

After fighting in a brutal war for 5 years,Alexander a special forces soldier,dies in an explosion during a mission. However instead of disappearing, he's offered a second chance at life in another world as Luke Argenti, the son of a powerful duke. But he soon learns that such privileges comes with responsibilities and that the weak cannot survive in this world. Follow Luke as he fights against the misfortunes and dangers of this new world in order to live his second life in peace! release schedule: monday,wednesday and friday. *it will have romance but i will take my time developing AI GENERATED COVER

WAVEX · ファンタジー
30 Chs


-We greet our lord!

We all said in union after our father, James Argenti, arrived at the door. Even though he isn't releasing his mana, just his presence sends chills down my spine, that's an archmage for you.

-At ease.

hearing my father's words, we all sat down again while he walked to the seat at the other end of the table.

After sparing a glance at us he picks up the food and starts eating, indicating that we can also start.

Peeking at my father, seeing him eat gracefully makes it hard to believe that this man will throw you out the moment you become useless.

Even among the 4 dukes of the Romanus kingdom he is the one who holds the most power, I'm surprised he didn't make a shot for the crown yet.

I don't know when he became a power-hungry maniac, I tried asking mother once and she said that even her didn't know and one time she tried asking about it he shot a fireball at her.

- do not fail your duties today.

-yes, my lord!

with those words father left, and we followed after, going our separate ways for our respective schedules.

-incredible young master Luke, your steps are even more graceful than last time.

right now, I'm in my etiquette class and today was dancing, something I hate to the core, no, in fact I hate this entire class.

ever since Jacob, my teacher started these lessons, it's been nothing but torture, learning how to walk like a noble, eat like a robot, watching the way a seat, move, how to address people among other silly things. Don't get wrong they are not hard, only boring I mean why do i have to pay attention to the way I cut my food, like seriously!!!!!

-Thank you for your praise teacher!

-Since you perfectly executed the dance, we will end class here.


Finally, it ended, now it's time for the most interesting class: Magic Theory.

-Greetings young master Luke.

-Hello master Aldrich.

Aldrich Vander, head of the Vander County, 6th rank mage and my magic theory teacher. Although i can't use magic yet, my father decided to not waste time waiting to awaken my mana and made me learn de basics.

-Today we are going to make sure your base knowledge is solidified, I will just ask some questions and you answer ok?


-First what is mana?

-Mana is a mysterious energy that's present in every living being and, in the environment, its primarily used by mages and knights. Everybody has mana inside their bodies but only people with a certain affinity for mana can manipulate it.

-Excellent and how one discovers such affinity.

-At age of 5 one's mana starts to show reaction inside the body and the use of an affinity orb helps identify that reaction or in rare cases of extreme emotional situations the mana inside can react to said emotions and release an outburst. Such situations happens with "late bloomers".

Now what's the difference between mages and knights?

-Mages normally gather their man in a single spot of the body, most commonly on their hearts, so that they can gather the necessary mana for their spells faster.

  For knights they focus on spreading mana to their bodies by infusing it on their bones, muscles, and other parts, strengthening their bodies as a result.

-Also, mages are ranked from 1st to 8th rank with each rank having low mid high stages. As for knights they are divided in pawn, horse, rook, bishop, and king\queen.

-Perfect, and finally how one casts spells?

-by chanting, drawing a magic circle or runes, but high-ranking mages can cast by just bending mana to their will.

- excellent young master, now we can proceed without worries.

Well aside from the review of the basics the rest of the class went smoothly and now it was lunch time so I'm going to my room to eat and not to the dining hall because my brother eats there along with mother and sister and I like to eat in peace, fortunately father lets us eat where we want.

Mother already tried to convince us to eat with them, although it would be nice, my brother would annoy me without rest.

Since Father decides what we eat I don't have to worry about choosing it and Elise already informed the maids where I eat so when I arrived in my room the food was already there.

Finishing lunch, I had a little bit of time to myself which I use to rest using meditation and a light workout, since mages usually focus on creating stronger magic, they tend to neglect their bodies making them weak in close quarters.

I would like to work out more but there's a limit I can do with a 5-year-old body, and I must do this in secret since Father thinks working out in unbefitting for a Argenti mage and he can easily find out if I exercise in public.

Finishing my workout, I took a quick bath and went to my next class.

This one is the most useful since it teaches politics, business, history, world affairs, mathematics, and other stuff. Basically, general knowledge for nobles.

-as you know young master the Romanus kingdom was founded 3000 years ago by the first king Romanus von Argus, a prince of the former holy Argus empire now called holy Stella empire. 

Due to the abuse of power and corruption by the church faction of the empire. Prince Romanus led a rebellion against the church, causing the great civil war to separate the control of the church from the monarchy.

  Although it ended with the victory of the rebellion, the empire was too much divided already, so the prince made a deal with the pope and the remaining members of the royal family to each take control of the divided areas, so the prince took his most loyal subordinates and founded the kingdom we now live in.


We are starting with the history of the kingdom today, it's useful since I can get a lot of information from this story. First is that the Stella church, who worships the goddess Stella, can't be trusted, they may have lost power after the war, but they still hold great influence across the continent, some of the library books have record of the many atrocities they've committed in the name of the goddess and human supremacy.

The history maybe interesting, but the person saying it makes it boring, jesus!!!!

After that story we switched to learn about the structure of the kingdom, but Jaspier Quinton, my tutor stretched the lesson with hollow praises about my father and the dukedom. So, to summarize the kingdom follows the monarchy structure with the royal family in at the top of the power followed by the 4 great dukes each ruling a large territory on the borders of the kingdom, the Argenti rule the west, the Waynes in the east, the Perseus in the north, and the Verus in the south. The counts rule a small territory and are granted certain autonomy, viscounts rule a city, barons don't have a territory, only an estate and finally commoners, also known as the masses.

Although the king makes the final decision, the nobles hold most of the power in the kingdom affairs, from military to business, since this world is in a similar state as the earth in the 19th century, the royal family's influence is lower than the past but still strong to not be ignored.

The following lessons were quick, most of the stuff I've learned from my previous life, so we didn't spend much time on it. The business part was a tricky one but most basic stuff, so I caught on pretty fast.

Now I'm off to spend some quality time with my mother.

bit of infor dump about the world but the most important parts are exposed

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