
Chapter 174

He definitely didn't hold back. In human form all of my bones would've been crushed as I slammed into the tree trunk, causing it to splinter and break from the force of my weight. As a Wolf, all of the breath left my body in a whoosh and I was unable to right myself, collapsing onto the grass at the base of the tree in a heap. The side of my body that had made contact with the tree felt like it was on fire and it hurt to get air into my lungs. Wheezing, I stirred, trying to get into a standing position once more, but my shaky limbs would not support me.

"Antonio," Cain grunted an order, and the dark vampire materialized in front of us. His shaggy hair mostly obscured the leer on his lean face as he lifted something in front of me. A grotesque grin stretched across his bloodstained mouth as I registered what the object was and my eyes widened in horror.