
c h a p t e r f o r t y f i v e



"So you oblivitated us, your parents, to protect from that evil wizard Voldedort?"

Draco smiled slightly as Hermione corrected them. "Yes, you was the only way i could protect you from ." she explained.

Draco was sat with an arm lazily slung around the girl's shoulders, not saying or doing much apart from the occasional nod of the head.

"Harry killed him though so it's safe for you two to come home, isn't it, Draco?" asked Hermione, turning to face him.

"Absolutely." he nodded, smiling when she grinned giddily. Her parents exchanged glances before looking up across at Hermione and nodding in agreement.

They were coming home.


"Who'd want to live in a place like this?" Draco sneered, walking through the doorway. Hermione raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder.

"This, would be childhood home." she said. His eyes widened, "Oh... and it's lovely! I love what you did with such a modest budget!"

Hermione rolled her eyes playfully and turned back around, walking into the living room.

Everything looked as if nothing had changed, the girl was even back in the old family pictures.

"Is it true?" Draco asked, walking up behind her, "Did you talk a lot about me?"

Hermione froze and shook her head, "That's absurd."

He smirked and turned her around so that she was facing him. "Now i wonder, how many other blonde guys did you have a fling with?" he said, placing his hands on her waist.

She raised an eyebrow, "I know where you're going with this but my parents are going to be home soon."

"Come on, Granger. What's life without a little bit of danger?" he groaned, smirking when she leant forward.

"Back to the last names are we, Malfoy?""Apparently so, Granger.""You really are an insufferable prat, Malfoy.""Fuck it." he muttered.Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, "Wh-?"

He brought their lips together and although Hermione kissed him back for a few moments, she pulled away at the sound of the front door opening. "I told you so." she whispered, smirking slightly before turning to face the hallway.

"Hi Mum, hi Dad." said Hermione, getting up from the couch. "Damn Gryffindor." mumbled Draco, standing up and following her to greet the Grangers.



"Do your parents know you're here?" she asked, glancing up. Draco sighed and shook his head, "Of course not. I told them i was going to be with Zabini all night."

Hermione smiled slightly. "Are you ready for this?" "Not really.""Great, let's go."

He groaned as she took his hand and led him through the front door. "Mum, Dad?" Hermione called out, walking into the living room. The two adults stood up from the couch and walked over to greet them.

"Hello sweetie." said Mrs Granger, giving Hermione a quick hug. Mr Granger extended his hand out for Draco to take and nodded. "You must be the boy my daughter talks about all the time." he said.

Draco raised an eyebrow and looked over at Hermione who was glaring at her dad. "It's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Granger." he smiled.

After they all exchanged their introductions, Draco and Hermione were sent upstairs whilst dinner was being made.

"I need to talk to you." he said, sitting down on her bed. Hermione closed her door and furrowed her eyebrows. She took a seat next to him and nodded, "What is it?"

"We won't be able to see each other after today.""What? Why?""Death-eater business."

Hermione's eyes widened, "You're a d-?""No, Voldemort wants me to be one though."

She shifted in her place uncomfortably for a few moments before looking up again. "Do you have a choice?" she asked warily. Draco furrowed his eyebrows and stared at her, "Are you scared of m-?"

"Just answer my question.""Yes, of course i have a choice. It's just that if i want to keep you safe, he can't know about us."

Hermione sighed and pulled Draco into a hug. "I'm sorry. No, i'm not scared of you." she said. He smiled lightly, "You Gryffindors and your god-forsaken bravery."

He pulled away and looked her solemly in the eyes, "It might get you killed if you're not careful enough." She shook her head, "Being with you is something i'm willing to risk."

Draco sighed and took her hands, "Hermione, you don't understand. By being with me you're putting your friends and family in danger."

"I've already thought about that," she said, nodding slightly, "I'm going to obliviate my parents and send them far away to, i don't know, Australia or something. Once this is all over i'll go there and bring them back and it'll be like nothing ever happened."

He looked at her doubtfully and shook his head, "Obliviation isn't something to mess around with, Hermione. What if something goes wrong and you can't get their memories back?"

Hermione pulled her hands away and stood up. "I need to do this if i'm going to keep them safe. I've already made my mind up.""Please, think this through a little." he said.

"Draco, Hermione. Dinner's ready." called Mrs Granger. "Coming, Mum."

She looked and Draco who was shaking his head. "I know what you're thinking, don't do it." he said sternly.

Draco found himself moving very slowly towards Hermione, attempting stop her. However, by the time he had reached the door, she was already downstairs.

Hermione stared at her parents who were watching some sort of television programme about Australia. "I'm sorry, ."

She watched as she disappeared out of all of the family photos, ignoring Draco who's spell has worn off.

"Did i really just do that?"

He watched as every last trace of Hermione left the room and sighed, "Where are you doing to go now?""I talked to Ron about it. He said he'd take me in."

Draco gave her a flat smile. "I'll try my best to keep them off of you. Goodbye, Hermione." he said, apparating out of her home when she didn't reply.


this is kinda short lol sorry

anyway so i was thinking,, what sort of ending do you guys want? like i could do an epilogue or just kind of end it in the present time

idk comment what you want to see

i start school tomorrow and i'm like not ready whatsoever

i just can't be bothered to be drained of my will to live yannow

++ thank you so much for 32k like lol what

i hope you have/had a great day