
Soul Land: Exposing Tang San

Transmigrating into Douluo, Su Yun discovered that his Martial Soul was unexpectedly the Blue Silver Emperor, Ah Yin. "Alright, Tang San, I must expose your true face!" Su Yun declared. "Sister Yin, actually..." Su Yun began, but Ah Yin interrupted him. "Little Yun, Tang San is not my son; he has been possessed by someone! You must help me kill this scoundrel who stole my son's body!" Ah Yin explained urgently. "???" Su Yun responded, perplexed. Ah Yin continued, "He possesses many Soul Skills and cunning weapons I had never seen. Be careful." "???" Su Yun repeated, still confused. Ah Yin reassured him, "But do not worry, even though I am just a Martial Soul, I have awakened a system. I will definitely help you become stronger!" "???" Su Yun remained baffled. What? What was going on? Wasn’t I the transmigrator? Why wasn’t the system bound to me? Several years later, Su Yun stood at the pinnacle of the empire, embracing Ah Yin, looking down at Tang San below. "Mom!" Tang San called out. "Su Yun, help me kill him!" Ah Yin demanded. "Alright, my wife," Su Yun agreed. Check out my Patreon to read advanced chapters: p@treon.com/anish_44.

The_Grand_Warden · 書籍·文学
110 Chs

Chapter 72: The Strong Su Yun, The Embarrassing Dai Mubai

Chapter 72: The Strong Su Yun, The Embarrassing Dai Mubai

A shockwave rippled through the gathering as Dai Yin witnessed the unexpected. He never imagined Su Yun would actually stand up and audaciously announce his relationship with Zhu Zhuqing.

Is he really the Pope's new disciple? Such audacity!

Su Yun's clear, youthful voice swept across the entire banquet hall. Everyone's eyes, filled with astonishment, turned towards the seven-year-old Su Yun and Zhu Zhuqing. Everyone was aware of their identities: one, a young lady from the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire; the other, a new disciple under the Pope of the Spirit Hall.

Given the relations between the Star Luo Empire and the Spirit Hall, such a union was unthinkable!

Ah Yin, witnessing Su Yun's daring proclamation, was momentarily unsure whether Su Yun genuinely liked Zhu Zhuqing or was merely helping her escape the Star Luo Empire. Regardless of his motives, Ah Yin found Su Yun incredibly handsome at that moment.

Zhu Zhuqing, hearing Su Yun's declaration, blushed and then startled. She was overwhelmed by the piercing gazes from the crowd around her. What on earth was he saying?!

Sister Nana, Yan, and Xie Yue, hearing Su Yun's words, nearly dropped their wine glasses in shock, especially Yan, who was utterly dumbfounded. "This Su Yun... how bold he is to claim the fiancée of the Star Luo Empire's prince in front of everyone?!"

Xie Yue, however, remained silent, sensing an illogic in Su Yun's sudden announcement. As far as he knew, Su Yun and Zhu Zhuqing had just met. Despite his youth, Su Yun seemed too astute to recklessly declare their relationship at such an event. What was his true motive?

Among the Golden Generation trio, only Sister Nana was genuinely taken aback. She had only intended to encourage her little disciple Su Yun, not expecting him to actually follow through! Could this lead to a diplomatic incident?

At that moment, Chrysanthemum Douluo, seated with a Soul Douluo from the Star Luo Empire, was equally shocked by Su Yun's statement. This kid really knew how to stir trouble, publicly claiming the fiancée of a prince from the Star Luo Empire!

Despite his internal complaints, Chrysanthemum Douluo remained calm outwardly. "Indeed, Su Yun is a new disciple under our Pope," he confirmed.

The Soul Douluo from the Star Luo Empire then inquired, seeking clarification on Su Yun's statement, emphasizing Zhu Zhuqing's status as a member of the Star Luo Imperial Family and the fiancée of their Third Prince. He insinuated that the disciple of the Pope seizing another nation's prince's fiancée could spark controversy.

