
Space Scoundrel

Ever since I was young I always wanted to be like those heroes traveling throughout space gaining fame and helping People. It would have been dangerous but I was ready for it I wasn’t afraid of getting hurt, most heroes get hurt then make a great comeback! I want to be one of them, I want to be a hero leading a large army of men soaring throughout the universe freeing alien races, protecting humans against deadly space pirates , just imagine all the people out there who need help. Everyone has to start somewhere so now this is my new start never mind my past It doesn’t matter anymore. This is my new beginning heroes are here to save others and that’s what I’m going to be I’m ready for anything.

Thorny_Gecko · SF
14 Chs


The form slowly crawled out of the horse's stomach, pushing the intestines out of the way. The bloody form shakily rose up from the blood and viscera.


Standing up, it looked as if it had bathed in dark red blood. The figure stood at a small 4 feet 5 with the legs of a horse, the snout of a pig, and large floppy ears that covered the sides of its head.


With small green eyes, it stared at the metallic walls, noticing a tall man repelling down the battlements. It lifted a bloody hand up towards the man. Crimson sparks flickered across its arm and reached to its hand. A streak of crimson lightning flew out of the hand, easily passing through the blue dome. The streak flew towards the man as it made a quick movement and hit the metallic wall of the fortress. Missing the Colonel, the crimson streak of lightning collided with the metallic wall of the battlements, dispersing its power.


Noticing the attack miss him, the Colonel pushed his legs against the walls while letting go of the rope he was holding.


With a thump, the Colonel landed on the muddy ground. He looked towards the remains of the lightning horse, seeing the small monstrosity. With a disappointed voice, he spoke, The information is wrong; expect anything; you'll need my support this time.


The lieutenant floated down to the ground on a plate of dirt and mud. Trying to remember the past, the Lieutenant asked, So just like the sniper in the tower? The lieutenant looked over towards the colonel, who was currently squatting.


Staring towards the monstrosity, the Colonel replied, No, it's even worse; pull out the offensive and defensive support; I'm going all in.




A bright orange beam of fire flew down from the battlements and landed against the blue dome, easily penetrating it. The orange beam of fire landed on the monstrous' back leg. The attack left a scorched hole the size of a fist on the being's leg joint; now only a piece of muscle keeps the leg from falling off.


Red pus began to bleed out of the damaged leg, covering the injured leg, and quickly hardened.


Forcing out loud oink crimson strands of lightning peeled of the monstrosity and attached themselves to the blue dome, quickly turning the blue dome red while thickening the layer of the dome.




Alice, holding her stave in hand, yelled from atop the battlements, Provide support until the Colonel and Lieutenant are ready! Coordinate your attacks and make sure it has no chance to attack.



Volleys of light blue energy bolts flew from the battlements, bombarding the dome.




You should've brought your heavy armor. The lieutenant lowered his hands to the ground, and dirt and mud lifted from the ground and up into the air.


The lieutenant directed his hands towards the colonel, and he began covering the colonel with dirt and sticking it all together with mud. The lieutenant added layer upon layer of dirt, and when it had grown too bulky, he would compress the dirt. His hands moved as if he were smearing paint on a wall with his hands.


Energy bolts flew overhead, trying to pierce the red dome. With a minute passing, the lieutenant was finally finished molding the armor. Now that the armor was fully formed, it covered his body and took the form of plate armor, completely covering up the white leather he was wearing. A helm of dirt was finally formed on his head; it was shaped like a barbute helmet.


The Colonel reached out his right hand in a grabbing motion as dirt gathered around his hand, compacting and forming a kite shield.


Gripping the shield in his hand, he quickly scanned the red dome that was currently being bombarded by energy bolts. Strangely, the monstrous amalgamation just stood there in the middle of the dome as more and more red lightning peeled off its skin and attached to the dome, continuing to strengthen the dome.


The lieutenant lifted his right hand that held the kite shield up to his heart and began chanting.


Oh Lord, may your light shine upon my crimson path so that all that falls from my wrath will forever be purified by your light.


The Colonel took a deep breath as his mace began to shine even brighter. As the mace began glowing, the colonel's face began to contort into a grimace. A sizzling sound came from his left hand as black smoke began to rise from the hand.


Trying his best to ignore the lingering burning pain of his hand, the Colonel began lifting the glowing long mace into the air and continued his chant.


Lord, may your pure light course through me, as your armor shall bind me to your will!


Bright yellow lines began to materialize on the colonels of the barbute helmet, and yellow hook-like spirals appeared on the left and right cheeks of the barbute helmet.


Splotches of a bright yellowish glow began to seep through the newly created armor, leaving yellow circles of light across the plate armor.


A white light appeared in the middle of his breastplate. The white light began to expand and morph, seemingly etching a weapon. Soon the form of a glowing white mace appeared on the breastplate; it appeared to be an almost exact copy of the Colonel Long Mace. The etched long mace had spikes poking out of the head of the long mace.



Now finished with preparations, the duo of Colonel and Lieutenant turned towards the dome, which had surprisingly expanded slightly. They began speed-walking towards the dome.


The Colonel looked to the left, stopping the Lieutenant. I'm going to need you to use one of your strongest attacks to end its concentration, said the Colonel.


I'll try a big one, said the lieutenant.


As they turned their heads towards the dome, they saw a ball of red lightning shoot over them and fly upwards towards the battlements. It flew past so quickly they didn't have a chance to stop it; without making a sound, it flew into the battlements and exploded.














Author's note


Sorry for the long wait.