
CHAPTER 2: First Crush

Disappointment!! Disappointment! Failed intensive workouts and starvation.

After a whole weekend of drowning myself in the pool of sorrow I wake up ready to kick my week off differently

Alexa: ( Throwing the sheets away) After the failed suicidal attempts ,life moves on, I am me,I am ...( low voice)perfect and beautiful.

(After my shower and dressing,I stand in front of the mirror to see if am good to go.)

Alexa: (After a few glances)Did I just loose some weight ? (Smilingly loudly) the suicidal attempt was worth it 😂😂.

At Breakfast:

Alexa: Morning lovely momma;

Momma: Why are you so happy , darling?

Alexa: Can't you see??(as I turn around , and she shakes her head ) You still can't see it ? (as I turn around once more but still she doesn't seem to notice anything)

Momma: Just tell me already

Alexa: Can't you see it's a happy morning?

{Ouuuuch!!she noticed nothing}

(I take my breakfast and head to school. No body seems to notice I've cut some weight)

{Maybe I haven't cut after all}

(I had a usual day in school ,,then later we headed over to Kiara's.Kiara's parents own one of the biggest supermarket in town.When we have no classes , we spend most of the times at Kiara's making fun of people , their dressing,their hairstyle ,above all how couples behave in public.

Coco: Oooh my gosh!! look at her dress (laughing out loudly)

Kiara: shhhh!!keep it low guys ( customer approaching as we all pretend to be serious) Can we help you ?

Customer : Yes, I can't seem to find ,ummmhh!! the Nutty Nut

Kiara: Am sorry ,,we are short of it,,can you try tomorrow?

Customer: Ok.( He walks out and I immediately I gasp)

Alexa: Guuuys ,, he's so cute , I mean don't you see he looks exactly like ' Lui' ( I could feel their eyes on me,both seemed surprised)

Kiara : ( laughing softly) come again , whose Lui'?

Coco: Exactly my Question

Alexa: ( disappointed) you mean you don't know the hottest actor ,of a local TV show, Maria

Coco: ooooh!!Maria ,,I watch it too ,, he's cute,but they really don't look alike

Alexa: You're joking right ? ( he shakes his head in disagreement) he looks just like him ,,you may think he's his lost brother

Coco: I watch the show too,I just disagree with you completely

Alexa: Your eyesight is totally screwed ,not my fault you can't see things clearly

Coco: I have a better eye...

Kiara: We are not arguing right ( she interrupts, no answer)

Anyway I'll be the better judge tomorrow,, I'll watch the show tonight and give my verdict tomorrow

Coco : That's better of

Alexa : Am.sorry Cee, i shouldn't have been rude

Coco: Never mind ,I just wanted to provoke you

{I am confused here ,,why provoke me ,bitch am your friend,BFF,,}( it's like she can read people )

Coco: (she continues)I know you're wondering why , okay I know you just have a crush on him ( smilingly)

Alexa: Who? me ? Can never be me

Kiara : ( looking at me also smiling) Why are you being so defensive

Alexa : Wait ,you also agree with her ,I mean I was just appreciating God's work, that's all

Coco: ( picking up her bag as she walks out) Anyway tomorrow he'll be back ( I shout with a lot of happiness written all over my face as if I was trying to say ,am hoping to see you again tomorrow)

Alexa : Are you sure ?( she walks to the door smiling and says )

Coco : No ,(opens the door and looks at me)but am sure about your little crush on him.(closes the door behind her and walks away ,Kiara is just there , laughing at me .)

Alexa: (shaking my head ,as I also Carry my bag) I have to go now .

Kiara: Take care babes ( still laughing)

Alexa: ( as I walk away) Whatever

The next in our biology we are paired in two , and I have to be paired up with Matheo ,of all people .

Teacher : Alexa you'll be with Matheo .( Matheo is just some nerd , but I prefer him a million times than other jokers in class..In this case am the joker but I do my work on time ... I'd still prefer myself than other people. )

After Classes , at the gate .

Alexa : Guys I have to go now ,I have some work to do with Matheo

Coco : I feel like you're trying to avoid your crush( both of them laughing)

Alexa : hahahaha!not funny at all

Coco : Don't worry we will say to him for you

Alexa : Whatever ( as I walk away and Kiara Shouts)

Kiara: Shall we ask him his name ? and maybe give him your number ??

{ deep down I just want to say yes , but I don't want to prove them to be right}

Alexa : As you wish .( At Matheo's place we are trying very hard to get our assignment done with but all I can think about is the customer I had seen the other day )

Matheo: Did you hear what I just said ?

Alexa : (smiling at him though deep down I know I heard nothing) Where's the toilet ? am having a cramp.

