

In a mystical realm teeming with legends of deities, a tale unfolds of a zombie-infested apocalypse. As humanity struggles to survive, Adam becomes a beacon of hope. However, he grapples with his own internal conflicts, battling demons within. With unwavering support from loyal companions, they embark on a perilous quest to rescue their world from impending doom.

ShawnGuh · ファンタジー
70 Chs


Simon guides Mai to his hospital bed, removes the fork from her throat, and envelops her wound in shadow magic, allowing it to gradually heal. As Mai listens, Simon confesses that he may not be the perfect man for her, acknowledging his past obsession. However, he genuinely believes that no one else can protect and love her as much as he does. Simon adds that he's aware Frank will arrive soon and promises that this will be the last time for him to take a life for Mai, ensuring that no one else will threaten their relationship again.

In the afternoon, Frank is resting inside of the armor van. Abruptly, the back door swings open, and Michael enters, checking on Frank's condition. Michael inquires if Frank is feeling better. Frank examines his bandaged wounds and mentions that he can manage to move a bit. Exiting the van, Frank learns that Michael has been conducting experiments with the shadows outside the magic dome. Michael explains that a small release of lightning magic can pass through the shadow magic without causing significant harm. However, if a substantial amount of magic is unleashed, it can indeed affect the shadows. Frank expresses that he couldn't do any damage to the shadow because he's so weak and that he doesn't have any magical abilities. He also questions to why Conor expects him to save them all, knowing that he's nothing special a but mere person. 

Michael directs his attention to the magic knife embedded in the ground, suggesting that Conor may have entrusted him with wielding the mystical blade. A flashback of last night rushes into Frank's mind, recalling how he grabbed the magical knife in the sky, activating the magic dome. Frank strides toward the knife, extracting it as the magic emanates, enveloping his body. Michael speculates that Conor likely imbued most of his magic into the blade, trusting that Frank could utilize it to rescue them. Bolstered by this realization, Frank raises the knife toward the sky, the sunlight gleaming on its blade. Determined, he believes he can accomplish the task at hand. Expressing his commitment to saving his lover. Michael, sharing the sentiment, declares his love for Mai as well, proposing that they work together to save her. Frank then says that after when Mai is freed from her curse,  she will choose her who she truly want to be with. Michael smiles, and with united resolve, they enter the magic dome, breaking through the shadow magic with a surge of intense magical power.

Aiden and Conor find themselves seated at the dining table as Duke sets down plates of food. Aiden takes a moment to delineate their roles: he handles the more unpleasant tasks, the shadows provide security, and Duke is assigned the responsibilities of cook and janitor. Intrigued, Conor inquires about his own role. Aiden replies that Conor will be his mentor, expressing a genuine curiosity about magic and a desire to learn more about it. Conor then reveals that he was born with magical abilities but had to conceal them to live a normal life because that was his father's wishes. Aiden, with a smile, encourages Conor to embrace his magical prowess freely now that they are no longer bound by such restrictions. Aiden showcases his own shadow magic, mentioning that his brother Simon bestowed some of these magical powers upon him. However, Aiden expresses a need for a deeper understanding of these abilities.

Conor explains that he'll require some time to replenish his magical reserves, having expended a significant amount during their recent battle. Aiden, impressed, remarks that he has never encountered such a potent magic user at Conor's age. Duke expresses his admiration, wishing he were as strong as Conor. Aiden, in response, tells Duke to not worry and says Simon plans to bestow his shadow magic upon Duke in the near future. They proceed to enjoy their meals before heading down to the basement. There, they find Mai enveloped in shadow magic. Simon, upon turning to face Conor, reacts instinctively, grabbing Conor by the throat and pinning him to the floor.

Aiden pleads with Simon to cease his actions. Simon accuses Conor of being the one who injured him two years ago. Conor, genuinely perplexed, denies any knowledge of the incident. Simon employs his shadow magic to reveal the moment from two years prior when Simon clashed with Adam. Duke recognizes it was Adam who injured Simon and tells him. Simon acknowledges the resemblance, releasing Conor. As Conor rises, Simon acknowledges that, despite his issues with Conor's father, he owes Conor gratitude. Simon credits Conor's blood with facilitating his rapid recovery, expressing that, while he may not be known for honor, this is a moment of newfound integrity since his transformation into a superior form and that he'll give Conor a fighting chance.

