
Soul Rail (HSR/Persona)

A normal boy falls through a rift in space and time thus finding himself deeply lost—choosing to travel with a group of travellers and armed with a unique ability, he decides to accept the responsibilities and consequences of his actions and inactions… no matter the cost.

IsekaiFanBoi · ゲーム
5 Chs

Chapter 2

The harmonious echo of a piano resonated within the café.

Golden orbs blinked in amusement as a long-nosed individual watched over them.

Tenma waved his hand. "Long time no see."

Kotone waved back. "You too! Although that's not the reason why you were brought here." She coughed. "It's been a couple of days since you embarked on your voyage with The Nameless and you have taken a brief taste of combat as well as experienced a taste of daily life in this new world…"

Her eyes took an omniscient tint. "How do you feel about it?"

"…Nothing in particular." He replied after a moment.

She hummed. "It's important you start feeling something in particular soon though—cultivating bonds with others will be important in the grand scheme of things as they will be your strength in times of strife."

"Got it."

She smiled mysteriously. "Do you, now?" She shook her head. "Oh well, that's a conversation for a later day—anyway, you've been brought here to be informed that the Velvet Room has been renovated to be more accustomed to your circumstances."

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head.

"Now when you engage in combat with others and obtain a "victory" you can obtain benefits!" She chirped with a smile.

"…Wouldn't I already be reaping benefits from obtaining a victory in combat?" Like, survival?

"Ordinarily, our benefits would be reaped after facing something of similar nature to a Persona like a Shadow—now, it's more generalised." She shook her head. "This is something you should really experience first hand to truly understand the idea of."

Suddenly the sign on the door flickered to "closed".

"Ah, times up. Welp, good luck, see ya!" She waved goodbye. "Also, have a free Social Link!"

I am thou… Thou art I…

Thou hast established a new bond…

Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona of the Hierophant Arcana…

Rank Up: Hierophant 1.

…Is this pre-recorded?


Couches. They come in all manners of sizes, designs, textures and materials—they are the accommodating companions of broke citizens as they serve as a decent bed and place to sit down, and they also serve as a decent spot to laze around. Truly, couches are one of the most important creations in the cosmos.

Couches also have a new function, Tenma learned.

They also act as cushions during a Warp Jump.

"...Are you okay?" A mascotish rabbit in red conductor clothing asked, worried.

Tenma rolled over and thought of a response.


"Yeah, Pom-Pom maintains the Astral Express as best as Pom-Pom can! Although, we do clean every week-ends together." Pom-Pom smiled happily.

"We've arrived." Welt walked over to Tenma.

"Arrive where?" Tenma inquired… he had spent the last couple of days simply training with Dan Heng to increase his Technique or his Wisdom and knowledge. He hadn't reached any milestones so far in any capacity, but he was definitely progressing.

"Edinop Station; a trading outpost opened by the IPC after the Genius Society traded the Station to them after completing their research in utilising Imaginary Space for storage purposes." Welt explained. "It was renovated for life and also supplied with enough resources to become a renown source of trade for apt deals to the benefit of both the IPC and Genius Society."

"…I see." Tenma nodded.

'That does sound familiar, doesn't it? I believe it's the seventh entry in Dan Heng's "locations" database.' Askr reminded Tenma who silently thanked his other self.

"…What are we low on?" He inquired.

Welt hummed. "We're in need of basic supplies such as food and water or clothing, but also more esoteric supplies like getting you a new weapon and a mobile phone with an IS or Imaginary Storage. We'll get a couple of spares too." A thought hit Welt's mind. "Any requests for anything? Like any items or designs?"

"…" Tenma thought about it. "Nothing in particular.

"Okay, but if you have anything you need be sure to ask someone."

"Got it." He agreed as Welt proceeded to walk away.

Tenma noted that Pom-Pom was glancing at the window, but he also noticed that opposing himself was Dan Heng reading a book whilst Welt and Himeko seemed to be engaging in a conversation with each other in the distance.

He plugged his earphones in his ears and switched on a more homely song… Hm, that didn't feel bad actually.

So between Dan Heng and Pom-Pom who should he interact with for now?


'Well, we're already with Pom-Pom now and he seems quite lonely.' And so a choice was made as Pom-Pom dusted the floor. 'Although, I doubt your bond with them will increase…'

"Hey Pom-Pom, wanna hang out?" Tenma inquired towards the crimson conductor.

"Huh?" Said Conductor appeared confused. "But what can we even do besides… well, cleaning?"

