
SPACE COLONIST: in the oceanic world ARK

#Synopsis: ------------------------------------------------------ In the far future the planet earth is full, and thanks to 3 key technologies, genetic manipulation, cryosleep, and advanced space engines, humanity builds deep space spaceships and launch themselves to the unknown confines of space to forge a new future away from home. Follow our young engineer Erik as he starts on his first job at the young age of 60 years old in future earth where humans will live hundreds of years, he will reach an unknown place with his spaceship by accident and to survive he will have no choice but to explore alien structures and hunt dangerous monsters to get stronger, making alliances with the locals in more than friendly terms sometimes. ------------------------------------------------------ The protagonist is a young 60 years old "young" engineer, he's easy-going and a good guy, he's been trained so he will know what he's doing most of the time, in "Chapter 1 - A New Beginning" he will explain more, as a human from the future where bodies are just flesh containers, he's fairly openminded (kinda like "Altered Carbon" from Netflix, but different, you can go one day to a genetic center, pay, and get inside a liquid tank and then, the next time you open your eyes your body has already changed, then you get your ticket and go home just like that, but combat modifications would be regulated). ------------------------------------------------------ Hi, NirvanaPenguin here, suggestions on the story are welcome, this is a book I'm gonna write for fun and to get better at writing in preparation for a story I will start next year. ------------------------------------------------------ Discord: https://discord.gg/WPM7a4Dp4J Reddit: www.reddit.com/user/NirvanaPenguin/ Twitter: @NirvanaPenguin Post a review if you liked the book to help me get exposure, thanks. Wanna send me a tip? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nirvanapenguin https://www.paypal.me/NirvanaPenguinBooks QR: https://i.ibb.co/0mt2RpJ/Nirvana-Penguin-Books-QR-TIPS.jpg ------------------------------------------------------ A quick heads-up about the tags: tags: FirstContact, alien, mystery, technology, AI, DesignedIntelligence, Waterworld, ARK, cooking, hunting, gathering, KingdomBuilding, alliances, leviathan, genetics, FromWeakToStrong, AlienReproduction, lewd, r18, genderswap, Futanari, HappySex, genetics, teaching, mechanics, FuturisticTechnologies, weakToStrong, cautiousProtagonist. ------------------------------------------------------ Dialog Settings: '...' --> mental dialog "..." --> out loud dialog [...] --> voice inside his head but it will be clear during the book, the story might be slow for some, but i didn't wanna do a "10 years later" kinda crap and then strong to go explore, but he will slowly get there. The book cover was drawn by myself(not the background though), I will try to make or pay someone to make a cooler one in the future though. ------- Spoiler?: Inspiration for the octopeople. - Asari from Mass Effect. - sea horses. - subnautica all beings reproduce that way.

NirvanaPenguin · SF
205 Chs

Chapter 91 - Games

*( mood song: "Pereza - Princesas")

The next day, Erik woke up feeling energized 'cooking experiments... this will be fun!'

Arriving at the octopeople city he saw 5 warriors already waiting, along with Jana and unexpectedly also Timberly.

Seeing his surprised face, Timberly smiled and said "Well, I actually like cooking" with a shrug, then looked at the five warriors "and these 5 are actually my daughters" and then on a small whisper "I think..."

The 5 warriors seemed happy to see one of their progenitors, Erik only sighing thinking 'and that's why they didn't give them names...' looking at the tall Timberly on her leather clothes with a big bulge down below and 2 big boobs that looked normal on her huge frame 'just how many kids has she sired jeez...'

He looked at the warriors "okay, come with me back to base to transport the tools here"

One hour later, 4 stands had been set up on the octopeople's plaza. Erik and the others being on the first one.

Erik: "well, and this machine you see is a popcorn maker" he took out a corn cob "and this is a hard corn, also used for flour and chicken feed" he patted a machine by the side "you put the corn here..., then move this wheel..., and the corn gets separated from the cob, the cob can be dried and used as fuel or just compost, now you take the grains and put them inside the popcorn machine and sprinkle a bit of kelp oil on top, then close the lid and push this red button by the side until you hear a click, like this" *click*

Timberly and the others waited, but after 1 minute, nothing seemed to be happening "so... how long does it take?"