Simon reveals that, thanks to Conor's blood, he saved not only Simon but also 12 other individuals from losing all their blood. He grants Conor and the other survivors an opportunity to escape the building, provided they can evade his shadows. Conor finds himself enveloped in Simon's shadow magic, and the same happens to the other 12 survivors in separate rooms. The shadow magic transports them all to the rooftop. As Simon joins them on the rooftop, he expresses gratitude to Conor, stating that they now have a chance to fight for their freedom. Simon outlines the four exits—front door, back door, basement side door, and the sewers. He informs them about the distribution of his shadows on each floor, 3rd floor with one shadow, 2nd floor with two shadows, 1st floor with three shadows, and the basement will have himself, also emphasizing that they can take their time to escape. Simon releases his shadow magic, causing Conor and the survivors to fall to the floor. Simon heads down the stairs, declaring that the time to hide from the shadows has officially begun.

A couple of people hastily descends the stairs, seeking a way to escape. A man named Vass(22) approaches Conor, expressing gratitude for saving them. A woman named Nakao(20) steps forward on the rooftop, urging everyone to unite and work together to exit the building safely, emphasizing that their collective effort is the key to survival. Nakao directs everyone's attention to Conor, and they all bow in acknowledgment of his role in their rescue. Duke arrives on the rooftop, distributing flashlights to everyone, explaining that these can blind the shadows. Just before he leaves, Conor declares his commitment to escape and rescue them all, assuring them that if he can't, Frank will.

Moments later, observing from the rooftop, Nakao spots a massive shadow guarding the front door, while Vass notices numerous smaller shadows around the back door. Conor, examining the side door, observes an absence of shadows. Regrouping at the center of the rooftop, they conclude that the front and back doors are inaccessible due to the shadows. Their optimal escape route is through the side door, accessible only through the basement. Vass notes that Simon guards the basement, prompting Conor to suggest that their plan involves reaching the basement, proposing to distract Simon for the others to escape. He designates the rooftop as their safe zone, with most people staying there while he and a few others create a secure path to the basement. Both Vass and Nakao volunteer to accompany Conor, while the remainder stays on the rooftop.

Conor, Vass, and Nakao descend the stairs to the 3rd floor, only to find the path to the 2nd floor blocked by shadow magic. As they proceed to the 3rd floor, a scream pierces the air, followed by the slamming of a door. Investigating, they encounter a shadow figure feasting on a survivor in the middle of the hallway. The creature notices them, prompting Conor, Vass, and Nakao to shine their flashlights, momentarily blinding it. In response, the shadow creature expands, blocking the entire hallway. Seeking refuge, they enter a nearby room, hiding as the shadow creature regains composure. The creature approaches their door, banging on it a few times before eventually leaving.

Nakao observes that the creature doesn't appear intelligent enough to break down the door. Vass suggests that the shadows on the 2nd and 1st floors might be stronger and more cunning. Conor reveals a plan to make the current floor safe for those on the rooftop. As they discuss, a door breaks, indicating that the shadow is breaking into another room and is devouring a survivor. Aware that staying in one room for too long may attract the shadow, Vass and Nakao enters another room as Conor decides to put their plan into action. Exiting the room, Conor lures the shadow creature towards him, leading it into a room with the door left open. The shadow rushes in and swings its arm, but Conor skillfully runs up the wall, narrowly evading the attack and landing behind the creature. Exiting the room, Vass and Nakao join Conor, and together they direct their flashlights at the shadow creature, causing it to expand and cover half of the room. They quickly place a table at the door, keeping their flashlights placed on the table to maintain the light and deter the shadow creature from advancing. Conor closes the door, and they rejoice at the success of their plan. Returning to the rooftop, they gather more flashlights and then head back down to the 3rd floor. Crossing the floor, they find another set of stairs leading down to the 2nd floor.

