
Can death come sooner?

Y/Ns pov~

Did he really just say that sh-

" Now Y/N."

His head turned to you. His long black hair swaying as he did. His face had his usual emosionless expression.

" Come on up Y/N. Everyone else has done so. Well not your brother Bakugo. So you know what-"

His head turned to your brother. Making the spot light turn to him instead of you. You felt a rush of relief come over you. This has never happened before due to you being emosionless. Huh. You thought. My new mental ilness must be anxiety. You mental noted thag thought.

" How about both of the Bakugos come and and revile who their soul mates are?"

Your heart started to run. With


The feel of it made you want it more. But it quickly went away when your anxiety came rushing over you, crashing that exsitment like a wave of water.

" Now come on up you two."

He said in his monatomic voice. You looked over to your brother who as well looked scared. He may of not looked like it but with his eyes slightly wide open then usual, that's saying alot. You sighed and walked up over to the side of Aziwa.

" Sir do I have to?"

He looked over at you face to face. His eyes where piecing through out your soul. He sighed.

"If you don't wanna, then write me a 100,000 word essay about heros in Japan in a day. Due tomorrow."

Gasps where heared from around the room.


You and your brother said at the same time. You looked over to see your brother agreeing with you as well. He must of came up when you where talking, you just did not notice. Aziwa sighed once more before nodding his head, gestering for you both to go back to seats and sit. You both did as instructed. You sat down in your seat seeing all of the eyes on you.

Well damn this anxiety fucking sucks. You thought as you ate your Bento that Lunch Rush made. It was extra spicy just like you liked it. Right now you where on the roof of the school eating lunch alone once again. No shooker there. No one ever went up there as well. That's one of the greatest things about the roof. The cold breeze made you long/short h/c with blond streaks fly behind you. It was relaxing, also the only time of day you really liked. Did anyone else find their soulmate in your class? Everyone exspt you and your brother. You sighed and brought up your free bandaged hand to reach inside of your white shirt to bring out a necklace. It was red, orange, and black. It was a marble, ivory elephant. It had pretty ingravinges in it. Like flowers, flames surprisingly, and other little things. Where are you? You thought. You looked down at your arm holding the charm. Both of your arms where banged up. Not only because of the soul mate shit, but because you cut. More like self harm. You don't just cut. You never really had a reason, you just loved it. Your other hand droped the chop sticks you where using to bring your hand up starting at the tips of your other hand, to the charm, and down your arm, feeling every detail there was. Or that you could feel anyways. You put your charm into your shirt and packed up your bento. You hadn't ate much of it, just a couple bites. You got up to throw away your bento. You got your head phones and phone our before you did and went to your music app and clicked Eminem. You loved him. Maybe it was because you felt his pain, he was sadtice, you didn't know, you just did. You sighed one last time before getting up with your backpack on one shoulder, phone in skirt pocket, and bento in the other hand. You walked over to a trash can and dumped your bento into there. Not only did you self harm, you starved your self. You soon started back to class to start on the eassy letting Eminems words take over your soul.

' little gay looking boy, so gay I can barley say it with a straight face little boy, you witnessing a mass ocuur

Like you where watching a church gathering take place looking boy

Oh vey, that boy's gay, that's all they gotta say looking boy

You get a thumbs up, pay on the back, and a "way to go" from you lable everyday looking boy,

Hey looking boy, what you say looking boy? I get a "hell yeah" from Dre looking boy.

I'mma work for everything I have

Never ask for nobody's shit, get out of my face looking boy

Basically boy you never gonna be capable of keeping up with the same place looking boy.

'cause im begaining to feel like a Rap God, Rap God, all my people from the front to the back nob, back nob. The way I am racing around the track, call me Nascar, Nascar. '

You loved " Rap God" by Eminem. It was one of your favorites. Soon you got to your class room. You saw no one there, not even your teacher there. So you went to your desk. You kept your head phones on and lisioned to the song swallow your soul. You signed in your backpack and found your computer. Soon you started to type away. Hoping the day could just die, you along with it.