
c h a p t e r t w e n t y n i n e



"I thought we were going to study at your place..." Hermione sighed as she paced.

"Hermione, please stop pacing. We'll be fine. My parents won't even know we're here." he replied. Draco sat at the big oak desk in the centre of the Malfoy Manor library as he flipped through the pages.

"But i know how much you hate it here. Really, we don't have to be here." she continued. Draco groaned and turned around to face her. "I'm fine."

Hermione stopped pacing and glanced up at him. "Are you s-""Yes i'm sure. Now come help me."

She sighed and walked up to the desk, pulling out a chair. She sat down as Draco read out a page from the book.

"Chapter 23: Bonds. The bond in your relationship is very important. It can do several wonderful things, which do however, sometimes come with a price. For example, your bond can let you know whether your soulmate is in danger or not. This is known as the sensory bond. The power you recieve all depends on the strength of the sensory bond. Some soulmates were recorded to know the exact location of the other soul when they were in a dangerous situation." he read.

Draco looked up at Hermione who nodded at him to continue. "Another type of bond is the proximity bond. The stronger your bond, the more pain you will feel when your soulmate interacts intimately with someone other than yourself."

He paused and he looked up at the girl again. "What exactly am i looking for here?" he asked. Hermione shrugged."I don't know. I guess we should just know as much as possible." she said, propping her chin on her elbow.

Draco ran a hand through his hair. "Is there anything specific you want me to read?" he asked, smiling slightly at the way Hermione bit her lip when she was thinking. He's never really noticed it before.

"Maybe find something about behaviour? I want to know if you're gonna be an arrogant arse forever or not." she suggested. Draco playfully rolled his eyes and focused his gaze back upon the book.

"The male figure tends to become more dominative and possessive as the bond develops. In a homosexual relationship, the possessive role will be placed upon the generally more dominative soul." Draco let out a small chuckle and Hermione raised her eyebrow.

"I'm an arrogant arse now but soon enough, i'll be a arrogant arse." he said, smirking lightly. "Does it say if it'll ever wear off?" asked Hermione.

His eyes skimmed the page and he looked up again after a few moments,"Nope. You're stuck with a possessive, arrogant arse for the rest of your life."

Hermione smirked as she crossed her arms, "What if i like the idea of you being possessive?" Draco's eyes widened. "Save your kinks for the bedroom! Merlin's beard, Granger." he said, shutting the book.

She laughed and shook her head, "Alright then, so are we done here?""Not quite." said a voice from the doorway.

The two turned around only to be met with Lucius' glare. "Draco, you didn't tell us you were visiting." he drawled. He barely glanced towards Hermione.

"Yeah, i was actually trying to avoid this situation." Draco sighed. He stood up, slipping his hand into Hermione's. "Anyway, we were just about to leave."

"Where's your dark mark?" Lucius asked, taking a step forward. Draco's gaze flickered from his father, to his arm and back to his father again. "It's concealed by a glamour charm." he said.

Lucius raised an eyebrow and ran a hand along his cane, "Funny. You use to be rather proud of it."

Draco let out a sarcastic laugh. "You know what else is funny?" he asked. He didn't give Lucius a chance to reply. "I got branded for life for you and Mother."

Draco paused and waited to Lucius to say something, but he didn't. He stayed silent. "I didn't want to join Voldemort, but i did it to protect you. In fact, i was going to refuse but they threatened the both of you." said Draco.

Hermione squeezed his hand and he glared at her. She mouthed 'Let's go' and his glare softened. Draco took a final look at Lucius and shook his head.

"Neither of you thanked me, either. You're a complete, utter bas-"

Hermione apparated them both back home before Draco had a chance to finish.


Draco and Hermione looked up at Blaise who was holding two letters. "An owl delivered these like an hour ago." he said, handing the letters to Hermione.

One was addressed to 'Miss Granger', the other to 'Mr Malfoy'. Hermione handed Draco his letter and turned hers over, only to see the red wax seal with the Hogwarts crest imprinted into it.

"Must be the invitations." she said. She opened the letter and took out a neat folded piece of paper.

Draco opened his and glanced up at Blaise. "Friday 5th of July, you can be my plus one if you want." he said, handing Blaise the invitation. He scanned the page and shrugged, handing it back to Draco. "Balls aren't really mine or Pansy's thing." he said. Draco nodded, "Fair enough."

"Wait," Hermione said, turning to face Draco, "does that mean you're going to go?""Maybe.""Please.""Well..." he hesitated.

Hermione took his hand and looked up at him. "It's a masquerade ball. Nobody will know it's you if you're wearing a mask." she said. Draco still looked slightly hesistant but he nodded nevertheless.


this is short eek i'm sorry

the next chapter will hopefully more longer

anyways, possesive Draco, who's up for that??

i'm going on holiday for two weeks in a few days but i'll have wifi and whatever so i'll definately keep updating. it just might not be as consistent. idk, i guess we'll see

other than that i hope you have/had a great day