Simultaneously, down in the basement, Simon informs Aiden that he senses the presence of two formidable individuals approaching the apartment building. He instructs Aiden to eliminate both of them. Aiden complies, harnessing a substantial amount of shadow magic. He leaves the apartment building, contemplating the possibility of a new life with his newfound friends after the current ordeal is over.

Shortly afterward, Conor finds himself concealed behind a table, evading the notice of a shadow creature. The creature detects Conor's presence and calls out to another shadow, which merges with it. Conor witnesses the transformation, witnessing the shadow creature grow in size and strength. It eventually spots Conor, prompting him to flee with the shadow in pursuit. They enter a room, where Conor attempts to scale the wall to outmaneuver the creature. However, the shadow anticipates his move and strikes Conor from above, causing him to crash to the floor. The creature seizes Conor, pressing him against the wall, and communicates that Conor's previous strategy won't work in this case. Conor realizes that this particular shadow is more formidable and intelligent.

Vass and Nakao enter the room and direct their flashlights at the back of the shadow creature,  causing the shadow creature to turn around and becomes partially blind. Enraged, the creature hurls Conor into Vass and Nakao, and they all crash into an adjacent room. Swiftly, Vass shuts and locks the door, while the shadow creature relentlessly pounds on it, determined to breach. The door starts to splinter under the relentless assault. Conor rises to his feet and notices a vent on the room's side. As the shadow creature breaks through the door, it finds an empty room with an open vent. Undeterred, the shadow proceeds to the next room, only to encounter emptiness once again. Faint footsteps echo nearby, leading the shadow on a pursuit. Following the sound, the shadow locates Conor across the hall. Conor boldly confronts the creature, declaring his intent to defeat it. He aims his flashlight at the shadow, and as it raises a hand to shield its eyes, Conor dodges a downward strike from the shadow creature, Conor gathers the little magical energy he has in his foot and executes a high kick to the shadow's face, causing it fly back and split apart.

Vass and Nakao emerge from their refuge, shining their flashlights at the incapacitated shadows on the floor. The creatures, covering their eyes with one hand, swing wildly with the other. Vass and Nakao skillfully evade the attacks while keeping their lights fixed on the shadows' faces. The two shadows attempt to merge again, but their efforts falter as the persistent lights continue to shine on them. Using his great strength, Conor seizes both shadow faces and hurls them back into their respective rooms. Meanwhile, Vass and Nakao maintain their unwavering focus, shining their flashlights on the shadows. The relentless illumination finally takes its toll, blinding the shadows, and they expand their bodies within the confines of their rooms. Vass and Nakao strategically place their flashlights on the room tables, trapping the shadows inside. Conor, exhausted but determined, closes both doors, and he collapses from the exertion. Vass and Nakao celebrates their victory over the shadows. Conor, catching his breath, says that he refuses to let anyone to die and assures them that they will all find a way to escape. 

Returning to the rooftop, Conor, Vass, and Nakao inform the other eight survivors that they need their assistance. Duke ascends the stairs, presenting a box of flashlights for their use. Conor expresses concern that Duke may be helping them too much, but Duke assures him through a whisper that Aiden is no longer in the building and that he can discreetly aid them. With that, Duke descends the stairs. Conor and the survivors, armed with flashlights, descend the floors together, reaching the first floor where they encounter a shadow creature rushing at them. Shining their lights at it, they successfully causing the shadow creature to retreat, prompting Conor to motivate the group, emphasizing that they can do this. Upon reaching the middle of the floor, they encounter the three shadows gathered. Shining their lights, the shadows becomes blind and expands their bodies, quickly covering the entire floor in shadow. Recognizing the imminent threat, Conor urges the group to retreat, narrowly escaping the encroaching shadows onto the second floor. He notes that they cannot blind the shadows effectively while they are still in the hallway, as the shadows will cover the entire floor with their shadow bodies. Conor proposes the need for a new strategy to overcome these three shadows.