
Sovereign ?

Human civilization reached its peak . Top Human scientist JK Shen is researching on life's biggest mystry . If he can solve this problem he will get the highest fame in the world ever achieved in human history . At civilization peak Talent and fame and knowledge is the only currency ..

Mad_Trex · ファンタジー
11 Chs

New Day

Dong Dong ..... The Sky bell rang 8 times, it was the signal for all imperial school students to gather in the cafeteria for breakfast. There are three sections, junior students, senior students and teachers. Shen left his room hurriedly, it was his first day he can't be late.

'Hey guys look at this tiny brat, hahaha he was unconscious at the admission test, even teachers worked hard to keep him alive. He is the weakest student we have ever seen' a tall white-coat junior student mocked Shen when he entered the cafeteria. All the surrounding junior students looked at Shen like he is a thing to bully. Shen can't stand a chance here because It's already 6 months since other junior students were admitted, with much hard training they have at least level 2 tempered body, but with his fragile body, he can't complete others ... with one punch they can crush his bones ... In the next three years after admission, junior students have to temper their body to Level 7, without a level 7 body a junior student can't be promoted to senior student. Some geniuses completed level 3 tempered body within the first six months...

Scram .... a deep lady voice echoed inside the hall, 'huh... Clara, she is one of genius who tempered her body to Level 3 within six months, let's go lee we can't fight with her.' Suddenly all the commotion stopped and the students who were mocking Shen left hurriedly... 'Pfft .. bunch of dogs' a tall slender girl with fair skin Stopped before Shen who was in shock ...

'Hello I'm Clara, a junior student In class 1A, I guess it's your first time in the cafeteria.... don't worry inside this hall they can only bark but you should avoid them for some time. Principal Wang told me to bring you to his office, hurry up. '