

Let me introduce myself formally

My name is haru

And I am a celestial

Ken stairs into the thin air and looks at haru

Ken : huh ? ...what are you talking about ...

Just let me go already..I've had enough of this bull shit

The only family i had died ...

Please leave me


Haru : but don't you want to know about your parents (with a smug on his face)

Ken : what are you talking about i have no parents other than my grandparents who also adopted me...don't tell me ....

Haru : yes .. hhhhhh your actual parents

Hiro and akame

Your true origin ..

You are a hybrid of a celestial and a human

A celestial is a divine being

They are what your species call aliens ..

Far superior

Far complicated

Far intelligent

They created everything

Even this universe and the big bang

Ken : but why did they create us then if they are that smart and strong ...that's honestly a no brainer and a waste of their power

Haru : they are limitless when it comes to power

But they're not all Immortal...

They are based off elemental powers

But not your normal element

It's everything on earth and more

The celestials created us to see on how we adapt but your species failed us

So we let them live

It was useless to destory you guys

Your father was the caretaker for earth

But he betrayed his own people by breaking the rule of getting into the contact with a human


Your mother

Ken's mind : ( now that you talk about it no one has a picture of dad nor have i ever seen him ...but i do remember mom's red hair ...)

Haru : i see you're interested in more ...would you like to know about your dad ..?

Ken : what ever just get over with it already!!

Haru : your dad hiro...

Was the fire celestial ...and

My brother

Ken : wait !!! You're my uncle ???

Does that make me a alien too ??

And if I am half human ?

How am I able to see you !!??

Haru : that is because you are also an half celestial and so do you inherit your parents powers

We celestial are way higher dimensional to your general human

Ken :... Wait so how are you able to be in contact with me ???

Haru : because i got kicked out of the celestial void ...

Next chapter covers why and how they are able to come into contact