Internally cursing, Chrysanthemum Douluo wished he could slap the Soul Douluo next to him. If not for the need to maintain diplomatic stability, he would have dealt with him already. His mission was to ensure a smooth interaction with the Star Luo Empire while maintaining the upper hand.

"Ha ha, it must be a joke," Chrysanthemum Douluo quickly interjected, trying to diffuse the situation. "Su Yun is only seven years old. Children often speak thoughtlessly. It's common for them to feel fondness towards Miss Zhu from the Zhu family."

His explanation seemed reasonable enough for a child's words, leaving the Soul Douluo from the Star Luo Empire with no grounds for objection. However, the Soul Douluo didn't give up, casting a suggestive glance back towards Su Yun and Zhu Zhuqing.

As the conversation between the two high-ranking individuals paused, a younger generation's confrontation reignited below.

"Mr. Su Yun, are you trying to sabotage the relationship between the Star Luo Empire and our Spirit Hall?" Dai Yin, having his purpose exposed by Su Yun, struggled to maintain composure as he questioned.

Su Yun replied with a sharp wit, "What relationship? If my affection for someone can ruin the relationship between the Star Luo Empire and the Spirit Hall, it only shows how superficial the relationship is. If that's the case, such a relationship might as well not exist."

His words caused a stir among the Star Luo Empire's nobles. They knew the Empire's deepest resentment was the existence of the Spirit Hall. Because of the Spirit Hall, they couldn't completely dominate the Douluo Continent, having to share power with the Heaven Dou Empire.

Any powerful nation would be unwilling to coexist peacefully with a lesser power. But the Spirit Hall's influence, with its numerous titled Douluos and countless soul masters, could sway the outcome of any conflict between the two empires.

Su Yun was right. There was hardly any relationship to speak of between the Spirit Hall and the Star Luo Empire. If the Empire ever gained enough strength, their first target would likely not be the Heaven Dou Empire, but the Spirit Hall!

Dai Yin, stunned by Su Yun's boldness, was about to retort when he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Dai Weisi, the Crown Prince of the Star Luo Empire, accompanied by Zhu Zhuqing's sister, Zhu Zhuqing.

Upon hearing Su Yun's audacious words, they immediately approached.

"Your Highness," Dai Yin respectfully greeted.

Dai Weisi nodded slightly, and Dai Yin retreated to his entourage.

"Greetings, Crown Prince Dai Weisi. I am Su Yun, a new disciple under the Pope," Su Yun greeted, then took Zhu Zhuqing's hand again, a gesture that startled the Crown Prince and his fiancée. They realized Su Yun might be serious.

"Pleasure to meet you, Su Yun," Dai Weisi replied courteously.

"Zhu Zhuqing is my brother's fiancée, regardless of the future, she is currently the fiancée of our royal family. It's inappropriate for you to hold her hand in such a public setting," Dai Weisi gently shook his head.

Dai Weisi didn't argue against Su Yun's earlier words but presented a fact.

Indeed, at least for now, Zhu Zhuqing's identity is still Dai Mubai's fiancée.

This was an undeniable fact.

Even if Su Yun is the Pope's prestigious new disciple, it doesn't justify forcibly taking someone else's fiancée, does it?

Zhu Zhuyun also spoke at this time, her gaze falling on Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhuqing, don't you know your own status?"

"You are now a person of the royal family. How can you trouble the Pope's disciple?"

"Come back here quickly."

Zhu Zhuyun's tone wasn't heavy, but it carried an oppressively looming pressure.

Hearing Zhu Zhuyun's words, Zhu Zhuqing involuntarily tightened her grip on Su Yun's hand.

Sensing Zhu Zhuqing's mood, Su Yun also gripped her hand tightly, offering her reassurance.

He didn't wait for Zhu Zhuqing to respond and chuckled lightly: "Future Empress, as I said, Zhuqing is now my fiancée, and no one can take her away from me."

Su Yun pulled Zhu Zhuqing behind him, his face adorned with a light, carefree smile, drawing everyone's attention to him.

