
SoulsBorne System (Starting in Dark Souls 1)

MC with a SoulsBorne System. Goes to Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, and an (Original World). Not in this order A Soulsborne veteran gamer gets the chance to reincarnate into the multiverse. He will conquer the various worlds he travels to and will become the sole God of his new World. But unknown to him, Other Beings see him as a threat to their rule and domains. and have decided to eliminate him and all those he care about. i do not own the image or the from software franchise. the image is by Windcomet36 on Instagram, he has created a masterful piece of work that represents the souls community and all we have been through. With the infamous Moonlight Greatsword to Demon Souls to Dark Souls to Bloodborne to Sekiro and finally to Elden Ring which holds all these games together in one amazing instalment by George Martin and Miyazaki.

Knight_Riku · ゲーム
59 Chs

Chapter 31: Giant Blacksmith of the Gods

My eyes open as I awaken from the most pleasant resurrection period I have every experienced.

The side of my face rested on the tight and smooth thighs of a Princess, literally. Ciri is a Princess of Cintra and Heiress to the Nilfgardian Empire.

And yet, she had fallen asleep at some point. I guess I took a long time to regenerate.

My face had shifted and had landed in between both her legs.

My face was squished in between two Holy Relics!

And a third Relic was before my eyes, unfortunately it was covered.

I had transmuted my face so it would become Water and could slip out of her Holy Relics without alerting her.

When I had gotten up, I laid her down.

Solaire: "Finally returned back to us, have you?"

Soliate was sitting at a bonfire the others must have made.

Not to be confused with a Bonfire, this one is an ordinary one that is used for camping.

He was the only one here, me and ciri were the other two.

Artreus: "Where are the others and give me a report on the situation?"

Solaire: "They had cleared out the remaining inhabitants of Anor Londo who were still hostile to us. You were here for almost 2 days. All-Father Lloyd has been surrounded by the others so that he can't escape the Palace. Everyone is waiting on you to deal with him. Lady Quelaag had said she can't deal with All-Father Lloyd herself as she isn't strong enough, but you are. Goagh, that friendly giant fellow at the workshop. We had told him about you and he was happy to help, although he said he wanted to conform if it was you, and he has your armour ready to be collected. Since you always said you wanted to go to the Royal Vaults and Banks for a "Visit", I had decided to scout it out. Its not to far from the Palace. You'll see it, just follow the prisim stones."

I was surprised by how much had happened, all this was done by my friends and comrades while I was out of action for 2 days.

It'd be unwise to not deal with All-Father Lloyd as soon as possible.

I looked back to Ciri who I had covered with a blanket.

Solaire: "Haha! You have no idea the war that she and Lady Quelaag had waged while you were recovering. Haha! They both pulled and snatched your body from each other constantly for all manor of excuses. I think they care for you, but they themselves don't know just how much. It was a Jolly sight indeed! Brightend up my day."

Did he just makes a pun...it actually isn't that bad to be honest...

Anyway...I took back my Makluan Ring from Ciri and equipped it.

I rapidly blinked from place to place, following the Prisim Stones, which had been left for me to follow like a trail of bread crumbs.

I eventually came into view of a large set of golden doors.

My eyes were greedily taking in the sight before me.

Instead of opening the doors, I just used my System Space to store it in there.

I will take everything.

I mean...they just left it here...so they must not want it.

I entered and took everything that came into my field of vision.

I travelled further into the Anor Londo banks which were off to the side of the Anor Londo Palace.

Anor Londo is far larger then I'm the game.

The fame only showed the bare minimum and vast empty spaces to reduce level design.

The kingdom of Lothric is far larger in comparison since it had the walls, the lower district you can see from out of bounds, the castle, the liabrary, the gate to the castle and the throne/bedroom at the highest point of it all whi h Lothric and Lorian both residents at.

Anor Londo was now thermae except it was far larger. It was truely the home of the Gods.

As I marvelled the Royal Banks and all the furniture I "borrowed" for an unspecified amount of time. (Forever).

I finally appeared before the Vaults.

I naturally and casually stored the Vault itself into my Storage Space like any "ordinary" person would have done.

I entered it and low and behold!

Vaults! Vaults as far as the eye can see down these endless corridors!

Gwyndolin probably used his magic to extend the hallways like how he dis so for his boss room.

Each Vault had a name plate etched in gold upon them.

They were definitely the names of who the Vaults belonged to.

There was so much and I couldn't search and have a look at all of them at the moment since I need to deal with All-Father Lloyd.

I just took on the form of a Jackdaw bird and flew past everything, while simultaneously storing everything into my Storage Space as I flew by.

Literally the Vault, the Vailt doors and its contents were all taken by me.

I then telepoted to the location of the Giant Blacksmith, Goagh.

In the game he had no name, since it wasn't given to the player.

But Ornstein had told him so it definitely is his name.

Artreus: "Hello Big guy."

Goagh turned around and looked at me. He stood up in suprise at seeing me and picked me up in his granting and soot covered hands.

Goagh: "Goagh. Happy. Friend. Is. Okay. Friend. Not. Dead!"

Artreus: "Yeah, well, I'm glad to "see" You too. Still making armours I see?"

I just went along with all this. I'll know everything when I go back in time once All-Father Lloyd is dealt with.

Goagh put me down as he quickly rummaged through some things, he quickly retrieved a gigantic key.

He slammed his fist into the ground near where I stood.

I was off balenced slightly but regained myself.

When I looked at where he struck, I saw a keyhole beneath the cracked ground.

He inserted the key and turned.


The sound of the inner mechanisms of the obviously sounding, complex lock had clicked. He opened it and pulled a large box out.

He placed it before me and undid the wrappings.

Coagh: "Goagh. Kept. Armour. Safe. Goagh. Made. Shinny. And. Strong."

I went down to look at the armour and saw it.

I took them all out piece by piece and placed them on.

Luna had examined all of it and shown me the stats for my armour. The material was basically made of everything my Wish-Weapon was made out of, with only a few extra materials like Acrumantula Silk from Harry Potter and so on.

(A/n I will post Armour and Weapon stats and specifics next chapter.)

Artreus: "Thank you Cough, I will come to see you again soon."

Goagh: "I. Wait. Here. Friend. Bye. Bye."

I nod my head to Goagh and made my way up the stairs into the main hall.