
Souls Of Change

In a world where advanced technology coexists with extraordinary abilities, Emmy Krane, once a promising footballer, finds himself thrust into a cosmic struggle beyond imagination. Here’s the tale of his journey: Emmy’s life takes a dramatic turn when he unwittingly becomes entangled with a god, gaining a mysterious system that alters his destiny. From the glittering stadiums of a promising football star to the heart of an evil forest—the Black Eye Forest—Emmy battles monsters and undead creatures alongside his schoolmates. Their escape from the forest sets him on a new path—one that transcends sports and leads to international stardom, finally becoming a professional footballer. But fate has other plans for him, thinking that he has finally fulfil his dream of becoming a football star. A revelation paints Emmy as a threat to the very fabric of existence, the Legends, once revered protectors and the most powerful existences on earth, now see him as the harbinger of doom and then he was hunted down. As the horrors he unknowingly brings forth, the revelation came to past due to the failure of the legends in eliminating him—monstrous beings, demons, and chaos—unleash upon the world, Emmy grapples with his role in this cataclysmic dance. (Note; this novel is a mixture of both competitive sports and action dark fantasy) Enjoy "_" @jwb_kante

JWB_Kante · スポーツ
115 Chs


The captain is someone who don't tolerate bully, he strictly deals with anyone who bully another and they all respect him; if the coach wasn't around, he takes over and give them a good training, the captain is a third year student and every third year students in the football club respect him greatly.

Even the coach gives him a respect that a captain deserves as he does his work diligently; the coach is someone who don't care about what the students do and he doesn't have room for the weak, if you are weak and you're behind others, he doesn't care about what you do or what do you, and it's not that he cares about anyone but he gives each of his trainees a little respect.

After the captain arranged the cone; the cone was like a traffic cone but a lot smaller with a circular bottom and the top was longer and more pointed than the traffic cone. It has different design and size, the captain arranged it according to the size, he arranged them into four different sets, from smallest to the biggest. He brought out the bunch of keys again; selecting a long black key that has a single button on it, he pressed the button and the four sets of cone shines brightly before they started moving, from the smallest to the biggest; Emmy was not surprised, he had seen this before but he was always wondering that when there's a device to power the cone to do this, while wasn't there another device to power the cone for its arrangement.

About five minutes later, the five thousand cone or so had spread out, they spread in a U motion, there were about 200 lines of the same U shape inside the bigger U. Starting from where they are standing which was the cover close to the west goalpost, to the middle of the field and it had turn 90 degrees from the middle of the field back to the west goalpost. There were now two hundred lines of cone of different colors on the field, each line having the same color.

"Alright everyone come over here." The captain said as the cone had finished spreading out. Immediately he said those words, they all stopped what they were doing and gathered around him.

"Captain Karim, how many laps are we going today?" A first-year female students asked.

"Coach will arrive early today so we are going two laps, the first will be without ability, the second with ability and all your might." The captain said. After those words were said, they wasted no time as they all stand in front of the lines made by the cone and took a running stance.

"Okay." The captain said.


The whistle was blown and they all burst off like a bullet. They were all running on each of their lane without getting into one another. The field was a large one and it's almost impossible for someone of their age to run half of the field without collapsing on the floor gasping for air but this what they all do every time they train and it has somehow become a habit of them, even the full field is something they can run 10 laps without collapsing.

The captain stood under the cover and watch them closely, looking at each of their performance and what little improvement each individual have made since their last training, that's when he spotted Emmy in the 50th position, a third year female student was close to him as she wants to take over the position but he was pushing harder and pushing himself to the extreme.

'He has really improved since our last training.' He thought, 'If I remembered clearly, he always stuck in 96th position when they run without ability and 145th when they use ability, but he's now among the top 50 students. Have the others gone slack or he's just improved greatly?' The captain thought. 

Little did he know that, Emmy has pushed himself to the extreme yesterday while he's running from one trouble to another, he pushed himself to the extreme and from there, he had improved greatly in speed.

The captain observed something as he looks at the race closely, he noticed that the legacy the third-year student have built was starting to break down. Every one of them was moving at a great speed. The third-year students have done well in taking 1st position to 9th position, no first year or second year student could be seen from 1st to 9th position. But John could be seen in the 10th position, he was dragging it with a third-year student who was not too far from him. The reason why the captain thought the third year students' legacy was starting to break is because; in all of their training, the third year students have always maintained the 1st position to 20th, only third year students will be seen in the top 20 but now John could be seen in the 10th position, he's the only second year student in the top 20 and it's not as if the person behind him will take over soon.

About 55 seconds later, they all arrived before the captain. None of them felt exhausted and they were still full of energy, it's an amazing feat, each person can cover at least 50 meters person second without utilizing their ability into their speed and not using speed related ability. Many of them looked at each other as they noticed that a few people have improved quite a bit, but their eyes stuck on a particular boy.

"Was that trash really among the top fifty?" A first-year student asked his mates.

"Yeah I can't believe it myself, he was always behind us before." Another student replied.

"Damn, we have to make sure he stood no chance in the second lap." They all thought it's true and they need to utilize everything they had.

'I guess running throughout yesterday did paid off.' Emmy thought as he got back into his line and was ready for the second lap, he wasn't tired at all and none of them felt tired.

"I can see that many of you have improved greatly, John I can see the result of your hard work." The captain said as he placed the whistle in his mouth.


They burst off like the last time and each person was moving at an amazing speed. In the area they have left, a shade of black could be seen on the shiny green carpet, they have used different ability and the effect could be seen on the carpet.

Looking at them, it was as if they were all running midair, many of them have learnt how to use their ability to strengthen their feet and to increase their speed, but not all. And there are people with speed related abilities among them. Up ahead, a single third year student could be seen moving like a bullet, there's a great distance between him and the people behind him. He's currently in the first position and there was about 200 meters distance between him and the people behind him.

John was still at the 10th position even after using ability, this is because all of the third-year students above him were using speed related ability and high level at that, so with him not having speed ability, it was nearly impossible to best them. Emmy could be seen at the 81/80 position, the boy besides him was a wind ability user which was one of the best ability to be used to boost one's speed but this first year student was still a low level and if he overtook Emmy now, the next second, Emmy would overtake him. They were both dragging the position.

 About 30 seconds later, they all arrived before the captain, many of the first year and second year students had fell on their knees gasping for air while the third-year students felt energized. They haven't spent up to a minute but many of them were exhausted, this is because they've used up all of their stamina trying to overtake the person in front of them and not lack behind. This also shows the great difference between the third year and the second-year students along with the first year. The third-year students were still energized and full stamina and it doesn't look as if they will be tired any time soon.

"Ross, actually I don't think I can best you in speed any more. I can see that you have improved greatly." The captain said to the third-year student who had taken the first position. He's a short boy with long black hair that swept backward and the front hair covering his eyes. It's really questionable on how he sees with his thick black hair covering his eyes, and it's even hard to read his expression.

"You can challenge me if you want, and everybody will see if you're still fit to captain us." Ross said.

"I would've have loved to challenge you but the coach is here already, so we have to go into full training." The captain said with a smile.