
SoulsBorne System (Starting in Dark Souls 1)

MC with a SoulsBorne System. Goes to Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, and an (Original World). Not in this order A Soulsborne veteran gamer gets the chance to reincarnate into the multiverse. He will conquer the various worlds he travels to and will become the sole God of his new World. But unknown to him, Other Beings see him as a threat to their rule and domains. and have decided to eliminate him and all those he care about. i do not own the image or the from software franchise. the image is by Windcomet36 on Instagram, he has created a masterful piece of work that represents the souls community and all we have been through. With the infamous Moonlight Greatsword to Demon Souls to Dark Souls to Bloodborne to Sekiro and finally to Elden Ring which holds all these games together in one amazing instalment by George Martin and Miyazaki.

Knight_Riku · ゲーム
59 Chs

Chapter 29: The Dragonslayer

Instead of Blinking I decided to raise my sword up as I swung it at the inmoning attacks.

The attacks had all been dispersed and absorbed into the blade if my weapon.

I then swung it at their direction again, vut this time a wave of Lighting and Fire like energies was unleashed.

The wave traveled and ravaged the ground as it flew towards the duo.

The two of them worked together to defend against my attack.

Ornstein plunged his spear into the ground and a cage of lighting engulfed them. Flann had place his hand on Ornstein's spear and a beam of red energy shot up from the spear upwards and spread between and around the strands of crackling lighting.

The red energy became like the Demon Prince's laser attack and reinforce the now Lighing-Flame cage.

I blinked inside their cage as their dome had blocked my now dissipated attack wave.

I slashed at Flann, since he was the most troublesome opponent with his support.

But things didn't go as planned as he clapped his hands together and released a powerful shockwave that scorched my body.

Ornstein was still unaffected, but my body looked like a Charred corpse.

I can still move, buy my skin and some flesh underneath had become like barbecued bacon.

I headbutted Flann and punched him in the Gut.

I can hear my skull crack and my every bone in my hand shatter.

I was an idiot.

In my adrenaline rush I had forgotten that a Lord/God's body is strong enough to be considered like a Amazon in all aspects (Wonder Woman strength levels).

Only the stronger ones, like Flann, Ornstein, Artorias, Gough, Gwyn, Nito, Manus, The Furtive Pygmy, Daughters of Chaos, Archdragons, Midir, Seath, Nameless King, Gwyndolin, Priscilla and All-Father Lloyd would be considered able to at least harm a Kryptonian in any way.

Be it with pure strength of their bodies or magical power.

All Titanite weapons can harm a Kryptonian as if their bodies were like Butter.

How do I know this?

When I had gone to the Marvel Universe with Angel, I had also teleported to DC for a few moments and I stabbed Clark with a Titanite Dagger.

I had pretended to be a random guy on the street who had a knife and I pretended to threaten a woman with a purse.

Anyway, I saw Clark Kent with the woman, and he couldn't don his costume or I would see him and his true identity.

I stabbed him in a non Lethal area, when he had tried to stop me.

It was kinda funny how he looked so confused that a random guy had a weapon able to harm a Kryptonian.

Anyway, I had teleported to the Fortress of Solitude and nicked myself some Platinum Kryptonite.


I could be OP right now if I used it.

But there isn't a need yet. Also when I asked Luna, she had said that if I use this Platinum Kryptonite now, I would lose an "opportunity"...

She didn't tell me what it was as she was forbidden to do so as it is technically a reward from the System and she had to follow the rules and I need to co pretended it first.

She said there are multiple ways of unlocking the quest, and one of them I an guaranteed to get it no matter what.

Then I'll know the objectives to complete in it.

She did say that if I used the Platinum Kryptonite to early, then I'll lose my grand "opportunity" of ever being able to complete this quest.

She strongly advised me that it was what I would desire, so I listened to her. Not like it'll do me any harm anyway by not using it.

I already have my shape-shifting powers.

