
Souls in Teyvat

Kenshin is a boy who doesn't have a Gnosis. He doesn't have the ability to rewind time when he dies. He doesn't have memories of another world. He definitely, DEFINITELY, doesn't have a system. To be fair, he doesn't even have a Vision. And yet, even he has something that makes him unique. He can see souls. NOT A FIGHTING FIC, WEAK MC. You are advised, don't complain later. No NTR or yuri, just so you know. I own nothing from this work, as there is no brain behind it. The image is, obviously an AI generated one from wallhaven. I still don't know how the copyright works, so well, if the AI sends a message to me, I suppose I will have to take it down. Lastly, Patreon, Yes, just my name. patreon.com/ARandomMob But I recommend you to just wait for the chapters, I won't keep anything locked behind a paywall.

ARandomMob · ゲーム
142 Chs

Jean's wet dream +18

Knock Knock

"Kenshin?" Jean stood from the bed and turned the light on in surprise when she saw the person coming into her room. She had been sleeping, and Kenshin' sudden night visit had startled her.

"Hmm" Kenshin replied with his face a cold mask. "What is this?"

"....glup..." Jean gulped when she saw the book in Kenshin's hand. 'Ropes and Candles', a certain....interesting book she read in her admittedly rare free time to ....learn.

"I have no problem with this" Kenshin approached with an icy countenance, and threw the book to the bed, next to Jean, opened in a certain page.

"Oh...." Jean paled seeing the page that had some...annotations made out of pure curiosity.

"Something to say?" asked Kenshin, his face not giving away his thoughts. "Because what I see there are your wishes".

Jean looked down in embarrassment, as what she had written was a detailed plan of things she wanted to dream about.

"I'm going to embarrass you so much" said Kenshin in a deep voice making Jean gulp at the firmness of his voice. "That you won't ask for this again".

"I-I don't-"

"And you are going to ask me for it" Kenshin said whispering in Jean's ear.

Jean felt Kenshin's chilly breath on her ear and felt her legs tremble. She didn't know what was happening to her, well, that was a lie.

Since the moment she had seen Kenshin coming into the room, she felt a thunderbolt in her mind.

'I like this' is what she felt, even if she only realized it now. Kenshin's elegant features, his messy black hair framing his well-proportionated face, his confident look, his sheer power in his Plane, his responsibility, his intelligence...

There were a lot of women around, but she was sure Kenshin would look at her with the same amount of excitement he would at the other women.

And now she was with Kenshin, alone in a deserted place, and Kenshin seemed to be thinking of something.

"What's wrong?" whispered Kenshin softly in Jean's red ear. "You are trembling".

Jean was indeed trembling. She didn't know if it was from excitement or nervousness, but she wanted more.

"Do you want to say something?" Kenshin lightly bit Jean's ear, making her shudder when the stimulus reached her brain.

Jean felt how her body, mainly her crotch, was getting hot.

"Come on" insisted Kenshin with a whisper in Jean's ear. "Tell me".

Kenshin bit her ear a bit stronger, and Jean whimpered.

She felt the pleasure escalate, and the urge to touch her crotch to relieve herself intensified but didn't dare to move her hand. What would Kenshin think of that?

"Tell me" Kenshin repeated, and softly licked Jean's earlobe.

"Aahhh" Jean moaned and covered her mouth with her hand.

Kenshin ignored her, and licked her earlobe again, gently sucking on it.

"Hmmmm" Jean moaned again, her hand muffling her moans. But she started feeling something wet on her crotch.

"What's wrong?" asked Kenshin with a cold voice that made her shiver. "Are you feeling excited by this?"

"N-No" Jean muttered, looking at the floor in embarrassment.

"Lie" Kenshin mercilessly rejected her answer. "And liars will be punished".

"Aahhh" Jean squirmed in pleasure when a wave of ecstasy coursed through her whole body. "Please..."

"Want me to stop?" asked Kenshin stopping his ability that was causing Jean's body to tremble in pleasure.

"Please...." Jean looked up with a red face, towards Kenshin's cold face. "Please...more...."

"What a surprise" Kenshin's face showed anything but surprise. "You would ask me for more instead of stopping. But you know?"

"...." Jean waited for Kenshin's verdict, one that would decide if she would be able to feel that sweet bliss again.

"Liars don't get a reward" Kenshin said, stepping back and making Jean fall to the floor when her legs failed her.

And with another use of his ability, Jean's bliss stopped.

"..." Jean felt regretful, but suddenly a new wave passed through her body. "Aahhhhh".

But then, just as she felt her core heating up, it stopped.

"Are you excited?" asked Kenshin again, but this time Jean had learned the lesson.

"....es..." Jean whispered with a red face. The normally firm expression on her face disappeared, and only an embarrassed woman rubbing her legs together to reduce the tremors in her crotch remained.

"I understand. If you are not excited, I will l-"

"Yes!" Jean shouted, closing her eyes to avoid looking at the mocking smirk Kenshin probably had.

