was the memory that Potter saw. Toshiro thought as his orbs narrowed. Not that it was far off from what Potter would think up. The death of his parents gone hangs over his life so greatly that if they had not died, he would have probably been a larger bumbling idiot than he already is.

How will you stop him from trying though, Toshiro? Hyorinmaru questioned.

Elder is right, Master. Sephiroth growled. The boy is curious now, and since the events have been replayed once more, he would want to see who this individual is.

Glancing to the boy, Toshiro addressed his zanpakuto and wand guardian, elaborating after his declaration. I have a plan.

"But Harry, your dad's —?"

"Dead. I know." He snapped, a soft glimmer of hope glowing in his eyes. "I'm just telling you what I saw."

"Regardless of what you saw, Potter;" Toshiro cut in as he glared at the boy with his usual glare. "As Granger said, your parents are dead. And frankly, whatever you say or think you saw; that fact remains. They're dead."

"Hitsugaya, that's —!" Hermione began before she was cut off by Harry.

"You don't understand!" Harry bellowed into the quiet forest as he stood, glaring darkly at the ice captain who met his with one of his own. "Do you know how it feels to be a celebrity just because your parents died?! Do you know what it's like to have never meet them and your life be an entire lie, with people talking about them, knowing them more about them than you ever will?!"

"I don't know what it's like?" Toshiro whispered darkly as the boy flinched after several breaths at the angry teal orbs boring into his face. "Do not make any assumptions of my past, Potter. And allow me to inform you, you are doing the same thing as the people you are criticizing. You are making assumptions about me that you do not even know about. I have no desire to listen how much your life is decrepit compared to everyone else. The world does not revolve around you, Potter, in case you haven't noticed."

Noting the shame on the boy's face, the ice captain met the bushy-haired girl's conflicted gaze with an icy glare, anger still reflected in his orbs as he sensed the reiatsu of his past self.

That should be enough to alter their memories. Toshiro thought as he silently thanked the foresight for him to refill his Kikanshinki with the memory replacing powder; a condensed version that he requested from Kurotsuchi. Developed by the said scientist, it was even usable with shinigami and therefore, in that extent, the wizards.

We shall see, Master. Sephiroth rumbled comfortingly as Hyorinmaru roared softly in the background, soothing the ice captain's unease.

"Your other selves should be appearing soon." The ice captain informed them icily. "I will regroup with you at a later time, before we meet once more at the Hospital Wing."

No bothering to send them a glance, the captain shunpoed away, none seeing the sad smirk that colored his lips as he did.

"Hitsugaya?" Harry declared confusedly as he saw the ice captain appear, the white-haired transfer Apparated before his past self and his godfather, and with a whisper; Harry and Hermione watched shocked as he conjured a large Patronus, the dragon horrifyingly menacing as it attacked the Dementors.

Then, summoned by the transfer's command, came others.

Dressed like the white-haired transfer, the men and women attacked like a professional battalion of soldiers, each firing a simultaneous conjuring of spells and wandless magic; obliterating every Dementor. Then as quickly as they came, the men and women disappeared after a strawberry blonde woman exchanged a few words with Hitsugaya, who then merely rose an eyebrow as he saw them.

He. Saw. Them.

"Harry!" Hermione hissed as she pulled the boy back onto his bum, the both of them falling as the girl did not dare to look back, instead glaring at her friend. "We cannot be seen!"

"Too late for that, Granger." An icy voice snapped as he appeared before the panicked heap, grabbing Potter by his jacket and Granger by her's in hand. "Now, then. Time for you children to reap the consequences of your foolishness."

Pulling out his Kikanshinki, the ice captain stood before two unconscious children, before sending his past self a glance. Shunpoing to his past self, the ice captain regarded himself before speaking.

"Proceed as planned."

"…The same to you…"

And with that the mirror images of the ice captain disappeared.

Several hours later, Toshiro settled a slumbering Hermione and Harry at the base of tall tree in the Black Forest; the hippogriff nearing the captain, nipping his beak at the ice captain who merely responded with a soft stroke of the beast's feathers. "My apologies, hippogriff."

Crooning, the beast licked the captain's cheek as if to comfort him. "I suppose you're right; you're alive in this time era now. But will that be enough for you, Buckbeak?"

Stepping away with soft stomps, the hippogriff bowed as low as it could before the ice captain before settling it's head in the ice captain's hands, pulling the white-haired boy to his knees with him. Smirking a ghost of a smile, the icy captain relaxed with a soft sigh.

"Alright then." Toshiro whispered. "You win."

The silence was comfortable as the captain continued to pet the hippogriff; awaiting for the two children to awaken as the beast slept soundly on his lap. Glancing at the position of the full moon above them, the ice captain gauged that they had less than an hour to save the fugitive that the professors had most likely brought to the West Tower and their past selves to the Hospital Wing.

"Buckbeak." The ice captain's voice resonated as the hippogriff awakened immediately with a soft beat of it's wings before standing on it's talons, orange orbs meeting teal. Bowing as if to await the captain's commands, the hippogriff crooned softly.

With a soft lift of his hand, the captain emitted a soft white light from his hands, until the glow extended to the surrounding trees of the children, creating a translucent barrier in every direction. Catching a moonlight ray, the ice captain found himself staring at his reflection for a moment, before it disappeared; the Kyomon finished.

Huh. The ice captain huffed. I never thought I'd find myself helping children and rescuing a fugitive by going back into time.

That's what makes the your life the most interesting of all of the others before you, Master. Hyorinmaru growled protectively. As much as it may isolate you from others, it is what makes you, my Master.

And my own. Master. Sephiroth finished as the ice captain scoffed.

What the hell is with today? Smother me to death?

Maybe. The ice dragons crooned playfully as the ice captain found himself smirking before thanking them with a silence thank you. Pulled from his thoughts by a nip from a almost playful look from orange orbs, Toshiro raised an eyebrow as if challenging just as playfully as he mounted on the beast; taking off into the moonlight.

Hogwarts in sight. Hyorinmaru reported as the ice captain nodded. Black is located in the West Tower.

The West Tower was also known as the Owlery, but the captain doubted that Black was locked up in the place that Korihana had refused to enter. Not that he blamed her. The glassless windows were pleasant enough but that is if you were able to ignore the owl droppings, regurgitated mice skeletons, and not to mention the company of other owls. Proving to be like her master, Korihana preferred the company of less being the better or not at all; her master exempted.

Located in a lower tower, contained the fugitive. Barred by a caged door and only having a small arrow slit for any source of light in the form of moonlight, Sirius Black collected the rags of the little clothing he had at hand to shield his body from the solidified ice on the small corners of the Tower, when a scraping sound of claw on stone took him from his brooding. Looking towards the source, the fugitive turned to his prison door. Only to find familiar icy cold teal orbs boring in to meet his own. Unable to say anything, the prisoner heard a soft string of Japanese and with a boom, the door was unhinged and open.


"If you stand there any longer, Black; you are going to have more than being a murderer under your belt of false accusations." Toshiro snapped, his teal orbs colored with mirth before it was cold once more. "Come. We're going to meet with your godson."

"Harry?" Black said as he followed the ice captain, mounting on Buckbeak with a questioning look. "We're going to meet him?"

"Along with Granger." Toshiro supplied as they took off into the air, Black bellowing a cry as he did so; relishing his freedom and once more, the ice captain could not blame him for his happiness.