Now then....since my hand was broken from the punch to Flann's gut, I used my legs to kick off of his chest and backflip away while slashing with my balde.

Flann roared in pain as my blade had severed his entire left arm.

I was incredibly fast thanks to the Black-Shaped Herbs and Super Soilder Syrum.

I was also nimble thanks to my body since i can manipulate some parts of it. Like my weight and mass without effecting my body density and strength.

My scorched skin was healing along with my skull and hand at a rapid pace.

Flann held his left arm stump, while Ornstein dashed like Sonic towards me.

My blade met his as the two tips collided perfectly with each other.

The ground around us was uplifted by the Force of the impact and shickwave of weapons made.

I reacted first as I aimed my left wrist to his face.



Ornstein retracted his spear and used the shaft once again to block the bullet I had shot from my wrist.

I was wearing Ezio's Wrist Blade that had a Gun Attachment on it.

I had made a Titanite Bullet instead of the ordinary Iron ones.

I swung my blade up to low, low to left, left to right, jab, jab, swipe to the legs and spinning dash forward multiple times.

Ornsetin would perfectly defended against my attacks every time no matter what I did. He would also counter attack when he had the chance.

He was able to stab me through my shoulder or thighs and would cut if my hands and feet multiple times.

I was not the greatest swordsman since my knowledge only came from the myriad if books I had studied from.

I had also trained and practiced with Quelaag and Solaire many times in Pyromany and swordsmanship.

I would lose to Solaire some times since I would limit myself to his level so that the battle is even.

I was never slacking off. Despite me having died many times, it was all calculated and expected. I wanted to train myself to fight in my forms, which would get me killed alot and injured which I would learn from.

Whereas with a Human body, I would be better at and my chances if injusry was less so since I had minor knowledge of sort fighting since I had learnt some in my past life at my Karate dojo classes.

I had quicky been able to beat both Quelaag and Silaire in combat almost all the time now.

However, I was only at about 52% true mastery with Pyromany whereas Quelaag and her sisters are at 95% and the Witch if Izqluth is 100%.

I think Flann is about 86%

I was relishing my battle with Ornstein.

This was pushing my limits, I was barely able to keep up with Ornstein's speed.

Luna had assessed Ornstein's stats and determined what his stats were, while also comparing the level of difficulty the Boss Ornstein in game was to the Player.

If the Player has 1900 HP at max level, then Ornstein has 6,780 HP at NG+7

(A/n Not exact but around this much.)

Then that would mean his stats should be like this:

# Stats

- Name: Ornsein

- Covenant: Sunlight Covenant (Max)

- Level: 235 (calculated with Mean values)

- Class: Lord, Dragonslayer, Captain

- Vitality: 250 (300 for Lord Soul Bearers)

- Attunement: 180 (above 300 for Seath, Gwyndolin is 275)

- Endurance: 270 (400+ is Archdragons)

- Strength: 265 (260 is Superman, 283 is Artorias, Captain America is 50)

- Dexterity: 276 (Ciaran is 292, Artorias is 283, Batman is 70 (can't exceed 70)

- Resistance: 250

- Intelligence: 100 (Smart and Experienced but no Sorcery, Logan is 225, Griggs is 60 ATM)

- Faith: 290 (Nameless King is 295)

(A/n If I did purely game stats then Ornsein should be 354.003... in all stats but that would not make sense so I did this. Stats don't mean everything. Batman can win vs them with a Titanite blade, just he can't keep up with their speeds. Look at VsBattle wiki for power level.)

This was a Knight of Gwyn.

The Captain of the Knights of Gwyn!

I smiled and it had shown to Ornstein.

Ornstein had stopped attacking me and paused while still on guard fir if I would attack.

Ornstein: "Why did you smile?"

Artreus: "Because I have finally been able to have a true battle, I finally have a challenge to push me to my limits! And I live every moment of this! Even if you are holding back your true strength, I love it!"

Ornstein: "Are you not afraid of what will happen to your allies while you would be regenerating from your injures? All that for thd sake of enjoying yourself in battle?"