There was an idea that he had. "Wanna hear stories from my home-world?"

"Huh, seriously!?" Pom-Pom gleefully smiled before coughing. "Pom-Pom means, Pom-Pom wouldn't mind—Pom-Pom is already finished cleaning anyway."

Tenma couldn't help but blink twice… he really was done cleaning! It was in an instant but previously dusty areas were cleansed… amazing!

"How about I start with…"

'Mythology?' Askr suggested. 'We could even explain historical events or portray popular stories.'

So between myth, manga and history… Tenma decided to go with Myth.

He opened his mouth and proceeded to start with the most well-known pantheon on Earth.

Greek mythology.

'Oh boy.' Tenma ignored Askr's mutterings.


"Tenma," Dan Heng interrupted the duo with his name. "It's time."

"Aww…" Pom-Pom frowned for a moment before realising that both humanoids were glancing at them—they coughed. "Pom-Pom will wait for you guys here while Pom-Pom maintains the Astral Express! See you!"

They promptly walked away with haste…

A thought arose within Tenma's mind as he glanced towards the spear-wielder. "…Is he often left alone?"

Dan Heng nodded whilst shutting his eyes. "…Indeed. The Conductor cannot leave the Astral Express and so usually someone is left behind to keep him company—normally it was someone else, but recently that someone else who used to travel with us left without a word and so now it's usually a rotation between Himeko, Mr Yang and I…I imagine you would also be put within the rotation now that you have officially joined us."

"…I wouldn't mind spending time behind to keep them company." He decided.

Dan Heng nodded. "That would be pleasant." He then continued. "Anyway, for now Mr Yang is requesting for your and my presence… as we're going to be going into Edinop Station whilst Himeko stays behind."

"Why me?"

"Mr Yang thought that you needed more experience with different worlds and starting off with Edinop Station which is more regulated as a perfect starter for you."

"…But it's a station, not a world?"

"He said that it's the sentiment that counts. Now, we really must be on our way."

"…He knew I would say that?"

"…Mr Yang is truly a man of many talents."

Or was he just that predictable? 'Definitely both.' Either way, the duo regrouped with Welt who had been awaiting them at the hangar outside the Astral Express after bidding Himeko adieu.

Welt was patiently tapping on his cane's handle.

"Ah, so you're here." He muttered to himself. "Very well then, we should be on our way." He promptly began to walk away as both Dan Heng and Tenma followed after him…

As they walked side-by-side, Tenma took a moment to observe his surroundings—surprisingly the Station looked more homely than originally assumed… he guessed it would be more sterilistic like a scientific facility but instead it appeared more like an actual city… a hustling and bustling city, but a city nonetheless.


Tenma noted that there seemed to be somesort of fake blue-sky in the air instead of the usual endless void full of luminous twinkles he had been getting used to—actually, he was more focused on the fact that there seemed to be floating structures atop them… upon a closer examination to an open slot of space resembling a large hole within the structures, it seemed to be a housing district, perhaps? At least it appeared as such from below.

"You noticed that, huh?" Welt noted. "Edinop Station in actuality consists of three separate stations—Edwin Station which is the housing district above us and the Edwardo Station which is the security district above Edwin Station… although, Edinop Station is just the term used to refer to the entire space station.

'Why is the structure of the station shaped like a donut?' Askr casually asked the real question on his mind.

"…Lots of Eds, huh." Tenma couldn't help but comment.

Dan Heng spoke up. "It's because the siblings with similar names who proposed the theory of IS (Imaginary Storage) were triplets who shared the same passion of researching for Imaginary Energy uses, but eventually they passed away unaccomplished with half-finished work which a member of the Genius Society picked up and completed to honour them after they impressed the Genius Society member— they each had a station named after them in remembrance of them."

Genius Society… they sure do come up a lot in some of the files that Dan Heng has. He might have to research them further at a later date.


"Watch it!" Someone roughly pushed Tenma out of the way after he bumped into them.

"Apologies, this is his first experience out of world." Welt apologised to them to which they were surprisingly amicable.

They waved it off. "No worries in that case—but there's a competition on the creation of explosives using Pitchsilver and it took me a long while getting this baby ready, so be more careful. Anyway, bye!"

"…Sorry for the trouble." Tenma waved them a goodbye as he paid more attention to his surroundings and followed Welt like a duckling with… wait, where's Dan Heng?

Welt hummed. "Dan Heng left a while ago to get more refinement powder. Also, we're here."

