
10.) Trolls and Thorin's wolf

Once more the company was on the move till they couldn't travel anymore for the day, Raven was once more traveling by Balin side talking about her wolf form and some stuff that she was allowed to know about Dwarves, she looks around once they came to a stop and she got off her horses back then she walks over to Gandalf and Thorn before they start to talk. " Lady Raven are you alright," Gandalf asks with a frown seeing how sickly she look " I need to go hunt my wolf is clawing behind her cage, I just came to inform you since I will be gone all night to make her happy" she explains softly, Thorin frown since Raven has been keeping everyone safe and sound since they got here, so to know they haven't been thinking of her skin-changer side didn't make him happy " then I must wish you a good hunt and a good run," Thorin said, which made Raven gave him a small smile then walk away and headed for the woods after telling the others.

Once she was deep in the woods she took off and shifted into her wolf who howled in joy then took off her paws beating against the earth while the lowering sun shines down on her fur as the wind went over her body, as her wolf sang through their bond happy to be able to run free of course she hunted and ate her fill then she start to run around and play some. Once the sun had finally set and the moon rises to greet the sky she sat down and howl the moon song along with the other wolves who happen to be able to hear. She lowers her head once she finishes and decide to head back so she goes back to her paws and took off while she starts to have a bad feeling so she speeds up then growled as she saw the company in the hands of trolls, she growled loudly as one pick up Bombur then she bared her fangs while she uses a bolder to launch herself into the air and at them but the troll stumbled back dropping Bombur, she slides to a stop and turns around growling as she still had blood on her teeth and dripping down her muzzle from her hunt. Raven knew she shock the company but of course, they had no idea it was her but by the look on Thorin and Balin's face they did, she tilts her head as the trolls were turned to stone.


Thorin wasn't happy that they had gotten caught by the trolls and now half of his company was on a spit and the other half along with himself was a tie in bags, but the hobbit started to stall for time so he kicks kili who got the message then they all agree with Bilbo till the troll pick up Bombur, which upset them greatly and his eyes widen as he saw a wolf come out of nowhere, one that he recognized from his dreams so he knew this was his one. Thorin gulp while he slowly put together who the wolf was and he knew Balin had figure it out since he had told Balin about his dreams and more. Once they were all free and dress Thorin slowly made his way to the 9-foot wolf while he put his hand up to Dawlin who lowers his ax as Balin whisper in his ear, he watches as she slowly lowers her head as he held his hand out then he gently put his hand on her head between her ears.

" So you are my one" he whispered and watch as her ears twitch and she back up slowly shifted back to her hand form, as the company gathered around then they all went looking for the troll cave " I feel bad for Lady Raven if this smell this bad to us, "Ori said to his brothers, which made Thorin look overseeing her by the trees before he went to see what they could find.


Raven stay close to the woods and kept her hand over her nose as she lean against the tree closest to her as she watch them, As she listen to what was happening around them " someone coming " she called out then inhaled " I smell rabbits" she added then turn as huge rabbits came through pulling a sled along with a wizard, making her blink at this then she shake her head to clear it while she walk over to the company then she growled and yank out her sword and slice a warg head off before it got Thorin then she handed her weapons to Gandalf and shifted then she look softly to Thorin then she took off and help the brown wizard, but she would kill them instead of just distracting them but when she saw them head to the company she ran over with a snarl and save Ori while she shake her head, then watch them run to Gandalf who was in a hidden entrance so she killed any who got to close till Kili trip so she turn and ran as she growled and grabbed the back of his tunic and ran to the hidden entrance and made sure he went in while she shifted and jump down with Thorin.

Once inside Raven look around then follow the others through the cave and appear on a ledge overlooking Rivendale " Thorin maybe we should we can restock then sneak out once we have rested look at the company" she said softly and watch him turn to the group who look completely tired and even lower on supplies then what they had. " Fine but as soon as we can, we will be sneaking out " Thorin agrees gruffly, then they all walk down but Raven knew he wouldn't make it easy to stay there so she plans to be quick about packing their supplies while also finding out other stuff that may help them.