

Nya woke up and looked around with a heavy sigh, it was Sunday not even 6am, but she couldn't go back to sleep again...

With a growl and not so feminine movement she kicked the bedsheet she had wrapped on her waist, she got out of the bed, yes it was Sunday and she usually don't open the flower shop on Sunday, but she didn't opened the day before and everybody knew that flowers sell better on weekends and she had to go to the greenhouse anyways to take care of the watering and pruning and cleaning, she really needed someone to help her, or at least a watering drip, but both things required money, and she couldn't afford, even though Cao and Dara are always offering to help her with the expenses, she would always make it look as it wasn't as bad as it looked, no matter how much she loved them, there were two things that she wouldn't share with a friend, money and love...

Unfortunally when it comes to the second she sadly ends up always on the loosing ending, not once, twice.

she shook her head to dismiss the thought, fortunate for her she had been maneging the second matter, barely, but maneging...

She took her towel and headed to the bathroom, she didn't even bother to turn on the lights, for start it was summer and by 6am the sun was already picking throught her bedroom windows, but even if it was winter she could make her way in the darkness, she knew that house as she knew tha palm of her hands she lived there her entire life.

When she reached the kitchen Dara was already there sitting on the counter with a huge mug of coffee, yes, not even the heat of summer could make them give up on coffee, and not iced americano, hot fuming coffee, none of them could work without it.

Dara looked distracted, she must woke up before the sun or hadn't slept at all, Nya bet on the second.

She was acting weird since they met the day before, well, not weird, weird was Dara middle name, mysterious, yes that was the word, mysterious...

- Hi u, already up- she took a while to notice Nya, actually Nya had to get close and slightly touch her arms for her to be noticed, Dara smilled

- I made coffee- Nya didn't trust Dara to boil an egg, but she knew how to make the best coffee, she went to take her mug- shoulddn't bee you enjoying your Sunday

- Look who's talking, why are back so soon, did you really think I wouldn't survive without you?

- Nooo- she joked with a chuckled, then she said serioursly- Nahh, sorry I used you as a shield again, I just couldn't breath there

- Why did you go in the first place?

- They are my friends

- No, HE, is the person you've been in love with since you were 18 and she is the girl who stole him

- She didn't stole there were nothing between oppa and I to start with

- You are right, still think your first first love was better...

- First first love??

- Yes, the so called prince that you said everybody was in love with but didn't matter because you loved him first, you said you liked him since the first time you saw him and even called him nike because we was using nike from head to toes...

- Your brain is scary, you still remember that

- Of course I do, and don't pretend you don't, you even told me not to tell Cao, because you were afaid she would start to judge and compare him to Mek, you even had the pin we dropped first time you met him...

- All this time, why you never

- I'm not Cao

- Lol, it wasn't real love, just a crush, someone you say hello when you see...

- Not that simple, you would wait for him everysingle day pretending to bump into him just to say hello, for 3 years, I think it was real and more meaningfull that what you have for oppa, and I know how heartbroken you were, something happen but you never talked about him again and then your parents happened and oppa was there to comfort you, like he would do to a sister, your family were close, of course she would be there for you but in the state you were you just transfered all your feelings to him thinking it was love...

- I should have recorded you Cao will never believe you said all this words, and just by being nosy

- Not being nosy, just...

- Can we talk about something else?- Nya said startkng to get uncomfortable

- How is the flower shop doing? - Dara asked

- 180° me like it, shop, samo samo, I need more help, more space, more plants

- Bottom line more money...

- Yeah but I almost done with appa's loan, don't worry, then I can start investing

- How not to worry, you kill yourself working and you don't even ask me for help when you need...

- I don't quote "kill myself" working, I like what I do and strive to do it well, and how can you say you don't help, my life would harder if you weren't here with me, I wouldn't be able to keep the shop if you didn't help me with the house expenses, but most importantly you are all I have, you and Cao are my only family my only companion... - then Nya raised her brows- did Cao do anything to you, you're leaving again

- What made you, no, for both

- But you mada a grimance when I said Cao, you don't need to lie I know how she can be a bit**

- Just her- Dara said sarcastically, Nya didn't reply- she, err, she brought up the pact again- she decided for a half truth

- Pact, the one we made months ago???- Dara nodded- I should have burnt that stupid book as soon as it got to my hands