Artreus: "Look around Ornstein...my allies have won this battle. While I was fighting you thr whole time, I was watching my surroundings. Their safety comes first before my own self satisfaction. The army of Anor Londo had been defeated by my daughter, my comrades have slain that cannibalistic bastard Smough, Gwyndolin is in a sorry state of himself. The only ones that remains are you, Flann and Lloyd in the Palace."

Ornstein: "True..."

Artreus: "..."

Ornstein: "..."

There was a silence between us for a while.

While this was going on, Flann had recovered enough from the pain that my enchanted blade had done.

It had a Chaos Enchantment and Soul Trao Enchantment from Skyrim on it.

My Soul Trap Enchantment can harm the Soul, since Luna had modified it for me. It can now harm the souls of my enemies, similar to the Mortal Blade but not entirely...yet.

And harming a soul of a Lord is very effective since that is the source of their power.

A Lord Soul Bearer is different however and can't be affected by my Soul Trap at all.

As fir what happened to Gwyndolin. Ciri and Logan were able to capture him. Logan probably asked Ciri to not kill Gwyndolin if possible, and they managed it.

The Army was defeated by Angel as she decimated their forces.

The Warrior is an Eridian Vault Creature made by the Eridians to defend Pandora, The Great Vault from anyone that would attempt to free The Destroyer from The Great Vault.

The Warrior could annihilate the entire population of the Planet Pandora itself I'd unleashed upon it.

And I had acquired that form and given it to Angel to use. Naturally she would win. Especially if you take into account that she has Fushi's Immortality from To Your Eternity anime/manga like I do too.

The rest of my group did not approach me, Ornstein or Flann during our stand off mid battle.

Eventually the Lion Knight spoke first.

Ornstein: "You have called Smough a "Cannibalistic Bastard". You had called him that in the past many times. So you remember anything else?"

Artreus: "No. I haven't even made my Armour yet. And people tell me that I am missing it."

I was not worried at revealing that I had to travelled to the past or at least have the means too.

He wouldn't really care.

Given by how he has been fighting me this entire time, and he held back, and the remorseful tone in his voice...we definitely had some kind of relationship in the past.

Did I make him my Blood Brother or something like Oogway and Kai or Orion Pax/Optimus Prime and Megatron. (Kung Fu Panda and Transformers)

I told him this so I can finally get an answer to the whole me-being-in-the-past-and-everyone-knows-me.

Ornstein: "I understand now...your armour is at the Secret Vault by Goagh, the Giant Blacksmith. He'll open it up for you. Return to me once you have gone back in time and know what you have done. Then we will talk...or fight...I expect an answer for what happened when you Return to the present. All-Father Lloyd is in the throne room waiting for either me to report your capture or you unbound before him. Until we meet again...Artreus..."

("Go-Ath" is how you say Goagh)

He said my first name?

I was processing everything he had said as I just gabled at him simply wall away from where we had just fought.

Flann: "Ornstein you Traitor! Get back here and kill him! Ornstein! ORNSTEIN!!!"

Well I have my answers for now. Time to meet Lloyd.

But first...

I blinked to Flann and was going to amputate more of his limbs.

I could see the rage on his face as he gazed at me when I had severed his other arm.

Now he had no arms remaining and can't be considered much of a threat.

If he had dodged my attack in the battle earlier, then he would have proven to be a much more troublesome opponent to deal with.

Everyone was approaching our location since the power house Ornstein had left. Indicating to them that it was now safe.


Flann had smirked...

I didn't have a good feeling of what his smile was and I tried to think of why he did smile?

I saw him gather Flame in his mouth!


You can use Pyromancy from your mouth too?!

Before I could take any action of any kind, he had spewed forth a gigantic Fireball which split into dozens of lasers that spread out in all directions and was heading directly for Ciri at lighting speeds!

(A/n Imagine a fire and red version of Call Beyond from Bloodborne)