

Popular girl, Kylie Bay falls in love with the blind, cute and handsome geek, Justin Payne... Will Justin allow Kylie to break down his walls Read for more.. I'm so sorry if there are some mistype and writing errors, I'm actually using my phone to upload and this is my first book. There will be a lot of grammatical errors So please, bear with me! Love ya, Lovelies!

Daheesy · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter Two

He was glued to the chair and answered shakily, 'It's fine.' I left him alone, I don't want to have an awkward conversation with someone who isn't interested in talking.

I don't blame him though.

I tried to listen to the gibberish Mr. Jenkins was saying but I lost focus and drifted to sleep. I was awakened by Justin nudging me lightly on my shoulder.

"Hey Kylie, Mr Jenkins is coming".

I rubbed off the sleep in my eyes and listened to Mr Jenkins for real this time.

He continued, 'As I was saying, I will be assigning you partners for your project which is 45% of your score accordingly. Hailey and Marley (the school fuck boy), Hailey grimaced at him, Josh and Elizabeth, Justin and Kylie.

Justin's eyes dimmed under his shade (don't ask me how I know) as if he was disappointed. Ouch.

I said to him, 'turns out we are partners'. 'Yes, we are'. I was surprised that he could talk to me without stuttering at all.

I tried talking and have a less awkward conversation, 'where should we meet for the project? My house? Your house or the local library?' He turned, looking at me quizzically wondering why I'm still talking to him. 'Let..t meet at m..my hous....e,' he stuttered.

I thought he well damn looks so hot just now. Fuck, I'm so fucked!

I heard Justin calling my name 'Kylie... Kylie.. Are you here?' I said quickly, 'I'll meet you at your house at six. Is that fine by you?' He nodded, 'yes, okay.'

'Great', I muttered ending the talk. I suddenly felt weird. I was happy at first knowing we were partners but now, how will it look? Me with the 'blind boy'?

I left the class as soon as the bell rang, making my way to the restroom for a change in my outfit to cheerleading. Yes, I'm the cheerleading president. Yay! My luck (sarcasm involved).

I bumped into Dustin, my boyfriend and he kissed me taking my breathing space away. I gave in into the kiss as he slant his lips over mine sloppily. He groaned into the kiss when I wrapped my hand around his neck, playing with my fingers. I try hard but I'm just not attracted to him. My mind wanders to a blind nerd.

I pulled away when he trailed his hands down to the hems of my skirt and tried to pull it up. 'Dustin later. I have cheer practice now.' 'Okay babe. See you later', he muttered disappointedly.

'I thought he had hangover. Why was he even in school?' I tried not to think about it.

I walked down the hallways, out to the field where cheer leading practice is taking place which has started already because I could hear from a distance ...

'What do we wanna do?'


'What do we wanna do?


I strutted towards the group, and sat on a bench. My mind drifting to one boy who is never completely out of my mind. 'Justin.. Justin.. Justin', I thought.

I wondered off reminiscing on the several encounters we've had, either in the hallways or at the lunch table in the cafeteria. I always felt that sizzling intense feeling of electric current running through my body all at once and that curious tiny but of mine wonders if we can ever be friends or more than friends. Then I thought about my seven months boyfriend, Dustin.

I wondered if it's not that I rushed into a relationship with Dustin just because I needed the star player to be by my side. Dustin and I relationship was more of a close friend to me, or rather my own opinion but we were always the perfect and glorious couple of Stanford High whom everyone is jealous of except Justin I thought grudgingly.

I was so lost in my thought that I didn't hear or see Hailey calling and waving her hands to get my attention.

I lazily stood up and walked to her side to give basic lessons on how to perfect the 'Flipping it' method. Practice went on for about an hour when we all departed to our various home. I parked my blue convertible in the driveway, my keys in hand and backpack lazily slung over my shoulder.

I unlocked the door and plopped down in the front seat, taking off my converse flexing so I could straighten my aching bones.

I looked at my phone. It was nine minutes past six. Shit, I had completely forgotten about my project with Justin. I ignored the messages from Dustin and thought about going home.

My mom doesn't work. Just like she always say 'Why would I work when I have millions in my account to last me a lifetime, people at my beck and call?' She is my dad's personal PA, attends important meetings, calls on his behalf. She whiles away her day at the Country's Tea Club just outside the town. My dad is an optician and also a surgeon. Super hectic, yeah? He is always busy but makes it up to my mom and I.

The time now says fifteen minutes past six then I remembered my meeting with Justin at six.

I started the car and made my way home. I got home in less than ten minutes, I pray I don't get a speeding ticket. I saw my mom in the kitchen, eating God knows what, it was already time for dinner I guess. I scrambled up the stairs to my room and pulled off my school shirt, leaving me in my bra and cheer leading skirt. I found a black sweater on my bed and put it on and searched for my shoes in the closet. I finally found them, put it on and jammed the door on my way out.

Justin's house was a five minute walk from my house but because I was late already so I ran.

Not up to three minutes later, I got to Justin's house painted in white and grey. I calmed my breath to even my nerves and get rid of the anxiety left in my body.

Why am I making so much effort? Is it because I don't want to fail another one of Mr. Jenkins' subject or because of a particular boy?

I waited out the door and rang the bell several times, no response. I was about turning to head back, thinking he's probably not home when I heard scribbling of feet making its way closer to the door.

To my amazement Justin opened the door to reveal a shirtless him, leaving me breathless and giving me a clear view of his biceps and well broad shoulders. Though he is lean, his forearms and muscles aren't small. His dark denim jeans was hanging by his hips low enough to reveal his Calvin Klein underwear which I couldn't help but wonder what was underneath.

I really should control my hormones.

Justin didn't move but stay budged stood in the midway and said in his husky, sexy damn voice that makes me swoon every time, 'Who's there?', he asked shakily.

I calmed my racing heart and answered, 'It's me Kylie. I'm sorry for being late I was caught up in practice.'

He replied instantly 'Oh, it's fine. Not a problem. Come inside.' He moved, making way for me to go inside.

'My parent and younger sister are not yet back, so we'd have a little bit of time', he informed me beforehand.

I was glad he did, I do not want to make a fool of myself in front of his parents and siblings.

I looked around. His house was a storey building, it was warm, inviting and comforting home; just enough for a cozy family. The sitting room, dining and kitchen were on the ground floor. A stairs lead to the first floor which I'm sure their rooms were. I wanted him to show me around, particularly his room but I barely stopped myself from doing so.

'So.... where should we start from?' Justin asked politely. He still stood behind me fidgeting.


'How about we know everything about each other first?' I offered. I wasn't at all interested in the project. I wanted to know all about this boy in front of me. He stood debating whether or not.

I mean he could simply send me out of here, though I don't think he has the heart to do so.

'Okay', he finally said.

'Yes!' I high-fived myself.

Justin still stood patiently a few feet away from me, waiting for me to ask since I was the blabber mouth. He was nervous, I could see it. He turned to get me something to drink from the kitchen when I blurted out quickly 'when was your first kiss?'....


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