
Soul Land 2: Body Sect

A soul was brought to the Douluo Continent by the planet's consciousness to free itself from Tang San. Du Qianjue: "You, Tang San, want to make the Douluo Continent your backyard? Dream on!" If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

cortez10 · アニメ·コミックス
116 Chs

Chapter 100: Wang Xian'er (Part 2)

Chapter 100: Wang Xian'er (Part 2)

"You have a great-grandson?" Wang Xian'er was surprised. "I remember you saying you had no interest in women. When did you have descendants?"

Faced with Wang Xian'er's curious gaze, Du Busi's face darkened. "He's my brother's descendant."

"Oh, sorry, my bad. I should have known you're still the same old you," Wang Xian'er teased.

Du Busi used to be quite the hot-headed youth, almost a foolishly passionate one. Wang Xian'er, back in her younger days, wasn't as gentle as she is now; she was more like the lively and cheerful Ouyang Qian. Hence, their relationship was quite good.

Du Busi often said, "Women will only slow down my training."

Seeing that Du Busi hadn't changed his stance, Wang Xian'er couldn't help but laugh. It was only in front of their peers that they could drop their elder's facade and chat playfully and peacefully.

"Since you've asked, of course, I'll help. Is there a reward?" Wang Xian'er asked with a smile.

"What do you want?" Du Busi responded.

"I haven't decided yet. Let's say you owe me a favor. If I need your help in the future, as long as it doesn't trouble you, you have to help me," Wang Xian'er grinned slyly.

Getting an Extreme Douluo to owe a favor for a single treatment—what a bargain!

"As if you ever helped me without me returning the favor anyway," Du Busi sighed helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I misspoke. So, where's your great-grandson?" Wang Xian'er finished her tea, a bit impatient.

The injury shouldn't be severe; otherwise, Du Busi wouldn't be here leisurely chatting with her. Nonetheless, Wang Xian'er was curious to see Du Busi's great-grandson.

"Follow me."

Although Du Qianjue said his injuries would heal quickly with the life-restoring gold, Du Busi was still a bit worried. Since they were in Star Luo City, and Wang Xian'er, the continent's top healing soul master, resided here, it was convenient to ask her for help and catch up with an old friend.

The two super experts quickly arrived at the Star Emperor Hotel.

"The Star Emperor Hotel? Is your great-grandson a contestant in this tournament? Did he get injured in the competition?" Wang Xian'er looked at the hotel and then at Du Busi.

"He is a contestant, but he wasn't injured in the competition. Those kids don't have the capability to harm my great-grandson," Du Busi shook his head.

Wang Xian'er pondered. That sounded quite boastful, but thinking about the well-known Du Qianjue in Star Luo City recently, she felt she had her answer. After all, they shared the same surname, and he was a body soul master, which she had heard about before. Today, it was confirmed.

"Who's there?" Du Qianjue suddenly opened his eyes from his meditation, alertly looking at the newcomers.

A man and a woman stood in his room. Seeing them, Du Qianjue relaxed his guard and looked at them curiously.

"Great-uncle, who is this?" Du Qianjue looked at Wang Xian'er and asked Du Busi.

With Du Qianjue's strength, he could easily sense the vast soul power emanating from Wang Xian'er, quickly understanding that she was likely an old generation expert, though he didn't know exactly who she was.

"This is my friend. I asked her to come help treat you," Du Busi said.

"Treatment...?" Du Qianjue was somewhat speechless. "Great-uncle, I told you, I don't need treatment. These minor injuries will heal quickly on their own."

"Young man, don't refuse the care of your elders. Your great-uncle is very worried about you," Wang Xian'er said with a kind smile.

"Um... Are you the Medical Fairy Douluo, Wang Xian'er?" Du Qianjue asked tentatively. If it was about healing, then it had to be a healing soul master. In Star Luo City, the only healing-type Titled Douluo was the Medical Fairy Douluo mentioned once in the original novel. It wasn't hard to guess.

"You know me?" Wang Xian'er was a bit surprised. She had stopped walking the continent many years ago. Many people had even forgotten that Star Luo Empire had such a person. That Du Qianjue knew her was astonishing.

"Yes, great-uncle mentioned you. He said he admired you greatly but never had the chance to tell you," Du Qianjue grinned.

Du Busi's face instantly darkened. Damn it! When did I ever say that?!

"Brat, shut up!" Du Busi roared, grabbing Du Qianjue and giving him a good beating. With a healing-type Titled Douluo around, there was no fear of serious injury. If Du Qianjue got hurt, they would just heal him.

"Whack! Thud! Bam!"


A ruthless family beating took place in complete secrecy. Du Busi sealed the room with soul power and then pummeled Du Qianjue.

Wang Xian'er watched with an odd expression, glancing between the beaten Du Qianjue and the enraged Du Busi.

"Alright, alright, you two, stop it," Wang Xian'er said, massaging her temples in exasperation.

"Brat, say one more word and I'll send you back to the Body Sect to be the sect master!" Du Busi stopped and glared fiercely at Du Qianjue.

"Uh... heh heh!" Du Qianjue scratched his head, laughing awkwardly.

Of course, Du Busi hadn't used much force; it was just a bit of pain.

Wang Xian'er shook her head at the antics of the pair. Unfurling her wings once more, she channeled a dense life force into Du Qianjue's body. The room was immediately filled with this life force, and soft green light illuminated Du Qianjue.

Du Qianjue quickly sat cross-legged, planning to guide the life-restoring gold's power for his healing. With Wang Xian'er's help, it would be much easier.

The Life Eye on his forehead opened first, its hollow green gaze emitting an even denser life force.

Wang Xian'er was astonished. As soon as she saw the Life Eye, her spirit shivered with excitement, yearning for that green eye.

Suppressing her strange feelings, Wang Xian'er intensified her efforts, drawing out a vast amount of life force to trigger the life-restoring gold's power.

Du Qianjue's injuries began healing at a visible rate. Not only were his internal injuries from fighting Xuan Zi being treated, but the bruises from Du Busi's beating were also fading.

Feeling the healing power, Du Qianjue decided to release some life-restoring gold's power, extracting a ten-thousandth of its total energy.

The green light in his Life Eye flashed, and that tiny portion of life force turned into a beam of light entering Wang Xian'er's body.

"Mmm~" Wang Xian'er felt as if her very soul was being cleansed, letting out a soft moan.

(End of Chapter)