Zhu Zhuyun's expression subtly changed.

Su Yun's words were a thorough slap in the face to the Star Luo Empire's royal family.

Forcibly taking a royal fiancée!

Had Su Yun not been the Pope's new disciple, they might have torn him apart.


"How is it too arrogant to protect someone I care for?"

Su Yun chuckled and said, "How about this, Prince Dai Weisi?"

"If you can promise me that if Zhuqing loses the battle for the throne, you will ensure she's unharmed and allow her to choose whom she loves to spend her life with, then today's incident can be considered mere nonsense on my part. How about it?"


The word 'impossible' flashed through both Dai Weisi's and Zhu Zhuyun's minds!

The struggle for the throne is always bloody.

Each generation's Star Luo Empire monarch ascends by stepping over the corpses of their siblings.

Releasing one is akin to setting a tiger back into the mountains.

How could they possibly allow such a thing?

Dai Weisi immediately shook his head, "This is a royal ancestral rule, we cannot defy it."

Su Yun chuckled, "So letting a girl lose her life for a prince who ran away is your royal family's ancestral teaching?"

"As far as I know, your second prince, Dai Mubai, has already secretly fled the palace, probably enjoying himself somewhere right now."

Dai Weisi unflinchingly replied, "My brother left the palace for external cultivation, not for indulgence in pleasure."

Dai Weisi only knew Dai Mubai seemed to have escaped to the Douluo Continent, but he didn't know his exact whereabouts.

But regardless, he couldn't let Su Yun's words tarnish their royal dignity.

"Prince Dai Weisi, that might not be the case."

As they spoke, a fragrant breeze suddenly wafted between Su Yun and Dai Weisi.

Hu Liena stood next to Su Yun, smiling at Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun: "As far as we know, your Brother has indeed joined a spirit master academy called Shrek Academy in Barak Kingdom within the Douluo Continent's territory."

"But well..."

Hu Liena's eyes narrowed like a cunning fox, smiling lightly: "His main activity these days seems to be visiting a Rose Hotel, always accompanied by twin sisters, living a very joyous life indeed."

Hu Liena's words immediately stirred commotion among the Star Luo Empire's nobility.

The Soul Douluo from the Star Luo Empire turned pale with anger upon hearing this!

Chrysanthemum Douluo, sitting next to him, couldn't help but burst into laughter, completely disregarding the Soul Douluo's displeased expression.

"Hahaha... The third prince of your royal family has quite the stamina, eh? Keeping up with twins, truly worthy of the White Tiger spirit... Hahaha..."

For a moment, many elders and nobles of the Spirit Hall were amused by Hu Liena's words.

The atmosphere once again became lively.

Other people go out for cultivation, but your Star Luo Empire's prince cultivates in the bed of a love hotel with twins!

Two words - Disgraceful!

"Hu Liena, slandering our Star Luo Empire's prince, even as the Pope's disciple, we will not easily forgive you," Dai Weisi's face changed upon seeing Hu Liena,

but he remained composed.

Hu Liena chuckled, "If you don't believe it, you can see for yourself."

"Everyone is here, so we can all go and verify."

The Spirit Hall had been secretly following Yu Xiaogang and naturally collected information about the people around him.

Regarding Dai Mubai's news, Hu Liena was also well-informed.

She didn't expect the Star Luo Empire's second prince to be training in such a rundown academy.

Hearing Hu Liena's words, Dai Weisi's face finally couldn't hang on.

Since Hu Liena dared to say so, it meant they must have evidence; otherwise, why would she say this about Dai Mubai in public?

Thinking of this, Dai Weisi inwardly cursed Dai Mubai for being a fool.

Why go out for women when you can have any woman you want in the palace? Now, they were put in a passive position!

The opponent is the Pope's new disciple, not inferior in status to you, a dying third prince!

If Su Yun is determined to keep Zhu Zhuqing, just these people and a Soul Douluo cannot stop the Spirit Hall.

(End of Chapter)

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