
Chapter 12.

My outing was cute and all but, I had to get ready for my appointment. Wearing a comfortable jogging set and sneakers I made my way out. Before making it to the doctors office I stopped for some food. Finally making it I got out and made my way inside the office. Sitting in the waiting area I read a magazine as I waited to be called. "Ms.Larson." I heard as I sat the magazine down to be seen. In the room I sat on the chair as the nurse came in. "How are we feeling today?" Nurse Kim asked. "We're fine." I said. "Okay today we'll be seeing what sex the baby is. What would you like?" She asked with a wide smile. Damn she hell of excited. "It doesn't matter I'm just anxious." I said truthfully. "Okay great let's get you started. I'll leave the room for a second while you remove your shirt. I've placed this gown here for you to put on. Five minutes I'll be right back." She said. Removing my shirt I put on the gown and then called Ava. "Hello." She answers excited. "I'm here finding out the sex. Let me put you on speaker the nurse coming back." I say propping up my phone. "Okay Ms.Larson lay back for me. I'm just going to now put this gel on your stomach. I must warn you it's cold." She says putting the blue gel on my stomach. Shit it was cold I thought as I lay there. Looking at the screen she rubs this thing on my belly as I watch the screen with her. "Oh my it's a boy!" She says super excited. I could hear Ava calling Harold to tell him the good news. No lie I'm super excited because it's like Carmelo is being reincarnated. In tears nurse Kim gave me a minute as I put my shirt back on. Grabbing my phone I heard Ava in tears as she talked to Harold. Moments later I had my ultrasound pictures in my hand. Looking at my baby to be was super bittersweet. Taking pictures I sent it to Ava and made my way out. In my car I buckled up and called Cher. "Hey girl. What's up?" She asked picking up the phone. "Just left from the doctors office." I said drying my eyes. "How did it go?" She asked. "It went well. Can I come over?" I asked her starting up my car. "Yeah you lucky I just got in." She said. In route I drove to her crib. Moments later I sat outside her house. Making it to the door I knocked. Jordan opened the door with a smile. "It's Rein. Come in." He said stepping aside. Cher walked towards the foyer with a smile then hugs me. "Hey girl. I'm about to cook. You want to stay and eat?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. Ain't like I had shit to do anyways. Getting comfortable I sat in the living room with Jordan. He was watching some avengers movie and eating popcorn. "This my favorite movie." He said looking at me. "I can see that." I said to him as he stared at the big flat mounted on the wall. Then the door opened and Malcolm walked in. "Oh hey Rein. I didn't know you were here." He said speaking. "Hey daddy." Jordan said jumping up and hugging him. Damn I'm jealous as hell to say the least. Cher then walks from the kitchen. "Hey baby, just started on dinner so I couldn't call and tell you we had a guest." She said explaining. "It's cool babe. Let me get settled and I'll join y'all." He said. Once the food was finished we all sat at the table. It was to damn quiet I was getting uneasy. "So Rein did you find out the sex yet?" Cher asked. "I did but it's a surprise, I'm having a gender reveal when I move." I said eating my food. "I'm so excited for you girl." Cher said. Then Malcolm clears his throat. "So my boy Gino been talking about you since the night out." He says to me. "Oh really?" I ask not surprised. "Yeah he been crying about you not calling him. I don't want to get in your business but he a nice guy." Malcom adds. Yeah sounds like he trying to get in my business I thought. "Babe." Cher says looking at me with a smile. "I'm just saying though. Are you going to call him? He always asking about you." He said. I continued to eat I wasn't thinking about Gino for real. "Auntie Rein I hope you have a boy so I can have somebody to play with. Since my mama said she not having no more kids." He said bluntly. "Oh my god Jordan really. Eat your food and stop." Cher said embarrassed. It was cool though I thought it was cute. "Why aren't you having any more kids?" I asked being in her business since they were in mines. "Look I did good just having his big head ass, if it happens though it just happens." She answered. Yeah okay I thought. Since we had work the next day I figured I better get going. "Well thanks for having me over for dinner. That saved me from cooking tonight." I said to Cher putting on my shoes and jacket. "No problem boo. You sure your fine your always welcome to stay." Cher said genuinely. I hugged her. "I'm okay girl about to get some rest for work. I'll call you when I get settled." I said exiting the house and going to my car. Making it home I took a bath and put on my pjs. Finally settled I texted Cher and set my alarm. Lord knows I dreaded waking up for work but I need my ends. Finally in bed I closed my eyes and thought about Carmelo.