Erik: "just 1 more minute, be patient"

Timberly: "alright..."

*pop* Right as she was saying that, the first corn started popping inside the machine, surprising them all, quickly more pops followed as the lower part of the machine became full of popcorn. Erik took a metallic bowl from the side and scooped some popcorn inside, sprinkled some fine salt, and then offered the bowl to the others as he took and ate some.

Erik: "go ahead, try some too"

They all quickly grabbed some and ate them.

Timberly: "not bad... easy to do too"

Jana: "crunchy, I like it"

Erik: "alright now let's move on to the next one" they walked to a mortar full of steaming rice "this next one is mochi, I've already washed and cooked the grains, what's left now is just grabbing a hammer and beating it to a paste" he looked at the warriors "can you do the honors?"

They nodded and were about to move forward when Timberly stopped them "why not let me do it? it seems fun~"

Erik scratched his head "well... you might be a bit too strong and crack the granite mortar... it's fine as long as you are gentle though, okay just copy what I do" he grabbed one of the 5 hammers "alright, Timberly and 4 of you grab a hammer too, first we will carefully knead the rice to a dough-like mass" they carefully pressed with their hammers, kneading the rice a bit "now that the rice has stuck together, we lift the hammer to our shoulder and let it fall one at a time, don't do it all a the same time, this pounding will give the mochi its soft texture" they pounded it for a few minutes "and then we will flip it and add a bit of water and continue pounding it".

After some minutes he stopped them "now that it's smooth, we take it and put it into this other machine, you can also try a piece already"

They did so, each picking a piece while Erik loaded the heavy mochi ball into the machine.

Timberly: "hmmm not bad, but not delicious either, really chewy though..."

Jana: "I like it"

Erik: "well, this machine will extrude the mochi into circles that we can fill with other foods, like sweet beans, ice cream, or anything we want, mochi can even be put to sticks and roasted..." seeing the not so excited faces he said "well, let's move to the next one-"

Jana: "teacher, what's ice cream?"

Erik: "yeah, the next one, be patient" they moved next to a big, bulky and cold metal bucket "now, making ice cream is easy, just pour the mix I already made inside and crank this level fast to mix it while it freezes" he looked at Timberly "do you wanna do the honors of cranking this?"

Timberly shrugged: "alright..."

Erik: "thanks" and started pouring the mix of sweet algae and vanilla flavoring inside, the walls of the bucket had freezing modules inside, so they were really cold, sucking all the heat out of the mix as it was mixing, breaking the crystals into small particles, and creating a smooth creamy texture "okay, were are finished, here grab a spoon" he gave everyone a spoon "now go ahead, try it"

Jana was the first one to try, her eyes illuminating as she did "so sweet!!!, I love it!" starting to eat fast.

Erik: "wait! eat slowly or it will give you a headache due to-"

Jana: "my head... ugh... so cold..."

Erik: "the cold..., so yeah, eat slowly"

Timberly tried it: "this texture and sweetness... I'm sure Shana would love this, she liked sweets things the most"

Erik: "Oh? where is she?"

Timberly: "well... since the crabmen tried to attack us... she's been patrolling, and yeah, I told her about the cameras and detectors, but she just can't avoid it"

Erik nodded "It's understandable"

The 5 warriors also trying it and loving it, while Erik thought 'once I have milk I will make a better version, I miss Regma icecreams so much... sigh...'

Erik: "now the last snack, potato chips, you grab the potato, wash it, and put it into this machine I made that will cut them into thin slices, there will be no accidents that way, once that's done, you heat up the oil and... just pour them down, with some rosemary, these gree leaves, for flavor, once they are crispy, we took them out, serve and add a bit of salt... and done, try them!"

Timberly took one, feeling it crack between her teeth, and the slightly salty and oily flavor, with the rosemary touch "yum! alright this I could eat way more!" starting to eat way more, Jana and the other also eating without a word.

Erik: 'hope they don't get fat or something... well, I don't even have enough potatoes for them to get fat, so... it should be fine..., these potatoes came out good though, should make some for Inky some day too, I'm sure she would like them'

--- Kitchen, back at the base ---

Meanwhile, back at the base Inky was passed out on the kitchen floor, she had drunk one smoothie after another until her belly bulged and she felt really sick, finally collapsing on the floor.

