
Sovereign of Blood Everlasting

Before the beginning of time darkness existed. Before light, an existence ruled darkness. Before the demons, there was already a dark race. Everything was balanced until the great war between the celestials and the rebel. Even darkness can be corrupted. Before going into torpor, a soul managed to capture their interest, and together with it, they must restore balance. But the grudges of the soul may also corrupt ****** This background image is not mine, if the author of this image introduces himself, please leave me a comment

VladDraculMichael · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Awakening and Separation – Part 7

"Please take her away, please save her" A dying woman trapped by large burning planks of wood pushes an adorable little creature wrapped in blankets towards a terrified girl.

Despite complete chaos and smoke, the little child sleeps peacefully, as if she were completely immune to what is happening around her.

The woman was none other than the commander's wife and the girl is Ye Qi.

Although she was carrying a baby in her arms, she quickly ran to save the girl who was asking for help, she believed that if she acted quickly, she could have time before the flames further weaken the structure.

The result was not what was expected.

When she made it to the cries for help, she found Ye Qi caught in the flames. The woman with much effort managed to knock over a bookcase to create a makeshift bridge, Ye Qi managed to cross with some minor burns, and while escaping part of the ceiling collapsed.

The woman quickly catches on and pushes Ye Qi away and pulls her arms away to save her daughter, but she gets trapped and barely managed to get her baby to safety.

The woman suffers from burning pain, she tries to get out of there without any success and the burns increase even more. She pushes her daughter away towards Ye Qi who is paralyzed with fear.

"Plea…ase, save her, save her"

The woman enduring unimaginable pain begs Ye Qi to take her daughter away.

The girl recovers her sanity a little and between many tears and apologies, she takes the girl.

The woman watches Ye Qi disappear and with a pitiful smile and tearfully closes her eyes.

('Gods please allow my daughter to live')

('Luo Chen, forgive me...…. I love you; I have always loved you.')

The flames continue to consume the body and everything around it.


Ye Qi runs as fast as she can with the little girl in her arms, but a landslide forces her to take refuge inside a room.

The flames begin to surround her.

('Gods save us')

A loud bang followed by several shrapnel flying from a destroyed wall.

A young woman appears.

"I found you"


Near the entrance of the emergency exit.

The last survivors enter quickly, the ones that remain are a few soldiers, there is no one to defend.

A soldier who was the last one standing guard outside rushes towards Luo Chen with a completely pale face.

"My Lord, some unknown creatures are devouring the enemy soldiers"

"Unknown creatures? What's going on outside?" Luo Chen asks very worriedly. This village has a vast distance from the habitat of the wild beasts.

"I don't know my Lord, suddenly horrendous creatures appeared and began to savagely attack the soldiers, not only that I saw that they were eating them. It was so brutal that I couldn't stay any longer." The soldier is still trembling with fear.

Luo Chen tries to think until some small landslides cause him to take cover. "We don't have time for that, it's time to go, let those creatures deal with the enemy. It's not our problem."

Luo Chen and the rest of the soldiers help with the last survivors and he realizes something.

"My wife, where are my wife and daughter? Where are they?" Luo Chen searches everywhere and starts screaming.

Due to the bustle, the disorder of the villagers, and the stress he couldn't stay focused and thought that his wife had already escaped when a soldier informed him that she has not come out.

Luo Chen waited for a few minutes at the butler's suggestion as he sent soldiers to search for her.

One of the soldiers who had participated in the search approaches and replies "The last time I saw her she was heading towards the main dining room, I tried to follow her, but there was a landslide and it blocked my way."

The soldier receives a strong blow to the face, Luo Chen began to lose control.

"Damn, you should have died to save her, you are a soldier and your duty is to carry out orders and not run away like a coward"

Luo Chen grabs a blanket and runs frantically while saying "Get the hell out of here, everyone, it's an order"

The last soldiers try to stop him, but a loud explosion stops them and they have no choice but to flee resentfully.