"Yes what?" Kenshin pressed her further, a cold glint in his deep purple eyes. His ability started working again, but at a low level, so low that even Jean didn't notice it at first.

"Yes, I'm ex-"

"We are going to do this" Kenshin interrupted her, almost as if he didn't care about Jean's words. "I am going to ask you something, and you will answer it".

"Aaahhh!" the moment Jean heard this, a wave of pleasure, incomparably stronger than those that came before, made her body convulse, but then as if it was a dream, it stopped.

"Are you excited?" Kenshin asked, ignoring Jean's answer to his proposition.

"Y-Yes" Jean stuttered, but remembering that she needed to answer clearly, forced those words to come out.

And the moment she answered honestly, Kenshin increased the pleasant feeling Jean was feeling a bit.

A soft hum reverberated through her soul.

"hmmm" Jean softly moaned not in pleasure but in comfort. The feeling she was subjected to now wasn't giving her the blissful feeling sexual contact did, but relaxed her body, making her feel as if she had just received a full body massage.

"Do you want me to stop?" asked Kenshin again, briefly stopping the soft hum, making Jean twitch, desiring more.

"No" Jean answered calmly with her blue-grey eyes starting to lose a bit of focus.

"You didn't lie" Kenshin coldly said. "And good girl get a reward".

"Aaahhh...yes...." Jean closed her eyes to immerse herself in the feeling. Now it wasn't comfort, but the pleasure she desired to relive.

"Do you want more?"

"Yes" Jean said without hesitation. "Aaahh.....hmmmm..."

Now the throb in her core was starting to get uncomfortable, she needed to touch the area to relieve this distressing feeling. Almost as if a mosquito bit you and the area was extremely itchy, but she could touch herself in front of Kenshin.

"Do you want to touch yourself?" Kenshin's cold voice penetrated Jean's ear.

"...." Jean felt too ashamed to answer that, but as she felt the quake in her body starting to get weaker, she quickly answered. "Yes"

But as the feeling kept getting weaker, she tried to rack her brains off to think of what series of noises would make Kenshin rethink it. And then she found it.

"Yes, I want to touch myself" she prayed that this was the correct one, and the increasing pleasure was the reward she got for guessing correctly.

Now the waves in her soul were extremely intense, she felt as much pleasure as she did when she touched her clitoris with her hand, but it was all over her body. It was a marvellous sensation she couldn't experience without Kenshin stimulating her.

Her legs trembled under the pleasure, and her crotch throbbed painfully, begging to be touched and stimulated.

Her hand moved slightly towards her crotch, but the waves in her soul were diminished by half, making her stop instantly. The buildup her body was suffering had stopped, and it was going down slowly under the decreasing bliss.

"No touching" Kenshin mercilessly said, making his ability stimulate Jean again with the same intensity it had previously done.

Jean whimpered, trying to rub their legs against each other to get the relief her body so desperately needed.

But seeing that she was not moving her hands towards her crotch, Kenshin amped his ability a bit more.

"Aaaahhh!" the sudden spike made Jean open her eyes wide in surprise, shocked by the sudden pang of ecstasy. "aahh....pl.....ple....."

Jean's body started trembling, the sign that told Kenshin that the impending orgasm was approaching quickly.

"Aaahhh...uh?" Jean's moans were interrupted when the pleasure disappeared. Her body on the edge of climaxing slowly returned to its normal state, leaving behind a sense of frustration and slight anger

"You are not going to cum now" Kenshin's words weren't a fact, but an order.

"Aaah!" another spike of pleasure returned Jean to her previous 'sweet' point. "Yes....."

"Are you close?" Kenshin's voice was barely registered by Jean's mind, and she absent-mindedly nodded.

"Yes, I am close" Jean replied in a panic when the pleasure started receding. She feared experiencing that pain in her crotch after a failed orgasm.

"You are not close" Kenshin immediately said, making her soul tremble more.

"AAAhhhhh..." Jean's moan broke the silence in the room. 

Kenshin detected the pleasure she was feeling and knew when she was going to cum. And even if Jean said she was, he knew there was still a small distance, one that he was shortening now.

"Hmmmm....yes....." Jean closed her eyes again, trying to savour the feeling coursing through her body.

"Are you close" Kenshin whispered in her ear, making her feel the hot breath coming from his mouth, adding another layer of excitement.

"Yes... I am....." Jean said with glazed eyes.

"Do you want to cum?" 

"Yes..." Jean was now on the edge of the orgasm. She felt her body start to tremble with the shivering that preceded the orgasm, but at the same moment her body started going through the motions, she returned to the 'other side' of the edge and the orgasm was abruptly stopped. And this process was occurring again and again.

"If I say no?" inquired Kenshin, who was paying with Jean's excitement as much as he wanted. "Will you obey?"

"..aahhh....." Jean was too immersed in the blissful yet painful feeling of being at the edge to reply. "hmm...uh?"

Kenshin's merciless yet enchanting eyes were what greeted her when she opened her eyes in confusion after losing the stimulation. She felt the 'edge' getting further away, so she racked her brain to find the correct choice of words that would return her to that marvellous place.