It was a small shop selling mobile phones and a couple of conversations here and there and soon Tenma had a new mobile device in hand.


Welt Yang

WY: Do I have the correct number?

TK: No.

WY: Nice name.


Both Welt and Tenma looked up from there screens…

Ding! Ding!

"I gave you some credits; now that you have a mobile phone, you're free to explore since you have the map function whenever you want to find your way back to the Express." Welt loosened his shoulder joints. "Go explore and learn about the area more—it'll help you build more confidence and independence."

Ah, so he noticed Tenma's nervousness? "Got it."

"Welp, I'll be off getting the supplies. See you later." Welt then proceeded to walk away and left the Persona User alone.

Said Persona User sighed as he slid out his new phone and connected his earphones to it—there were new songs he hadn't listened to, so he might as well listen to them as he explored the area.


Video games. It seems in such a futuristic setting they advanced quite far… the Arcade seemed full of darkness illuminated by neon lights of many different colours—there seemed to be numerous crane-games, arcade-boxes and virtual simulations…

How interesting.

He picked a random game, like a Virtual Simulation game that would surely increase his Guts as it seemed to be a popular online horror game. After making an account and logging on with a headset after sitting down on a chair, he came upon the tutorial as his consciousness transferred over.

It's like he was taken to another world again. He glanced over to his surroundings and noted that there seemed to be a river of toxic green with tiny rock monsters and the sky seemed red and in the distance there was a city made out of a dark material.

There's no status in this game and he is only donning the most basic of gears with a mediocre pistol. He could either head to the city or murder the monsters around…

'Best head to the city.' Askr suggested…

He chose to head to the city for now.

"LFP for Darth Jedi!"

"Going AFK brb."

"Can someone give me 1000 eridium?"

"LFP for Nazarik!"

"Selling Holtsniper G21 for 69k!"

The city seemed to be a lifelike hub full of players and NPCs. They all seemed to be gathered around a big tower.

"Yo yo, you a noob right?" Someone called out to him—their username upon interface inspection was "Clerk".

He raised an eyebrow towards the platinum-haired pretty-boy. "How'd you know?"

They shrugged in their fully decked-out armor. "Lucky guess, or it might be because you're wearing the beginning armor."

That might be the reason indeed.

"Look, I'm just trying to complete a challenge in raising a complete noobie into a Ranker—are you gonna take me up or not?" He crossed his arms mildly aggressively.

"Take you up?" He tilted his head.

He scrunched his face flabbergasted. "I'm obviously trying to recruit you! What? Are you a complete newbie at gaming or something?"


They opened their eyes in surprise at his silence. "You've gotta be kidding me… this has to be a sign for you to join me. Cmon, join join!"

Kamiten sighed. "Okay."

Suddenly the world paused.

I am thou… Thou art I…

Thou hast established a new bond…

Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona of the Moon Arcana…

Rank Up: Moon 1.

…He can obtain bonds through video games?

The world resumed and so did Clerk's pushiness. "Alrighty, let's start with levelling you up!"

"But there are no levels?"

"No official levels." He briefly commented. So the levels are more unofficial?

…They briefly departed to a wasteland.


Tenma Kamijou exited the arcade whilst loosening his shoulder joints… he had bought a portable Virtual Simulator with Wasteland Revolution already installed.

Ding! Ding!


Welt Yang, Himeko, Dan Heng, Tenma Kamijou

WY: Are you kids planning to stay out late?

WY: @Tenma_Kamijou, are you lost?

DH: I'll be staying at a gym for now, is that okay?

WY: That's fine.

TK: I'll also be staying out late, but dw I know my way back.

H: Stay safe and don't talk to strangers.

TK: …I'm not a child ;-;


Well, time to look for something else to occupy his time.

"Hey, the competition is starting!"

A commotion passed over his ears as he refocused his attention somewhere else—there was a crowd gathering from a security-enforced area and a stage that seemed to have a fortified shooting range.

Maybe he should check it out? But the true question is whether he's willing to endanger himself by travelling so close nearby.

"Might as well." Tenma shrugged as he walked onwards and integrated into the relentlessly expanding crowd.

The explosions were pretty mediocre but the crowd seemed to be going crazy over them.

Out of curiosity, Tenma went to a nearby fast-food restaurant and linked up with the internet to search up "pitchsilver" and it seems like it's a material with an impossibly low chance in producing explosions… who knew?

He paused as he took slow footsteps onto the soft-metal floor as he turned around…

Was someone looking at him? Must be his imagination.