
soul land:my way

Nishant_Legend · その他
4 Chs


A boy was walking home late at night after finishing his studies at the public library.

His name is Nishant, and he had a bored expression on his face.

"Sigh..it feels so boring in college, I wish I could travel to the world of Douluo Dalu and become a top powerhouse and have a harem of peerless beauties.." thought Nishant while shifting his gaze towards the crossroad.

He was so into his thoughts that he didn't even realize that he was all alone on the dark street.

While crossing the road there was a loud deafening sound of thunder audible.." huh??..what's going on, isn't it the peak summer period why's there thunder right now?".. Nishant thought while crossing the road.

Before he could ponder more about the thunder, he felt his body becoming hot at a frightening speed and started losing his senses.." It can't be that I was hit by the thunder, was I?".. Nishant thought before he turned into ashes and scattered into the air.

After Nishant regained his vision after an unknown amount of time, all he could see was a dark void, devoid of any life and existence.

"Where am I, did I die?" ..Nishant thought while trying to gather clues from the surroundings about his current dilemma.

Nevertheless, all he could see was the dark space. It was very creepy for someone to be left alone in such a dark and silent space.

Nishant was getting more and more restless, the longer he stayed in the dark void. Suddenly he hears a loud and majestic voice directly in his mind.. "Interesting, to think I'll find such a pure soul stuck in the void." said a mysterious entity.

"Wh-Who a-are yo-you".. Nishant said stammering out of fear of the unknown. "Fear not, for I am the incarnation of creation and chaos" says the voice and materializes itself in the form of a half golden and dark body without and features visible.

For some reason, Nishant's mind becomes calm listening to the entities voice claiming to be the incarnation of creation and chaos.

"What will you do to me?" asks Nishant to mysterious being, completely accepting his death as a matter of fact.

"Hmmm, I'll fulfill nine of your wishes ." says mysterious being seemingly in a good mood, surprising for an entity that has existed along with creation itself.

Nishant becomes quiet and ponders on about what wish to ask.. After a long 2 hours of pondering he decides to keep his wishes simple and generic.

"As my first wish, I want to reincarnate in the world of 'Douluo Dalu' two years before Tang San. As for my second wish, I want to have a system with have everything in the shop. As for my third wish, I want to have a 'Primordial Supreme Undying Soul'. As for my fourth wish, I want to have Eight martial soul(ancestral divine dragon , nephilim , shadow monarch full body , sword of destruction ,ancestral divine phoenix, world tree yggdrasil , a delicious candy and a emperor throne) all having ultimate attributes and domain. As for my sixth wish I want unlimited system points. As for my seventh wish , I want to be the soul mate of Bibi dong and Qian renxue with 100% martial soul fusion rate. As for my eight wish ,I want 7 divine godking and 1 god supreme position for me to ascend godhood. And my ninth and last wish is to make some change in 'Douluo Dalu' world with your power" said Nishant to the mysterious entity.

"What changes do you want ?" the mysterious entity asks.

"Just bring Bibi dong and Qian renxue soul after they got killed by tang san." Says Nishant to the mysterious entity.

By just snapping the finger two souls appeared in front of him.


"What happened we were just now killed by tang san" they though when they appeared in a mysterious place.

"I will give you a chance and reincarnate you again back in time. Just be my wife and everything will be possible." Says the mysterious being(Nishant).

They couldn't help but felt the desire to be with him as his wife (due to his wishes about soulmate).they nodded.

As they said"we will be your wife but why did you choose us ?"(due to him being their soulmate)

"Because I love you ,as I watched you I slowly fell in love with you . At first I thought it was lust but it turned out to be love." As the mysterious bring (Nishant) says with a voice full of love and gentleness.

They were boy he attracted towards him as their soul found the important part of life that has been missing.It was like being hypnotized by him.

"Ok I understand you and you will be our husband." Says the both soul seductively.

"There will be changes in your martial soul. As Bibi dong's martial soul will be a divine sixteen winged fallen angel , a demonic sword and demon gods eye . And as for Qian renxue's martial soul will be divine sixteen winged holy angel ,a angelic swore and angel gods eye ."says the mysterous being(Nishant) and snaps his finger to let them reincarnate in the past.


After they dissapeared,he became shy and thought what nonsense he was thinking and acting all mighty.

To tell the truth he was a bit too surprised as they accepted him as their husband.And as he thought about it, he became red.

Then he thought of the mysterious entity and asks him to make his wish true.

"Hmmm, that's a lot you're asking for . But, since I'm in a good mood, I'll grant your wishes" .. said the mysterious entity and snaps his barely visible fingers.

Nishant's vision goes dark again after the snap.

"Hehehehe, give me some entertainment boy" said mysterious entity looking at Nishants's soul combining with an underdeveloped fetus in the douluo continent.

Nishant didn't know that, the cause of his death was none other than the mysterious entity itself. Yes, you got it right.. the black thunder was indeed caused by the mysterious entity . As for why he did that, it's simple he wanted to find himself some entertainment.