
Chap 2- Pizza!!

Chap 2- Pizza!!:


{Orphanage; 09:02 p.m}


Both partners start to go downstairs, after cleaning themselves and changing clothes.

Rey now using an oversized white shirt and a some black shorts and a pair of pink slippers, Mordred sporting the same as her, but with her shirt being actually her size.

In the orphanage most use the same type of clothing, because almost if not all clothes are donations for the kids.

As they go down, they hear some loud shouts, both look at each other and nod, Rey climbs on Mordred back and now the one in control of the movement jumps on the side of the stairs handrail, and slides down with a huge smirk on her face.

"Yoooolooooo"- As she goes down she yells, but not too loud or Sister might hear it.

"Woooooo!"- Her passenger having an incredible ride, as a little bit of wind hits her face making her hair be even more disorganized.

Now is this dangerous? Absolutely.

Is Mordred not afraid to hurt her little passenger? She's using both hands to make sure Rey don't fall, it's most likely she's the one planting her face on the ground than Rey getting hurt.

As they slide down, she one time or another do a trick, like going one leg and jumping a little.

Letting the one on her back with stars for eyes.-'Mor-Mor is cool!'

They get closer to the end of the handrail, why was it so long? For them was long, for the other people they must have been there for 5 seconds or a little more at best.

"Yotoo!!"- Murdred jumps at the end of her 'road', and land on her feet like a professional gymnast.

"*clap**clap**clap* Woooo 10/10 Mor-Mor!"- The black haired on her back claps, and it was a little too close to Mordred ears, but she ignores it and puts her down gently.

"Hehe~ Cool isn't~? I shall teach even more!*smiles*"- She puts a hand on her hips and another point to Rey.-' Might as well have a cool signature pose!'

"Woow!"- Stars now really shine on the little one's eyes, her white markings on her right black eye even glow a little stronger.

"Kids! Come here! We got something special today!"- Rey doesn't even wait, at 'eat' she was already running, Mordred jogging close behind her.

As they enter the refectory, they see a bunch of white square flat boxes, and the other children eating something that has cheese on it.

Rey runs up to get one, but is too small to reach a box, Mordred looks at this scene and laughs a bit, and walk forward getting them a box.

Rey looks at her like her pride was totally broken and -"hymps!"- The blond just smiles smugly, and starts to walk toward one of the back tables, she knows Rey doesn't like attention, she's a little goblin who will toy around but when come the crowded places with more than 5 people her system gives a blue screen.

She walks and the other hides a little to her side.- 'If they look at her, they'll be looking at Mor-Mor, try her you morons!'

She walks close to Mordred smiling like she has won something.

Mordred is just confused and arches a brow, but doesn't think too much of it.

They get to their table, the younger one climbs and sits on her place...but....-" This is... Just not fair..."- Half her head was under the table.

"*sighs* Come here wildy"- She picks up her and puts her own lap.

"Better?"- Mordred asks as she opens the box.

"Hmm*nods*, at least I can eat without looking at your legs now."- Mordred gets a little flustered by this, even she doesn't know why.

"Wowow, What's this? It's a circle! But comes inside a square box!"- Rey look at the strange food like it's a holy weapon or something.

"Luckily is already cut, here *takes a piece* is yours, and this *takes another * is mine!"

Rey looks confused, but shrugs and starts munching, after a bite came another.

Then she got to another piece, then another.

Mordred needed to keep her pace too if she wanted to eat something.

But the little girl was too much even for the future knight.

The blond even got more 3 boxes for Rey...

She ate them all!

And after eating all that she just slumped down on Mordred's lap, sleeping like nothing happened.

"Well, I guess I found her favorite food hehe."-As she goes to get up and put the Pizza eater to bed.

Sister Kath walks towards them.

"My~ my~ Little Rey really did like it huh?*looks at Mordred* Can you put her to sleep for me dear?"- She asks as she moves forward to get the boxes.

"Was the plan chief!"- Mordred give a one-handed salute as her other one is holding the sleeping eater.

She carries Rey in a Princess carry and goes up to their room.

"I have a feeling I should be really embarrassed about stuff like this.... Hmm, *looks at Rey face* Not that I care really."

She tucks Rey in her bed and goes to her own.





{Rey's dream; POV Rey}


I see houses burning everywhere, what look to be people... sleeping? On the ground, with some red liquid beneath them.

And see explosion of flames happening in every square of the place.

These flames hold a familiar sense to me... Like I have seen them before.

"It's because you have."- A strange low but feminine voice rings behind me.

I look back, that language she just spoke, how could I understand that?

The figure now is at least 10 meters away from me, is in a black animal cloak with the hood on her face.

Her other features that I can see... are just a very long... Lizard tail?

"*laugh* You do not need it yet, when you get the resolve to try me, came back, I will be waiting, after all.... Flames don't die easily ya know?"- Her body burns away to strange flames.

"UEHH?!!"- I jolt up with everything and falls off bed.

"Huff!? Huff!?"- My breath catching up, it's heavy to breathe... like I am in a forest that's burning down.

"REY! WHAT HAPPENED? WHO DID IT?! I AM GONNA KICK THEIR ASS! WHO DID IT!?"- Mordred jumps off her bed and crunches, better saying she throws herself off bed, down helping me up.

"Nightmare...just a nightmare..."- I look at her face, her level of worry being a pretty big one.

"*sigh* Don't scare me like THAT! Damnit!"- She hugs me...

This is nice...

I close my eyes again as sweat goes down my head.





{Mordred and Rey's room; 04:10 a.m; POV Mordred}


I just wake up thinking something happened to Rey, but I found her breathing heavily on the ground.

I tried to calm her down a little, and it seemed to work.

She's now sleeping again... I ain't letting her go down off her bed like that, today you little lady, is sleeping with me!*nods*.

The door opens a little and I see one of the temporary sisters.

"What happened?"- She whispers.

"Oh, the wildy fairy here had a nightmare, she's already sleeping, so no worries."- I gave her a thumbs up, she nodded and got back outside, probably to sleep too.

I tuck the both of us on our bed, and hug Rey to my chest.

"Sleep well, wild body pillow"

Too much floofyness, I am dying...


ReyKalecreators' thoughts