At that moment, a whistling empty power armor came down the hallway *huh?, Inky?* noticing the collapsed Inky on the floor, and all the empty jars around her *that's the mother cell juice..., better take her somewhere else to rest* picking Inky up carefully *hmm... the sofa should be fine?, better Eriks bed, He will... well I will make him a new one if it gets dirty..., she could drown if she starts mutating inside a bathtub after all...* she looked at the passed out Inky fondly, as she carried her on her arms (。^‿^。) *little girl... I was there when your race was born you know?... and you should know... sentient DNA is the ultimate goal of the beings on this planet, you just ingested so much pure DNA at once... it's probably gonna cause you some major mutations... hope you are ready..., sigh... I will take you somewhere comfortable and grab a wet towel, I will take good care of you* (^ω^) *I wonder what face will Erik make hehe~* and went away whistling with Inky in her arms.

--- Octopeople city ---

As they finished the chips, the girls were eager to make more, until Erik used all the potatoes he had brought with him. Then they sat down.

Erik was a bit annoyed by the silence, so he asked Timberly "so, Timberly, what do you do in your free time?"

Timberly: "Oh? why? do you wanna... hang out? I can properly show you then~"

Erik: "I was just making conversation..."

Timberly: "alright..., well I like hunting, I have a weapons collection, and recently also watching some vídeos from the laptops you gave, especially cooking vídeos, I've become quite good at making smoothies I think, I can make some more for you too if you want, I can make them sweet now"

Erik: "Oh, what a coincidence, I recently refined some plum flavor to add to smoothies, I can give you some later if you want"

Timberly: "oh? that would be delightful... what's a plum?"

Erik: "It's a sweet fruit that grew on my planet, I think I have some seeds for them, I don't have space to plant them though, sigh"

Timberly: "you know, I think our mom brought us fruits one time, they were purple and glowed in a blue gentle color, they were really sweet... Shana should know more"

Erik: "Interesting... I will be sure to search for it in the future" he looked around, some idle octopeople were going around the 4 sets of machines as the 5 warriors explained what everything did, on the other side he saw some playing chess, and others coming and dropping their fertilized eggs into the heated pool area, surprised they didn't just fuck anywhere as they used to do 'they still need some games and other things to do, or we will have a population boom soon, they need other distractions... let's see... billiard pool could work with spear finesse movements, what else... twister maybe? they could end up aroused and fucking though... darts would be useless underwater... a shooting range outside maybe, checkers, third in a row... yeah, those are easy... maybe some card games in the future... card games... oh, I have an idea!'

^e took a notebook out of his backpack and wrote down *Bitch*, this would usually be the jack, then *Cop* this is the king card, and *Robber* this would usually be the ace card. He then wrote 12 more as *Civilian* that usually were all other cards, and mixed them together, then calling another 9 players "now all of you pick a piece of paper without letting anyone else see or telling other... done? okay, now I will explain the rules, the Robber can look at others that look at him in the eyes and wink at them, then they have to announce that they are dead and nothing else, his objective is to kill all others who aren't the cop, he can also get an accomplice by showing his tongue to someone, including the the bitch, she can revive people by discretely sending kisses, since the robber will want to kill her so she stops reviving people, then there's the cop, he needs to find who is the robber before the robber kills everyone else, so did you understood the rules?" everyone nodded "then... game start!" he looked at his card *cop* 'this will be hard...'

--- Erik's room ---

Meanwhile, back at the base, Rose inhabiting a normal power armor was patting Inky with a wet towel, and with a cold water bucket nearby, as Inky's body was burning up, her side fin ears losing the membranes and slowly turning into pointed ears, her anemone-like hairs also getting thinner and tougher, her nipples getting bigger like a human's, the tip of her dick becoming rounder, and 4 of her tentacles stiffening and becoming closer.

Rose: *oh girl... you are going through major mutations... sigh...*

At that moment Inky slightly opened her eyes, seeing the familiar armor and saying "Erik?"

Rose: *...yeah..., it's me...*

Inky: "if I don't survive this mutation... please... don't start going out with Timberly..."

