
Soulbound: Volume One

A forbidden power has made Emma Dryden the most powerful person in Azadora. Will she save the empire or destroy it? Emma Dryden is alone, abandoned, and hopeless. In a world of incredible wealth and agonizing poverty, she is a mere ghost haunting the unfriendly streets of Bastion. But something dark and dangerous has awakened in Emma. Something that will shake the pillars of power to their very core. The Soul Render has re-emerged, and those who can gain control of Emma Dryden will decide the fate of the Empire of Azadora, and the world. The hunt for Emma Dryden has begun. A dark, steamy Victorian fantasy romance adventure with plenty of action and twists and turns.

SoulKat · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Tender Ministrations

"Arelelyn Myrenda Nu Lanyss Ar Peltryl," the tall man whispered, bending to take Emma's hand in his. His sea foam green eyes stared into her own as he raised her hand to his shapely lips and kissed her hand attentively. Emma's cheeks burned brightly, and she took a hesitant step backwards nervously. His hair was long and dark and pulled from the sides of his chiseled face into a ponytail. "Du ranys et teryss maerlysin."

"Oy! Fuckface!" Kylie snapped irritably, smacking him upside his head. "Stop hitting on her."

"I have no idea what you're referring to." The man straightened to his full height indignantly, rubbing his head. "It was merely a greeting for a new companion in the ancient tongue spoken long before your ancestors crawled from the primordial soup on the Western Isles, Madam Shannon."

"Dress it up as pretty as ye want, Barrister." Kylie took Emma's elbow daintily and led her to her seat at the giant table being filled with food by the other people clustering in the elegant dining hall. "It still reeks o' bullshit. Besides, yer no' an elf. Stop puttin' on airs."

"Uncouth!" Barrister feigned shock. Kylie smirked at him and sat beside Emma.

Emma stared in awe as the food seemed to keep coming from the kitchen in endless waves. Soups and fish and puddings and pies and vegetables abounded, filling most of the space on the massive table she and the others were sitting at. The conversation started out muted, but by the time the final silver-plated dish had been set before them, the people at the table were laughing and chattering away. Emma stared quizzically at Kylie as if to ask if it was ok to eat.

"Dig in 'fore Barrister and his boy toy get to it." Kylie grinned, gesturing to the man who'd greeted her earlier. He currently sat across from them at the table, chatting earnestly with the blonde man sitting beside him.

Emma stared for a long moment at the food, trying to decide what to dig into first before throwing herself into the meat pie. The crust was flaky and delicious, and the savory meat melted in her mouth. She, obviously, couldn't remember everything she'd eaten, but she was positive this was the best food she'd ever had.

Dinner was filled with laughter and delicious aromas and tastes, and as she finally made her way upstairs to the bedroom prepared for her, she feared she would wake up back in the cold alley staring death in the face once more. If, she decided as she crawled under the thick down comforter, she awoke in the morning back in the cold, she could survive on the memories of this dream for quite some time. She closed her eyes and soon drifted off to a warm, contented sleep.

Emma's eyes fluttered open. The light from the silvery moons flitted through the gossamer curtains and played on the elegant carpeting. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and crawled out from the warmth of her down comforter into the relative chill of the room, shivering slightly.

She staggered sleepily toward the door and out into the hall, glancing both ways. She, honestly, wasn't sure which way the bathroom actually was, she realized. Finally, she decided on the direction she needed to go and stumbled toward one of the rooms at the far end of the hall.

She'd not been so comfortable in as long as she could remember, and the sleep refused to leave her, making her head fuzzy and her steps unsteady. She turned the silver knob and stepped into the room beyond the door, stopping short in surprise.

"Unh!" Constance groaned, her fingers twined in the satin sheets, the gentle moonlight kissed her naked skin, her nipples stood proudly erect atop her large, pale breasts. Kylie's pert rear end faced toward Emma, giving her a stunning view of the shadowy treasures lying between her thighs. "R-Right there! Oh, yes! Right there!" A soft slurping sound filled the room, and Kylie's head moved up and down between Constance's spread legs.

"Ye taste so good, Connie," Kylie murmured between licks.

"C-Call me Constance!" The woman groaned, head turning from side to side in rapture.

"Now's no' th' time t' be worried about that!" Kylie admonished her, redoubling her efforts, her butt wiggling from side to side. Emma could plainly see how wet Kylie was from her vantage point and could only imagine Constance must be at least that wet, most likely more so.

"Let me have my dig- Mmmm," Constance's breathing grew more labored as her orgasm approached. "M-My dignity." Kylie's hands drifted down Constance's belly and, though she couldn't see, it wasn't hard to tell Kylie's fingers had spread Constance wider open with her fingers.

"Says th' woman on th' edge o' cummin,'" Kylie teased.

"Shut up and keep going!" Constance growled. Despite the tingling between her legs and desire to see the delicate ballet of the two conclude, Emma backed slowly out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Wow!" Emma whispered softly, leaning back against the wall. Emma could hear Constance's orgasm through the door and fought back the urge to touch herself right there in the hallway. The need to go to the bathroom now forgotten, Emma padded back to her room to relieve the sudden tension between her legs.

Emma's finger slipped between the silk undergarments and her skin, slipping lower to brush through the patch of silken hair at the apex of her thighs, causing goosebumps to appear on her skin and making her shudder in anticipation. She felt the heat radiating from her and she dipped one finger between her swollen lips. Her other hand reached up and took one hard pink nipple between her thumb and forefinger, pinching it gently.

Emma closed her eyes tightly and spread her legs to give her finger better access. She slipped one finger down the length of her slit as the ball of her palm began to rub her sensitive bud in slow circles. Becoming aware of the gasping whimpers coming from her mouth, she captured her lower lip with her teeth. Under the barrage of pleasure coursing through her body, her hips began to rise to meet her hand.

Whimpering, she slid first one finger, then a second into her wet crevice. Pinching her nipple harder, she pressed her fingers inside herself. The shower of her arousal drenched her fingers and ran between the valley of her backside to soak the silken sheets beneath her.

Her moans became more desperate, and light exploded behind her eyelids. Pleasure radiated from the apex of her thighs through her entire body, and she began to quiver, her hips moving in more ragged, frenzied circles. She barely had time to bite her lip harder, nearly drawing blood in the process before her orgasm ripped through her.

As the wave of her pleasure crashed over her, she was swept away, drowning in the warmth between her thighs. Finally, her breath ragged and her body shaking, she collapsed as the wave slowly rolled back.