They have lived with and fought alongside Luo Chen for many years, they have built the village with their own hands. Now they must flee and abandon everything.

('I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger, commander') One of them, the one who had informed Luo Chen and who has a bruise on his face runs with helpless tears.

While on the farm in flames.

"Yue'er, Yue'er, where are you?" Luo Chen runs to the dining room where she was last seen not caring about the burns, she sustained from stepping through some hot debris.

After not finding her, Luo Chen went to nearby rooms to continue looking for her until he found pieces of cloth, these pieces had the same color as the clothes she was wearing.

After continuing down the hall, he found a large flame with large blocks of wood lying on top of a body.

Luo Chen falls to his knees as he recognizes a bluish ring on the blackened hand.

"Yue'er my love, my love, my daughter! NOO"

Luo Chen thinks that both loved ones had perished in the flames

Regardless of the infernal heat, Luo Chen approaches the body and when trying to take the hand, the ceiling gives way, falling on top of Luo Chen.

"ARGHHH!" Luo Chen cried out in pain due to the burning embers and stifling heat.

Luo Chen with his martial abilities could have dodged and even smashed the burning woods, but due to the terrible emotional pain he couldn't pay attention to his surroundings and ended up suffering such a fatal misfortune.

The flames ended up consuming the last resistance.

Luo Chen carefully observed his beloved wife and discovered that his daughter was not with her, giving him a joy that perhaps his daughter was still alive.

With his last strength, his hand manages to tightly grab his wife's blackish hand, even he has the feeling that that hand also responds with a grip.

Luo Chen's eyes close and the same words repeat in his mind.

('Forgive me')

('Forgive me')

('Forgive me')

Memories arise in a time when he was a soldier and she was a nurse.

When he defended her from bullies.

When by 'accident' he saw her naked bathing in a stream.

When he proposed to her in a field of flowers

when they got married

When they were building a new village together with friends and colleagues.

when her daughter was born

When that fateful day happened.

Several boards fall on top of the bodies and the fire consumes a couple whose misfortune fell to them as a result of strange and unfair circumstances.


The fight against the Ghouls is about to end, even though they have been victorious, there were only 8 soldiers left alive, including the official. All of them are covered in blood and parts of the viscera and very scared.

The smell was so strong that they were already at their limit of vomiting.

"Damn it, damn it, what happened here? Where did these freaks come from? The officer throws away his helmet and the shattered sword.

"Officer, I suggest that we leave now, we don't know what we are facing and we must report what happened to the commander" A soldier who is now the second in command speaks while recovering a little sanity.

The officer turns to look at him very stressed, but for now, he recovers a little mental clarity.

"Gather the horses we must go, I'm sure the villagers are all dead"

Quickly, some horses are brought to the outskirts of the village to prevent them from being scared away by the flames.

The group runs and mounts the horses still watching for any type of attack, just like him the other soldiers are also watching everywhere.

But when you move away from the soot, the rot and without any unknown attack gradually calms them down.

"We must report everything that happened, we cannot allow the King's plans to be delayed by mere creatures"

They flee into the thick of the night.

Meanwhile, a young woman runs carrying two people with her. An unconscious woman on her back tied with a cloth and a baby in her arms.

"I feel a strong lineage in this little human"

Long Xian Yu stops to examine her carefully.

(' You must transform her, let her be reborn in darkness. A pure and innocent soul is easier to change')

Long Xian Yu obeys the mysterious inner voice, he also looks at Ye Qi, but he doesn't feel strong potential in her.

"Little girl, it is time to be reborn as one more member of the race more powerful than what exists and does not exist"

A pair of sharp fangs penetrate the tender skin of the newborn.

One more daughter of true darkness has been reborn.

I am taking several ideas from my previous novel, but with slight or drastic changes. Still, I try to keep the original essence of the plot.

I apologize to my readers for the delay and thank you for your understanding.

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I thank you all for your support.

VladDraculMichaelcreators' thoughts