"I will" Jean said with a nod, the tremors of her body diminishin, but Kenshin only looked at her coldly. "I will obey"

And the pleasure returned in full force.

"hhaaaaaa....please....I ne- ooohhhh" Jean's moans and whispers tore through the otherwise silent night.

"Do you want to cum?"

"Yes...please...." Jean felt the same cycle happening again. "AAAhhhh... I'm cummi-.....aahhhhh"

Again, her orgasm was stopped mid-way leaving behind an aching crotch and a sense of frustration, ones that the next impending orgasm couldn't erase. But again, her find was filled with pleasure.

"If I don't allow you to cum?" asked Kenshin with a leading tone.

"I... won- I'M Cummi-...aahhh.....won't cum..." Jean suffered physical pain after her orgasm was forcibly interrupted, but her next orgasm was coming, or so she hoped.

"You will tell me when you are close" Kenshin commended, and Jean nodded tiredly.

She had learned the lesson. If she didn't obey Kenshin, her pleasure would disappear, leaving behind an overwhelming feeling of frustration.

"Aaahhh....I-...I'm close" Jean's eyes glazed briefly, and she felt the pleasure receding. But she needed to obey, or she wouldn't get her so much-needed orgasm.

Kenshin manipulated her soul again, and sent new waves of pleasure.

"AAhhhhh...hmm.... I'm....close" Jean's lost focus instantly returned when she lost that feeling of the impending orgasm.

"Ooohhh....I- cummi-....aaahhhh....I'm c-c-close...." Jean was forcibly bought back from the feeling of pure bliss and obeyed KEnshin's orders.

"Cl-close....aaahhhhh....." Once again, Jean's eyes focused and the pleasure started mounting again.

But with every cycle, the feeling of achieving orgasm was arriving faster and faster. At the same time, the frustration and need to climax were also building up, even if the pleasure was masking it. Unseen and undetected, but it was there.

"Close...aahhh.....clos- CUMMI--- aaahhh pl-please..." Jean's begs fell on deaf ears, as Kenshin kept repeating the same again and again.

Minutes passed, and 5 minutes turned into 10, then 20, then 30.

Jean was sweating as if she had run to the top of Dragonspine and came back, sprinting all the way.

Her now free hair stuck to her face and neck due to the copious sweating, and her eyes were reddened and teary from the repeated pleasure and consequent pain and frustration from a failed orgasm.

"AAAAHHHH" Jean immediately noticed something different.

That abhorrent cycle had repeated itself from hundreds of times, and she was on the verge of collapse. Her body didn't have the energy to twitch more, and her body was now constantly trembling, a millimetre away from the orgasm, but without being able to take that step.

Her mind told her that she was climaxing, but her body told her that she wasn't yet. She was infinitely close, but not there yet.

"You have been a good girl" Kenshin softly said, almost tenderly. A voice that contrasted with the coldness he had used until now. "And good girls get rewarded"

"AAAhhhh....m- mor....hmmm...." Jean softly said, without the strength to moan more, her throat raspy from all the sweating for the past half hour without being able to drink anything.

She was standing only because Kenshin was holding her up, her crotch was now a sloppy mess even the thick pants were not able to hide and a puddle had formed under her.

"aahhhh!" a new pang of pleasure sent her to the edge, and she knew this was the moment. A single push, no matter how slight, would make her vent the frustration that had been building in her body the past....she didn't know how much time.

"Now" Kenshin said, grabbing her chin to make her look at him, but Jean's eyes were glazed and lost in pleasure. "Cum".

And he used his ability to the maximum degree he could without frying Jean's brain.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" with a how resembling that of an animal, Jean finally orgasmed, the strongest orgasm she had reached and would reach in her life.

Her legs gave up, her crotch released a stream of liquid and her mind went blank.

The tremors of pleasure wracked her body, increasing the explosion of ecstasy that assaulted her brain and made it turn into mush.


She fell to the ground of the room under Kenshin's eyes.

Kenshin just looked at her, but gently picked her up and took her to the bath, where he would clean her, wear some comfortable clothes and tuck her into the bed.


Jean woke up with a jump.

"..." she unconsciously touched her crotch where she felt something strange, and when she retreated her hand, it was wet. 

Not somewhat wet or humid, not a finger or a nail. Her HAND was WET with a sticky liquid she recognized.

With an atomic red face, she quickly went towards the toilet to have a shower.

"What a bad day to have that kind of dream..." she mused, not daring to look at her reflection in the mirror.

She had an important meeting today, and she didn't have any time to waste.

"How will I face Kenshin today.. "she thought, as just the thought of Kenshin's face was enough to send her into a panic attack.

After changing and checking that everything was correct, she left her house.

But her earlobes were red.

Almost as if someone had sucked them.

IMPORTANT; I never pestered anyone about Patreon, and I'm not going to start now.

I come here to say that the novel will end in 2 days in Patreon, so if you pay, you will 'lose' money, just wait for the 10 or so days it will take to finish the novel here.

ARandomMobcreators' thoughts