
c h a p t e r t w e n t y e i g h t



"Hermione?" Draco mumbled. Hermione shifted her position to face him and made a small "Hm" noise.

"I don't know if Potter told you," he began, "but Hogwarts is hosting some sort of end of year ball or some shit:"

Hermione opened her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows. "A ball? Why?"Draco let out a soft laugh and shrugged, "She-Weasel owled him. You'll have to ask her for more information if you wanna go."

"I'll go but only if you take me." she said, smiling as he blindly pulled her closer. He opened his eyes and sighed. "Everyone hates me. I don't think being in a confined space with an ex death-eater will make them feel at ease."

A beam of light from the window cast a shadow across his face. She's never noticed it before, but he had a few freckles dotted across the bridge of his nose.

She shook her head lightly. "You're more than just an ex death-eater, Draco." said Hermione. He lazily slung an arm over her waist.

"You've matured into an amazing young man. You never fail to surprise me with your ambition to become the man your father never managed to be." she said.

She gave him a small smile and after a few moments, began getting up, pausing when Draco grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?" he asked, keeping his hold strong."The ministry." replied Hermione. Draco sighed and gently pulled her back. "Stay a little longer." "Draco, i can't."

He stared at her for a few moments but it wasn't long until he sat up, a cocky grin spread across his face. "Would you stay if i kissed you?" he asked, ignoring Hermione's lack of patience."Mayyybeeee." she laughed slightly.

Draco smirked and shook his head. "Come here." he said, cupping the side of her face and pulling her closer. He brought their lips together, breaking the tension as Hermione relaxed into the kiss.

He felt a warm flutter in his stomach, but at the same time it felt so right; it felt normal. All he could think of was how this was all he wanted to do.

The kiss was as short as it was sweet. Hermione pulled away after a few moments, the eye contact never wavering.

"You're such a tease." Draco groaned, falling back into the cushions. A smirk tugged at the corner of Hermione's lips as she shook her head, "Priorities i'm afraid, Draco."


After twenty minutes of trying to wake up properly, Draco eventually got up. He wandered into the living room where Pansy and Blaise were watching some sort of muggle show.

"Has Hermione left yet?" he asked, sitting down next to Blaise."Yeah, she left like fifteen minutes ago." said Blaise. Draco nodded and sat back.

He tried focusing on the TV but all he could think about was the kiss. He just wanted to hold her face in his hands and leave small kisses all over her face, telling her he loves her after each one.

The bond was getting stronger.

"What happened between you and Hermione, Draco?" Pansy asked, raising an eyebrow. Draco snapped out of his thoughts and turned to her."Nothing..." he said. He tried to keep a straight face but he could feel the red creeping up his neck.

"Oh my god, no way!" she gasped, turning to Blaise who raised an eyebrow, "They kissed!" Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought we agreed we weren't going to use legilimency on each other."

He crossed his arms as Pansy laughed, "I didn't. You're just being blatantly obvious that something went down in that bedroom."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Yes, okay? We kissed but it was more or less what you would describe as 'short but sweet'." he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"You wanted more though, didn't you?" Blaise smirked. Draco gave him a dull look but he ended up nodding anyway.

Blaise handed Pansy 5 galleons and she stood up, walking into the kitchen. "You guys on me??" Draco asked, sending Blaise a glare as he let out a laugh.

"This is your first legit girlfriend, mate. You and Granger are adorable together." he said, shaking his head slightly.

"She is quite adorable isn't she?" Draco said thoughtfully. Blaise ignored his blabbering and went back to watching the show.


"Harry!" Hermione yelled. Harry turned out and grinned, "Heya 'Mione."Hermione rolled her eyes playfully and sighed, "I've been calling after you for the past ten minutes. I feel as though i have gathered enough evidence to prove that you are blind deaf."

Harry chuckled and shook his head, "Sorry, I'm just gonna go ahead and blame the bustle of the ministry. Did you want something?" Hermione nodded. "Draco said something about a ball at Hogwarts?"

"Oh, yeah. I can get Ginny to send you an invite with the information?" he suggested.

"That'd be great." she smiled.

Hermione gave him a quick hug but immediately pulled away when she was hit by a surge of pain. She stumbled back and groaned. "Is it the bond?" he asked, taking a cautious step away from the girl.

"Yeah," she sighed once the pain subsided, "It's getting stronger." Harry simply shrugged, "Don't worry about it."

Hermione stared at the boy and furrowed her eyebrows, "Isn't Ginny your soulmate?""Yes.""Why aren't you this affected?""Our bond isn't that strong since she's been at school." he explained.

Hermione nodded and gave him a sympathetic smile. "What? No don't look at me like that." he laughed, playfully nudging her shoulder. "We have the rest of our lives to strengthen the bond so those looks aren't necessary."

Harry crossed his arms but Hermione simply laughed, "Sorry, dork."

The two talked for a while before Harry saw that the clock read '5 pm' and decided that he needed to go talk to Ron before he left. They exchanged their goodbyes and left to go their seperate ways.


"Draco?" she asked, walking into his bedroom. He was sat at his desk and he turned around to smile at her. "Hey 'Mione." he said, sitting up slightly.

"How much do you know about the bond?" she asked."I know that it'll end up making me very clingy and irritating." he laughed.

Hermione shook her head, "No. Wrong. You're not going to irritate me."

He raised an eyebrow and playfully smirked, "Sorry, I forgot you spent 7 years with Saint Potter and Weasel. They deprived you of your will to be irritated."

"Well i mean, you're not wrong." she replied.

"No, but seriously," she paused, "How much do you know?" Draco sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Not that much." he shrugged.

Hermione smirked lightly and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Get the book out," she said, "We're gonna have a study date."


this chapter was so badly written i'm so sorry

but hey, they kissed ?? forgive me

buT ALSO SOULMATES HAS 4K VIEWSi was literally saying how shook i was about 3k like 2 chapters ago