
Soul Power: The story of Tamashi

This story is set in the year 2500, in a civilization that has transcended the rules imposed by nature itself. Over the years, the human being has managed with their technology to exchange our body with our soul, thus making us immortal beings. Heaven, hell and any other realm beyond human understanding are now just a memory. Cities have been completely rebuilt all over the world. They are much more technological. People use vehicles with other types of energy, some people are also trying a type of pendant that can open a space-time gap and go anywhere, but it's just one of the recent discoveries and it's still in development. Only a few people still use manual vehicles. The protagonist is Tamashi, a 17 year old boy who still goes to school. One day, returning home, an encounter with a masked man will completely change his life, wanting to know more about his own existence and the reality that surrounds him. This is how Tamashi's adventures began, from that tragic day…

LordYosha · アクション
6 Chs

6 The legendary weapons

Inside a dark room in an unfamiliar place…

"Sir, the soldiers have been killed"

"And the girl?"

"She was saved"

"Smart these Soul Killers. I think it's time to end it, this story has been going on for too long. Send Gez"

"Yes, sir"

A face of a strange man disappears into the shadows smiling…

2 days later.

Tamashi had now become a full-fledged member of Soul Killer. He had their same dress and their same mask when they went around so as not to be recognized by their faces. It was very tiring because he was with them a lot but at the same time he had to think about his grandfather and somehow about school. Their lifestyle was completely different from what a normal person in the 2500 would expect… having completely rejected technology, they have no internet, no electronic devices and simply hunt to survive, living in places that nature provides them. Even though this all sounded crazy, somehow Tamashi was starting to like it. At least, he now had very important responsibilities.


"Taken. We have lunch" screamed Cask as he tried to catch a huge fish from a nearby lake.

Meanwhile Tamashi was sitting there in a nearby tree with Shallow. These days he was also trying to socialize with the other members to better fit into the group.

"I have a question. Why do all of you have such a special weapon? Saiden has a sword, Cask has a hammer, you have an ax etc… and also, where did you find them?" Tamashi asked to Shallow.

"The boss should have already explained to you that we are not souls, we are still human beings with a physical body and that we are still directly connected to the cycle of life and death. Not being able to see and feel you, the only way to do it is through a special weapon… every member of the Soul Killers has a special weapon. A legend that has been handed down for more than 1000 years speaks of these weapons that were donated by the Gods in favor of human beings to drive away hell. They are divine objects, and being divine objects, they are capable of going beyond what is the normal physical body. Having owned these weapons for a long time, we have gradually learned to merge our energy with them, allowing us not only to see you but also feel you as long as any part of our body still remains together with the weapon, which is used as the only object that we have to hit you. These weapons are found in divine places and the legend always has it that once the weapon is taken and tamed by that single person, there can no longer be anyone else who can use or tame it. One day you too will have a special weapon"

While moving, Shallow accidentally touches Tamashi.

"Wait, what? Can I touch you? That's impossible" Shallow exclaimed in confusion. What had just happened was insane.

"I don't understand" Tamashi said.

"You are a soul, a no longer physical being who has transcended… how is it possible that I can touch you?"

"I have the explanation" Saiden came out from behind the tree after walking around the area.

"Spying is not nice" said Shallow.

"I wasn't spying, I just arrived and I accidentally overheard what you were talking about"

"However, there is an explanation to all of this. You Tamashi are a soul, but a particular soul... every soul has energy and this is true for everyone, both us and you. We use our soul energy from within us, you from outside your body, having become souls themselves. However, if this energy is altered, mutations can be created. Every mother who gives birth and is already a soul gives birth through the use of her energy. Probably the energy has been somehow altered by some problem and therefore you are now a soul, but at the same time you can still interact with people who are still physical bodies. You stayed halfway through the evolution but over the course of your life you adapted this evolution and now you are both. You are special"

"So… a being who is in the midst of a physical body and a soul but at the same time transcends them. A God" Shallow said touching his glasses.

"Now everything is clear" said a voice from above the tree.

Was Kyudo, who was sitting on top of the tree observing the area.

"Hey, how many people were spying on this conversation?" Shallow asked.

"When I rescued him from those government soldiers a few days ago, something wasn't clear to me. The moment I grabbed him on my shoulders to escape, I thought it was impossible but instinctively I did. Shortly after I realized that my body could handle him and I said that this thing was literally impossible… but now the mystery has finally been revealed hehe, things get even more interesting…"

"So basically I'm a soul but at the same time I can interact with you because of this strange altered energy" Tamashi asked.

"Yeah, that's right. While I have no idea why your energy is altered, something could be derived from the energy produced by your parents, you should ask them," said Saiden.

Tamashi didn't answer and kept silent. He knew this was impossible. Her mother was theoretically "dead", although this was still an unsolved mystery and his father worked for the government… how could he tell them such a thing. At the same time so many thoughts crowded Tamashi's mind… if his father worked for the government he was aware of all this, of what they are doing and he too participates in all this… his father has always been a very private person since he started working for the government.

"Never mind keeping things from us, we know your father works for the government" Saiden said.

"What? How do you know it?" Tamashi answered.

"You are Tamashi Nakano right? Well, Meiji Nakano, your father, right?" said Kyudo from above.

"Yes, is him" Tamashi replied.

"We have already met him, we know about him, he is one of the 10 greatest government commanders. He's a tough guy" Kyudo said.

"Your existence is special. Don't get carried away by negative emotions. Now you have missions to perform, your life has changed and you should have realized that… you are now the central mover of what comes next in this world and this universe" said Saiden with a very serious face as always as he walked away.

"He never smiles?" Shallow said.

"Probably…" answered Kyudo, who closed his eyes from above the tree and began to rest.

"How long have you all known each other?"Tamashi asked to Shallow.

"Very long, more than 10 years. We have great respect towards Saiden. He was the one who changed our lives. Without him today all of us would not be what we are today or we would already be dead. It is thanks to him that today we can call ourselves a real family… I know, he often seems grumpy and always angry, but he is a great leader "Shallow replied.

"It seems absurd but Saiden is now 25 years old. I am 21, Kyudo is 23, Cask is 30, Shailer is 22 and you are 17, almost 18 I think. He saved us…"

"How did he save you?" And why? What had happened?" Tamashi asked.

"It's too long story, now it would bore you haha. Maybe one day I'll tell you about it. Now I go, I have to complete my research"

"research?" Tamashi asked.

"Yes. I'm Shallow, the smartest member of the entire Soul Killer crew." With that said, Shallow vanished out of nowhere.

Tamashi sat there next to the tree, with Kyudo sleeping on top of him, Cask and Shailer continuing to fish and with this atmosphere, Tamashi also fell asleep.