
Spatial Supermarket: Period Transmigration and Marriage with a Strong Guy

Song Xi, a supermarket owner in the 21st century, woke up and found herself in an era of extreme poverty and hardship. She was also married in a mountainous region where conditions were harsh. To her surprise, the supermarket in the small town became her portable space. Moreover, her husband was a wonderful man who knew how to hunt, catch fish, and farm. Song Xi thought it'd be nice to live a simple life as a low-profile individual with a lot of money, a husband who loved her, a few good friends, and an endless supply of fruits and vegetables. [Kingdom-building + Poor to Rich + Food] The main storyline involves earning money, leading an entire village and town out of poverty, and heart-warming scenes. There won't be any competition!

Yuan Jiu · 一般的
40 Chs


翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

The mountain road was winding, and Song Xi's breakfast was about to come out. Looking at the village that was getting further and further away, Song Xi really admired the Song family for finding such a far-flung in-law for Little 'Song Xi'.

What she admired the most was that the Song Family had clearly received so many betrothal gifts, but they were so stingy that they refused to even let her take the ox cart. The entire journey from the Song Family to Ping'an Village was on foot. It would take hours just to walk into the mountains. Coupled with a few hours on the mountain roads, it should take seven to eight hours to walk!

The Song Family did this to force Little 'Song Xi' to death. Little 'Song Xi' had indeed been forced to death by them. Otherwise, she wouldn't have come here. But now that she was here, with her modern survival experience and daily supermarket, even if this era was very backward and poor, she could still live in an enviable manner.

At that time, if the Song family turned around and pestered her, she would definitely kick them all away mercilessly.

Zhou Yi was afraid that Song Xi would feel uncomfortable. His eyes seemed to be glued to her body. The morning light landed on Song Xi's slightly pale face, and even the peach fuzz could be seen clearly. Zhou Yi was stunned as he watched. His heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

His wife was so beautiful that he couldn't get enough of her. He wanted to watch her like this forever.

The ox cart slowly drove on the uneven mountain road. The bumpy ride made everyone unable to sit still. It was clearly still morning, but Song Xi was hit by sleepiness. Her eyelids were drowsy. Zhou Yi reached out and pulled Song Xi over. Song Xi leaned into Zhou Yi's arms. The back of her head hurt, so she faced Zhou Yi with the back of her head facing out.

Just like that, she smelled the faint fragrance of the trees on Zhou Yi's body and fell asleep.

It was not until the ox cart stopped steadily at the gathering point near the commune that Song Xi woke up in a daze. She raised her hand to rub her eyes in confusion. In Zhou Yi's eyes, she was simply adorable.

Zhou Yi carried Song Xi on his back. He took the basket and informed the villagers who were driving the ox cart before carrying Song Xi to the Commune Hospital.

There was more than one hospital in the huge commune. Zhou Yi took Song Xi to another hospital. The hospital he went to last time refused to treat Song Xi and wasted a lot of precious time. He hated that hospital, so he was unwilling to go again.

Zhou Yi carried Song Xi on his back and walked on the main road of the commune in public. Although many people saw it, no one went forward to say anything because they saw that the female comrade behind him had an injury on her head. She was a patient. Who would be so blind to report them!

When they walked into the hospital, no matter what era it was, the hospital was a crowded place. It was the same in this era. There were already many people standing in line. Zhou Yi placed Song Xi on a chair in the hospital to rest and reminded her worriedly, "Wife, sit here and rest. I'll go line up. If anyone comes to talk to you, don't believe them, lest you meet a fraud, understand?"

"Got it." Song Xi nodded seriously. When Zhou Yi went over and queued up, Song Xi sized up the hospital in front of her. The commune in this era was actually a modern town, so the commune hospital was naturally a town-level hospital. She did not expect a town-level hospital to be so simple. It was really sad.

Zhou Yi did not know what department to register Song Xi in. When he registered, he told the nurse that Song Xi had a head injury, so the nurse helped him register for the surgery department. After that, Zhou Yi brought Song Xi to the door of the surgical consultation room and waited. There were still a few people in front, so they could only wait.

The people in front watched very quickly. After a while, it was Song Xi's turn. Zhou Yi helped Song Xi into the doctor's consultation room. Zhou Yi stood beside Song Xi and said respectfully, "Doctor, my wife knocked her head earlier and bled a lot. Please take a look at my wife. How much has she recovered?"

The doctor was a middle-aged man. He was sitting behind the table in a white coat. His face and arms were covered in flesh. He looked quite rich. It was obvious that his family was doing well.

The doctor listened to Zhou Yi and asked Song Xi to turn around. Song Xi had no choice but to turn around and face the doctor with the back of her head. The doctor removed the gauze on her head and gasped when he saw the wound. "Female comrade, do you need me to help you report to the police?"

Song Xi was stunned. She did not know why the doctor would have such a question. When she noticed the doctor's gaze on Zhou Yi, she understood that the doctor must have misunderstood that Zhou Yi was a domestic abuser. Song Xi hurriedly explained, "Doctor, my injury has nothing to do with him. It was caused by my family. My husband is very good. He doesn't despise me and even spent money to treat and take care of me. If it weren't for my husband, I would have died long ago."

Perhaps she could have recovered without Zhou Yi's help. After all, she had transmigrated when the Host had just died. However, without Zhou Yi's help, she would not have recovered so quickly!

The doctor looked at Song Xi and then at Zhou Yi. Seeing that the worry on his face was true, he believed their words. He gave Song Xi a simple checkup and wrote a list for them. They had to do a checkup according to the items on the list. He could only look at the wound. As for the internal problems of her body, she still had to go through a machine or other checkups.

More than an hour later, the two of them returned to the doctor's consultation room with various forms. After the doctor saw them, he smiled and said to them, "Congratulations. The female comrade's body is fine, but…"

Song Xi and Zhou Yi looked at each other. Before they could smile, they were frightened by the doctor's turn of events. The two of them looked at the doctor worriedly. The doctor was a little embarrassed by their gazes. He coughed and continued, "The female comrade's body is fine, but she still has many small problems. The most important thing is that she doesn't have enough qi and blood. Her body is weak and she occasionally feels dizzy. She's not suitable for pregnancy and childbirth for the time being. Otherwise, it's easy for something big to happen. As long as she recuperates her body to a healthy state, having a child won't be a problem."

"We don't have any plans to have a child for the time being." The most important thing for Zhou Yi now was to let his little wife recover. Only then could she accompany him for a long time.

As for the child, they could talk about it later. It didn't matter if they didn't have one.

Song Xi lowered her head, feeling embarrassed and conflicted. When she recovered, would she really have a child with Zhou Yi? She was a little afraid. In the modern world, she had a phobia of having children.

"Please prescribe us some medicine to nourish her body," Zhou Yi said sincerely and respectfully as he placed his hand on Song Xi's shoulder. Before he left in the morning, he took another 50 yuan from the biscuit box. It should be enough to buy medicine.

After he earned some money, he would give the money back to his wife. After all, he had given the money to his wife previously, so this money belonged to his wife. He could only be considered to be borrowing it now.