
Sound Soul

A young wanting to be a weapon master attend the academy with his bestfriend. Knowing the danger and adventure they will be doing together. Lets unravel the story of Andy as he Step in the world to achieve his goals. With the help of his friends will they be succesfull knowing that a war will be raging on . Will they be able to know their selves and will they achieve a sound soul?

johnlayson7 · ファンタジー
5 Chs


It was a night of raining and loud thuds of foot steps around the city. A woman in her mid 30's wearing a black coat with a pair of black fitted jeans and a heeled black shoes silently walking in between shelves of books in an old library. She came to a halt while wondering and touching some books that were cleary hasn't been touch for ages. Slowly, brushing up her fingers from book to another book and stop when she recognize a certain book. She pulled the book out of the shelf and suddenly the shelf split into two showing her a dark staircase thet leads down below. Without hesitation the woman step inside while staying calm and trying to find a switch to open the lights. While walking down the path candles that has been placed on the walls suddenly lit up that gives her light on her way. As she was arriving to the other end of the pathway, she can sense a glimpse of dark aura that is leading her towards the end.

Arriving at the end, she can sense clearly that a YOMA ( a man- eating monster ) is nearby but connot be seen. Not so long after her strolling around the monster decided to show up and attacked the woman. The lady sensed of what is coming prepared herself and avoided the monster claws that is directly heading towards her head. Using enough flexibilty , the lady tumbled back wards to ensure distance. When the distance has been settled and fix she then pulled two guns from her coat and concentrate, watching the monster. The monster uses it speed to attackt the lady. The monster succesfuly shorten the distance and started to attack by its claws.

The Woaman maintaining its concentration evading its attacks. they echange blows from each other taking time along with them. The monster was irretated and become angry. The monster stop attacking the woman and stays still. The woman observed the monster until she can feel the vibration coming from the monster. A mixture of dark and red color appears aroung the monster and suddenly it's form change. From a normal standing monster with claws to a crawling monster with tentacles and long claws with a horn in its fore head. The woman then pulls up her two guns and close her eyes. She then said SOUL PROTECT cancel.

A bright blue color sourounds her, she then said to her guns  SOUL RESONANCE the guns change its form , from normal pistols to submachine guns. She then pointed the gun towards he monster. Using its tentacles from its back, the monster attacked the woman. In response the woman shoots making the tentacles falls out from it roots. but then the monster grows again another set of tentacles. The changing of blows took long and the Lady becomes tired. She then decided to end it , standind still guns pointed towrards the monster she then concentrated her soul wavelenght towards the guns. The gund glowed and then she shoot the monster. A big wave of bullets took the monster down.

The lady checked the monster whose body is ful of holes and starting to fade away like dust in the wind. While observing a pain in her stomach shocked her. She realized what had happened, a blade that was poking out from her belly and a laugh from a man made her puke blood. Even in that state she tried to get away from him. She used her soul wavelenght to create an electric shock. 

the man was hit by the shock and back away feeling the pain. Before he Could move the man was already adjusting in the pain and kicked her in her back. the lady crashed the floor in a distance. she then held one of the gun and tried to shoot but the man evaded it all. he then kicked again the woman in her stomach. a burts of blood  came out of her mouth and she stumble down on the nearest wall. with all her enrgy left. she used it to send a message saying. it is him ! it is him!  in a short time the man came close to her and laugh out loud like a psychopath finishing her by stabbing her heart out with his sword.


Hi! well this is my first book. well i dont know if you will love it or not but if you ever find this interesting then im happy.

If ever that you will have some comments or suggestion soons , I will be glad to entertain them. Dont be afraid to speak up. its for the good. Anyways, good or bad observation from the book will be recognize and i will do my best to deal with it. 

hope all of you will enjoy this.. love lots!!!