Rose: *oh, so you still have enough energy to be joking around... you can't be that bad then, you need to rest, but you also need a catalyst to evolve faster so I got you two tubes from the lab, here drink this one first, it will make the pain go away* she made Inky drink it while holding her head *good girl, you feel the effect?*

Inky: "yeah, the pain is going away... but I can't move..., and I... feel really sleepy...."

Rose: *well, that's to deal with this next tube, this is a concentrate aphrodisiac that Erik, I mean, that I was working on, it should increase your blood flow and help you evolve faster* Inky had already fallen asleep so Rose made her drink it slowly with care.

The effect was fast, the knocked out Inky quickly panting as her meat pole bulged and escaped the confinement of her clothes, standing tall like a pole, lots of veins bulging on it, as precum started dripping from it.

Rose: *...I wish... sigh... well, at least I have hands* she started stroking it carefully *hmmm wow... it's steel-hard... I need to increase the touch sensitivity of the power armor too... maybe some taste buds, I could tell Erik it's to test surrounding waters for chemicals and poisons, and it could indeed do so too hehe~* she started stroking faster *I've seen millions of creatures reproduce, or even researchers having sex, but always just looking, I've waited so long... come on Inky, come! let me see it up close!*

As she sped up, the unconscious Inky started panting, and then with a deep grunt, a splash of thick semen hit the ceiling and rained all over the bed, her dick still hard.

Rose: ლ(´ڡ`ლ) *let's have some fun!*

--- Octopeople city ---

The other Elders had come back at some point and joined the game as victims, they were quickly eliminated by winks from Timberly that was the robber, but Erik noticed.

"Timberly is the robber! yeah, I won!"

Timberly: "sigh, fine this game is hard but fun, let's play another round?"

Erik: "I'm sorry but can't right now, my sheep will be born today"

Shana: "what's a sheep?"

Erik: "An animal from my world, wanna come see?"

Megan: "Yeah, should be interesting"

--- Genetics Lab ---

Erik was a bit weirded out not seeing Inky in the living room or the kitchen on the way, but he didn't worry much, as she had her own life too.

Arriving inside the genetics lab, the elders stepped aside as Erik observed the 3 males and 3 female sheep already grown, bigger than normal baby sheep 'one step closer to making cheese~', he then clicked a button on the wall, and the amniotic fluid suspending them quickly emptied, a heated knife coming out and cutting their umbilical cords, followed by a small charge that woke them up, making them breathe, and then a shower activated, washing them and then drying them with warm air.

As the process finished, the doors opened and the 6 sheep came out on shaky legs, Erik turned to the Elders "now I need to carry them to the Third floor where they will live from now on, wanna help?" he saw them nod "alright, you need to hold them carefully up with both arms"

Timberly: "but won't we need 2 trips that way?"

Erik: "alright, between you 3 carry a female each, the males should be able to walk slowly, I think I have some rope around here..., I will just make them some harnesses"

--- Third Floor ---

It had taken some time, but they finally arrived at the third floor with the sheep, letting them graze in the grass, these were bigger than normal sheep as they had already grown to a level where they could already graze grass without needing milk.

Timberly shielded her eyes as she looked up "It's so hot in here... why?"

Erik: "that's how my planet was..., the plants need the sunlight to grow, I even have a small forest here"

Jennifer: "a forest? can you give me some wood then? I saw some woodworking vídeos and it looked fun"

Erik: "well, they ain't young, it will take ye-" they arrived and he saw the already 5 meters tall trees "ars... what the hell..."

Shana: "is there anything wrong?"

Erik: "yeah, chestnut trees should take at least 8 years to get to that size, I need to take a sample" he bent over next to the roots and uncovered a root, seeing the boletus edulis attached to the roots was slightly pulsating and really dense 'well, fungus are animals... this should have been caused by growing the fungus on Timberly's semen as a culture, and also the Abyssal guts I gave them as a fertilizer... amazing... did the tree mutate too? It's possible since they have a symbiotic relationship...' he took a small sample from the fungus and a leaf from the tree, turning back to the Elders "sorry, but I need to analyze this back at the lab"

Shana: "we understand, we will go back, I have to try that ice cream before Jana finishes it all"

--- Genetics Lab ---

Erik scanned the samples and made a discovery in both, their metabolism seemed to have become way faster, and the leaves chlorophyll seemed to be much more active too 'well, that's good, they will also release more oxygen that way'


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