Matheo: ( gives me a weird look) the last room on your right

( I walk away asking him to continue with the work with an assurance that I'll be back on time )

{obviously I won't be back on time , }

(My phone vibrates and guess who it is Coco )

Alexa : Does she ever get tired of annoying me ? obviously not .. it's one of her full time hobbies

( I open the message , ' Marvin' .I stand there trying to figure out who might that be but I clearly I don't know who it is.I put my phone back to my pocket and I head to the toilet .Another vibration . )

Alexa : Coco can be a pain in the ass at times ( I take out the phone ) Ohhh!! it's not her,,now it's Kiara , ' His name'

{ what are they trying to get at}

Incoming video call , Coco

Alexa: what is it now ( they are just there laughing)

Coco: (gasps) Huuuh! what just happened with Matheo ?? Don't tell me you guys happened

Alexa: Cee, do you ever get tired messing around with me ??

Coco: gaaal ,, obviously not

Alexa : As I expected

Kiara : That's not the issue here ( coco nods in agreement smiling)

Alexa : What is it then ?( they look at me smiling) speak up ( they argue for some few seconds on who should tell me )

Tell me what exactly?? let's just hang up you'll tell...

In unison : No(they shout)

Kiara : listen to her ( putting on that face she puts on when she wants some favor, I have no option,I just listen to them.)

Coco : ok , you tell her

Kiara : no you do it

Alexa : As always , R,P,S ..

In unison: Rock ,Paper , Scissors..

Kiara : The name of your Crush, Marvin

Alexa : What ?you asked him ?? (both of them nod as they smile )

Coco: We were not joking

Matheo:( knocks )Is everything okay in there ?

Alexa :(clearing my throat) Yes ,am almost done ( I hang up) This girls will be the end of me .( I pretend to flash the toilet and walk out , he's standing there

Matheo : Am done with the work.

Alexa : ( shocked ) Really.( I get my bag and go home ..After supper am in my room waiting for one anonymous call😂😂from Marvin, because they said they would ask him his name and give him my number..I am up late waiting for some message or call ..But the next thing is waking up to no call no nothing.I prepare and go to school. Am dying to ask whether they gave him my number ,why he didn't call me ,or if he had rejected me because I was fat. I was quiet the whole morning. After school I hid from them and walked home alone , thinking of my first crush , rejecting me.

I never replied to their texts the whole night .The next morning I woke up putting everything behind me .

{After all he was not my boyfriend,and maybe he has a girlfriend somewhere}.

(Is on Friday and it's a holiday , after all no school ,after am done with my house chores and school chores , I go to Kiara's.Right outside the shop, guess who's there .?

{Yes , you're right ,Marvin.My Rejection}

( He just loves having his sweet time walking slowly.I want to rush in and not meet him but no ,that guy in some way weakens my knees .I find myself still admiringly smiling at him and at the same time walking to his pace.We get to the door at the same time ,we hold the handle at the same time ,his little finger touches the side of my hand and that leaves some sparks travelling all over my body

Marvin:( looking at me) Ladies first ( as she opens the door, I walk in , Coco seems me first and shouts before being cut short by the person walking in right after me .

Coco: Bitch,,your cru.....( he eyes and mouth are wide open as she taps Kiara who's deep into some novel.)

Kiara: Whaa....t. ( she raises her head and looks right to the door. She smiles , he goes his way and I walk towards them .)

Coco: Spiiill the tea

Kiara: Don't leave a single detail out.

Alexa :(opening my eyes wide ) mhhh! what? that was nothing just met him right outside and he opened the door and I walked in then.him

Coco : That's not what I saw

Alexa : I told you it's not my fault your eyes....

Kiara: Guuuys,later ( as she looks to the other side smiling, we all put ourselves together ) Oohhh Marvin, good to see you again

Marvin : How are you ,ladies ?

in Unison: we are fine ( he looks right to me)

Marvin: and you must be Alexa ( I nod in Agreement and let out a small yes as I smile ) I've heard alot about you.( as I look at my friends)

Alexa:(smiling) good stuff or the bad stuff

Marvin: the good stuff obviously.

Kiara : Alexa come and attend to him

Alexa : (smiling confusedly) Okay.( she takes.her seat and goes back to her novel .Instead he focused more on her )

Marvin: What are you so much into over there ?

Kiara: some novel, My Billionaire Boss

Marvin:wuuuu! someone's into some steamy shit

Kiara:(giggling) noooo!! I just love reading novels ..

{ He's supposed to be talking to me ,not my best friend}

Alexa : Here you go ,( as I hand him his stuff)

Marvin:Thank you,see you later ladies.

Coco: whooooo! Kiara what was that all about ?

(As all attention now turns to her ,I grab my headphones,over my head ,put the volume at 100 and I excuse myself )

Alexa: I don't know what I ate but I have to use the washrooms right now.

Kiara: okaaaaaay( she looks at Coco)

Coco: what was that all about ? (Kiara Shrugs. Apparently I never went to the Washrooms,I just wanted to let of some tension. So I was at the rooftop ,not looking at the beautiful view of the city ,but just looking at a busy street ,of busy people with miserable souls pretending to be fine just like me. Listening to " The city is gonna break my heart by Pinky."

At the end of the day , I went home and spent some time with my family maybe that's what I wanted not boys,not friends ,just Momma.My dad and Brother were leaving in another City where dad works. Dad called us,momma and I ,a video call .Maybe That's all I needed for a second I forgot about everything,it was all laughter and we called it a day after some Rejection and Betrayal