
Soul Reaper

Callum Argenti is an ordinary young adult living in Seattle. After his brother's death, he discovers he has the ability to condense souls. The story follows him after he discovers his ability and his slow spiral to insanity. Note: Story will be updated at 15:00 PST. The cover does not belong to me. If you are the artist and would like it taken down, lemme know.

Fernein · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter 5-Adapting

When Callum came back to the apartment, he witnessed Stardust on the couch, languidly watching TV. Stardust turned his head and looked at him expectantly.

"Oh yeah. I started the application process, but now we need to wait a few days before I can actually successsfully have you registered." Callum said, seeing Stardust's eyes turn from moons to shining stars.

Walking over to the fridge, Callum had some leftover pizza and sat next to Stardust, who had curled into a ball so Callum could sit next to him.

They both watched the news together until Callum had to leave once again. With a few final head pats, Callum left to continue working.

Three days later, Stardust was cleared as an emotional support animal. Callum's boss, Filip approved Stardust being around, so Stardust got to spend his first day outside.

At first, Stardust shied away from people, who seemed fascinated by such a large cat. After a while, he adapted and instead walked next to Callum. A certain little s**t tried to call animal control, but when they arrived and saw Callum next to it, walking comfortably, they gave the little s**t a warning and left.

Arriving at Target, Callum saw his coworker's eyes grow wide. Smiling lightly, he clocked in and started working. Stardust was incredibly well behaved the whole time. He didn't knock anything over, cause any disturbances, (Only people caused an issue over his sheer size) or do anything that people found remotely threatening.


During his lunch break, Alex, Caroline, and Filip all came over together.

"This is the cat you found in a ditch?" Filip asked doubtfully.

"He's beautiful!" Alex exclaimed "His name's Stardust, right?"

Hearing his name, Stardust looked up at Alex.

Caroline was fascinated by that. "You got him to respond to his name?"

"It wasn't hard." Callum said, patting Stardust's head. "Stardust is incredibly intelligent."


After his lunch break, everything went smoothly until a certain little s**t decided it was a good idea to antagonize Stardust.

The little s**t started kicking Stardust in an attempt to make Stardust annoyed. It worked, just not well.

Stardust wasn't having any of the little s**t's s**t, so he got up and sat right next to Callum, who turned and gave him a smirk. "If you're going to antagonize him, at least wear armour so you don't die." He said, as Stardust unsheathed his wickedly sharp claws. "If you're not careful, you just might end up as a scratching post."

The little s**t's face was triumphant as he went to find the manager. To his dismay, Filip told him that this reaction was normal of any animal he antagonized and couldn't get Stardust removed from the store. Filip wasn't going to tell him that the store was slightly famous because of Stardust.

The little s**t decided to take matters into his own hands. Pulling out a switchblade, he approached Stardust from behind. Callum, saw this dumbass try and attack his cat. "Stardust." He said, unhurriedly. "Watch your six." Stardust turned his head 180 degrees to see the little dumbass peice of s**t approaching with a knife. Stardust kicked him.

The little s**t went flying. It was like a slow motion action film. Callum watched, amused, as he hit the ground and skidded perfectly out the doors.

Damn. That little s**t is persistant isn't he?

Ferneincreators' thoughts