
c h a p t e r f o r t y t h r e e



"So," Draco said, dropping the book onto the table, "I found the book that you saw in your dream."

Hermione raised her eyebrow and brought it towards her. "You went to the manor?" she asked.

He nodded and she sighed but didn't bother making any further comments. She opened the book to the pages Draco told her about and quietly read them.

"All i have to do is not kill anyone and i'll be fine." he smiled. Hermione glanced up, "How well did you read these pages?"

Draco frowned and shrugged. "Well enough." "It says here that it's likely you'll have the curse if you mother was indeed a werewolf." she said, pointing to the page.

"Okay, and?" "There's a chance that you weren't born with the curse in the first place, Draco.""Oh. Well i guess there's only one way to find out." "No Draco, you're not going to kill anyone to find out."

He rolled his eyes jokingly. "I'm going to go talk to my parents instead." he sighed. Hermione sent him a reassuring smile and nodded, "I'll come with you."

"I'll be fine, really." said Draco. The girl hesitated but let him go nevertheless.


"I was born with the curse."

Lucius' head shot up from his newspaper. "Who told you such a thing?" he questioned, standing up from his chair.

Draco smirked at his reaction. Hermione was right.

"No one, but your reaction just told me that it is in fact very true." Draco laughed. Lucius glared at his son and walked around to the front of his desk, only a metre away from Draco.

"That's bullshit." "No, but the whole 'i killed my soulmate' lie is."

Lucius gripped his wand and took in a deep breath. "Have you triggered the curse?" he asked, taking a step forward.

Draco eyed his father and raised an eyebrow, taking a step back. "No," he drawled, "there might be a chance that i wasn't born with it at all."

The man thought about it for a few moments before sneering at him, "What makes you so sure?" "There was a book in the library about werewolves. It said that it's likely i would be born with the curse and there's an unlikely chance that i wasn't but it's a chance nevertheless."

"You want to find out whether it's true or not, don't you?" he sighed, walking back around the desk to sit in his chair. "All i have to do is kill somebody." Draco nodded. Lucius let out a groan and shook his head, "No. You're not going to risk it."

"Why not?""Because i'm not going to have a bloody werewolf as my son." "You fell in love with a 'bloody werewolf' so i really don't see the problem!"

Draco paused and it hit him.

His mother wasn't really dead. He could find her and ask for her advice.

"Where my mother?" Draco asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Lucius scowled and shook his head, "That's none of your concern." "Oh, but it's all of my concern."

"I don't know, alright? Once you were born my father made sure that she stayed far away from you. She could be in Australia for all i know." said Lucius.

Draco was about to reply when he suddenly stopped. Where would he go if he was in this situation? He thought about it for a few moments, looking up at Lucius when he figured it out.

He would go somewhere where his child's soulmate would be likely to go. If the soulmate was there, the child would most probably be there too.

His mother was in fact in Australia, potentially living near the Grangers.


"So? How did it go?" "It's true. I need the address to the place your parents are currently living in."

Hermione looked slightly startled at his demand and furrowed her eyebrows. "Why do you need their address?" "I'm certain my mother is living somewhere near there because she knows we'd go to them eventually."

"Well," she hesistated, "i can take you via the floo network. I bought a small apartment not far from where they live with a floo network set up inside of it.""Great. Get ready, we're leaving in ten." he said, turning around to gather his things. Hermione grabbed his arm and stared at him. "Ten what? Minutes? It's half six pm, Draco."

He raised an eyebrow. "And? We're only going to be there for an hour tops." he shrugged."It's two am in Australia, Draco. We'll leave tomorrow morning."

Draco paused and took in a deep breath. He smiled at Hermione and nodded. "Yeah, sorry. I just don't want to be stuck in this mess and i know it's a lot to ask of you." he said.

Hermione shook her head and shrugged, "Don't worry. I need to check up on my parents anyway, see if they're remembering anything yet or not."



"Granger what the fuck are you doing?" Draco asked, glaring at her. Hermione raised her eyebrow and paused as she tried to think of an excuse. "Camping?" she suggested.

Draco rolled his eyes and looked around the forest, "Look, it isn't safe here. There are snatchers everywhere and if you, Potter or Weasley trigger the taboo, they'll know exactly where you are."

"Hermione get away from him, you know he's with Voldemort." Harry said, walking up the girl.

"Oh you blundering idiot!" Draco groaned. He got his wand out and looked around the forest again. "Run. Get somewhere far away from here. The snatchers will be here soon unless you hurry." he instructed.

"Oi, Malfoy. Who do you have there?" said a voice. Draco sighed and turned around. "Muggle campers. I'll put a memory charm on them and they'll be off." he said calmly. The man nodded and was about to leave when something caught his eye.

"You have a scar on your head." he pointed to Harry who tried to cover it up with his hair. "You must be Harry Potter." he smirked.

Draco looked between the trio and the man and before he could think about what he was doing, he shot Avada Kedavra at the snatcher.

"Go." said Draco quietly. Harry and Ron ran ahead whilst Hermione promised to catch up with them. She turned to Draco and got her wand out, pointing it at him. "I just killed a man, Granger. I don't think you want to be doing that right now." he said, gesturing towards her wand.

Hermione shook her head, "I'm sorry, Draco, but you can't remember this. You're on Voldemort's side."

He stared at for her a few seconds before realising what she was about to do. "No, Hermione. You don't have t-"


ahhh i'm sorry for not updating in a few days. i've been lacking motivation to write and i've been making edits instead.

i go back to school next week so this is most likely what my posting schedule will be like anyway but-

also i got my cat and he is actually so fucKING ADORABLE OMGgGGgg

i hope you enjoyed this chapter because it lowkey took a hella load of effort to right. it wasn't particually hard to do so or whatever, i just didn't know to write

anyway i hope you have/had a great day