
18.) Returning to Middle earth

Raven shake her massive head softly while she was listening to what was happening around them while the elders were speaking as her father got off Jake back and walk over to Raven making her tilt her head to him and lowering it as she felt his fingers run through her fur as Thorin was helped off her back since she and Paul were the best fighters in the pack, while Leah and Seth were the fastest, and Embry was the best tracker, of course, the other members had their own skill they brought forward like the best hunter and more. " h..how did you know" Bella ask with wide eyes " caught him sneaking in more than once on camera did you really think I wouldn't have security camera around my house, I am the sheriff after all " he said making Bella look to the ground as Edward frown as Rose glared at Edward as he steps forward " we cant have another human finding out about us" he said which was a massive mistake but he, of course, didn't have time to learn his mistake as Raven wolf body ripped forward with open jaws and couple ripped off Edward arm which resulted in Bella screaming and Edward cry of pain as the pack push the none shifters to the middle and got ready as Carlisle try to calm everything down, As Raven spat the arm out and growled ad her fur stood on end while she bared her sharp fangs while her sharp claws dug into the ground as Boern stepforward as well as the other wolves cirlce the elders " you now have till the end of the day to leave and never return or the pack will attack" Billy said with a glare, after a couple trues Carlisle gave up trying to talk it out and left while Charlie held Bella "you young lady are in so much trouble" Charlie said eith a dark glare.

Raven, Paul, and Jared chase after to make sure they leave as the others went back to Billy's house, Raven watch them use their speed to pack up then leave which made the pack calm down as they headed back to Billy place and shifted back as they headed inside " the Cullens are gone and understand if they ever return that the pack will rip them to shreds," Raven said as Paul and Jared went to the others " you can't do this" Bella said and stomp her foot like a child, "we can and we have to stop acting like a spoiled little brat that you are, I mean after he nearly killed your father you still want to go after them" Paul said which made Bella gasp " he wouldn't harm anyone" she said which made Raven growl.

" bull crap you are truly a spoilt brat and if it wasn't for us that bloodsucker would have killed our father, you need some huge help if you can't see that" Raven snapped and glared as she sat down next to Thorin while she was trying to calm down and relax. Charlie sigh and shake his head " Enough Bella right this moment" he said with a shake of his head as he says his goodbye and hugged Raven then he left while dragging Bella out, making Raven sigh as the pack started to talk while the feast was being put together since the company needed to return to middle earth. Once the feast was over the company and Raven said their goodbyes then headed back to middle earth with Leah with them since she was now mated to Beorn, Raven took a deep breath and sigh as she was standing on the balcony that looks over dale and more but her eyes where the lock on the night sky that was shining brightly, she started to hum to herself as she wonders what was going to happen in the future, Raven smile as she turns her head and saw Thorin " hello love" she said which made Thorin smile " hello darling" he replies as they stood there and look to the sky. Enjoying each other company with Thorin being king they haven't had the time to spend together as much as they would have liked but they understand why since the kingdom needed him plus food and with how quick Raven was in her wolf form she would leave on hunting trips to get more food for the mountain and for Dale who needed it as well with winter coming quicky it wasn't easy to find food and with Smaug body in the lake they couldn't fish which was disappointing since that could have been another way to eat but they were not going to test it and try to eat the fish that they get from the lake.

Of course, she would go into her old world if it was needed and get food from there but she tries to stay in middle earth for food since she knew her old world food was much different from the middle earth and she wasn't sure if the dwarves and that could eat the meat from there since it treated different and more, As the couple stood there on the balcony overlooking the view they had and enjoying being in the presence of their mate, Raven sighs softly and smile since she knew that she would be a wolf for a long time since Thorin ages differently to a human but she didn't care since she didn't want to leave his side any time soon, she turned so she was facing Thorin and look at him softly while she was thinking about how happy she was to be with him and that their lives could only get better from here on forward. Of course Raven knew they both had a kingdom to run so that was something she had to get used to while Thorin had to get used to some of her ways to, As the couple stood on the balcony under the full moon the rest of the world was at peace for the time being and that was all they could ask for.

(Sadly I can't think of anything else for this story so this would be the end of it, I hope you did enjoy it, but of course I do babe other stories on my page, incase you wishes to read others but of course you done have to, I hope you have a wonderful year)