
Spectacular Peter Parker(Spider man) SI

A guy reincarnated as one of the most disrespected superhero by it's own company and he doesn't like it one bit. Find out what's next Disclaimer I don't own marvel or any of its characters this fanfic is just for fun and a way to take out my frustrations

race_sins77 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Not A Chapter, A Rant

hello everyone author here

I am kind of un motivated with the current state of Spider-Man comics.

I mean what the f@ck is going on, how did we get here. It's like everything that was done in last spider man run doesn't matter anymore.

Reading Spider man comics was supposed to bring joy to my life.

I don't like certain characters after watching Rami trilogy. But when I started reading comic books. It actually change my perspective.

The Peter Parker I know was married and growing up. But ever since one more day it's like nothing changing. It's like he regressed back to highschool age.

It's like every time they take one step forward there's ten steps backwards.

I mean for fuck sake a guy who is Einstein level genius it doesn't make any sense to me how is he broke and still can't find an apartment to live in.

After the mess Dann Slut made, when Nick Spencer tried to fix things only for editors to come and ruin everything. I mean all that much time, effort and build up only to retcon 'Sins Past'.

And now in current zeb wells run, let's not even talk about that Nick Lowe self interest character.

Issue 31 which was 9$ for f@ck sake and I came to know that after issue 35 it's supposed to continue to next arc for about 24 more issues. Meaning till 2025 Zeb wells is not going anywhere.

I mean what's more left for them to ruin.

It's like being a Spider man fan is curse now.

It's like there's a higher power in Marvel that's just doesn't want Peter Parker to grow up and still be that relatable highschool kid down on his luck.

I bet you in next 30 years my children(if I will have any) will be reaching marriage age and Peter Parker will still be there, where he is now (or probably much worse) and nothing going to change because people at marvel won't change. It's like a competition on how to rile up fans more play with their feelings and attack them on Twitter when ever we express our dissatisfaction with them.

Nothing's going to change because Spider-Man is too big to fail at this point.

And another big problem is the fans who will buy the worst spider man run comics just to show their support for their beloved hero. I get it but they are not helping at all.

I am going to do something that Peter Parker should have done long ago "Give Up and Move on"

I have a request to everyone whose reading till here.


don't even read the pirated version of it because it in itself is way of supporting it.

if we want things to change we have to do something and I am open to any of your suggestions.

Thank you